Metal Gear 4 headed for XB360?

^^ Insulting
Thats not an insult. I dont know where you got that impression. He said its crazy for him byhimself. I didnt call him crazy. Learn to read.

^^ So should you
Thats why I used the words "could" and "may". Again this is not an insult
Your post, the same one where you insulted the guy who talked about high attachment rates, you also felt a huge urge to defend the PS.

When you insult somebody, flat out say that "x360 attachment rate is normal" thus, denying facts, without even looking into it, and then go on and make a semi defensive post about the PS3, it certainly looks like you have an agenda. It doesnt matter if i agree with you or not.

What the hell are you talking about? You are the one with the agenda here. You are the one misinterpeting my posts.
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Oh and btw if you want to see me defending 360 there is a thread in these very forums about the high attachment rate with analysts claiming that the high attachment rate may indicate to problems about the 360 when I clearly defended the 360.

So please stop misinterpreting my posts, mischaracterising me and calling me things that have nothing to do with reality

edit: Btw if I sounded insulting I am sorry it wasnt my intention and I wasnt trying to be insulting.
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Thats not an insult. I dont know where you got that impression. He said its crazy for him byhimself. I didnt call him crazy. Learn to read.

It doesnt matter if you called him crazy or not, you denied what he said flat out, without even bothering to check into it, thats an insult where i come from. Its rude and insulting.

If you go post a fact about something, and somebody just says, "pfft your wrong", thats an insult to your intelligence. Its also the wrong way to debate.

Oh and btw if you want to see me defending 360 there is a thread in these very forums about the high attachment rate with analysts claiming that the high attachment rate may indicate to problems about the 360 when I clearly defended the 360.

i dont give a rats ass if you defended the 360 or not or if your biased to one console. However,you have to admit, that the whole post, where you straight out deny somebodys statement (when what he is saying is correct) and then post alot defensive stuff about the PS3 (everything you said there is true, but that doesnt matter), it clearly looked like you had some kind of ****** agenda.

So please stop calling me things that have nothing to do with reality

I havent called you anything, you however have questioned my ability to read.

Anyways, if you want to take this discussion further, take it to pms, this topic is ruined enough as it is.
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It doesnt matter if you called him crazy or not, you denied what he said flat out, without even bothering to check into it, thats an insult where i come from. Its rude and insulting.

If you go post a fact about something, and somebody just says, "pfft your wrong", thats an insult to your intelligence. Its also the wrong way to debate.

i dont give a rats ass if you defended the 360 or not or if your biased to one console. However,you have to admit, that the whole post, where you straight out deny somebodys statement (when what he is saying is correct) and then post alot defensive stuff about the PS3 (everything you said there is true, but that doesnt matter), it clearly looked like you had some kind of ****** agenda.

I havent called you anything, you however have questioned my ability to read.

Anyways, if you want to take this discussion further, take it to pms, this topic is ruined enough as it is.

Here we go again. I didnt deny flat out anything, I didnt say he is wrong.You want to see it that way fine I dont care. I found 360's attach rate a normal phenomenon. He things its crazy. *shrugs*
If thats such a big deal for you then I ll make a post especially made for you in which I ll write how crazy the attachrate is and how mindblowing and such and that it should get in the world record guiness. At least that way you may calm down and stop making this thread revolve around me

You keep trying too much to misinterpret what I said due to your already predetermined and biased opinion.

Its not my problem. Your posts are proof. Its your fault if I questioned your ability to read because you are the one who insulted me here trying to force the wrong impression about me. You are still keep going at it too. Give up
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What's there to laugh?
MGS4 will be using the motion sensing for various movements, and that already would make the xb360 port inferior to the PS3 version.
And I wouldn't be surprised if the PSP - PS3 interoperatibility would also be used in MGS4 gameplay, but that would of course be optional, like using the PSP as Snake's codec (or the little robot companion's display).
What's there to laugh?
MGS4 will be using the motion sensing for various movements, and that already would make the xb360 port inferior to the PS3 version.

And the PS3 lacks any tactile feedback (rumble) which Kojima has used extensively in previous iterations of MGS and has stated that he'll "miss [implementing] it" in MGS4. Trading one form of interactivity aka experience for another doesn't make it "inferior." So, what's your point?
My point is that MGS4 already is known to be using motion sensing, the lack of rumble doesn't change that.
What's your point? xbox360 port would use rumble and PS3 motion sensing? But you can't replace one with the other.
I don't think they'd make one port with extensive motion sensing features, and other with extensive rumble features.
What's there to laugh?
MGS4 will be using the motion sensing for various movements, and that already would make the xb360 port inferior to the PS3 version.
And I wouldn't be surprised if the PSP - PS3 interoperatibility would also be used in MGS4 gameplay, but that would of course be optional, like using the PSP as Snake's codec (or the little robot companion's display).

As I mentioned earlier, probably the least of their worries when porting MGS. As Avon_Implosion posted on the previous page, I think I would worry more about hardware specific code being ported. Going by history, theres not too many 100% perfect MGS ports out there.

And the PS3 lacks any tactile feedback (rumble) which Kojima has used extensively in previous iterations of MGS and has stated that he'll "miss [implementing] it" in MGS4. Trading one form of interactivity aka experience for another doesn't make it "inferior." So, what's your point?
I wouldnt say MGS has used it extensively, just in smart and innovative ways. MGS1 was probably the best use during Psycho Mantis. Since then, it has mainly around cutscenes that rarely change the gameplay. IMO I think thats depending on how far and how well Kojima goes with the motion sensing; it could be easy or problematic to fiind ways to exchange motion for rumble. Motion sensing is more of an input by the user and rumble is more of an output of the game for more interaction to get the player "into" the game. We will have to wait and see. But I think exchanging button interfaces and thinking of different methods will be a much easier task than porting code over.

As for the overall topic, certainly anything is possible. Especially with new console life cycles changing the economics of the scene. In a way it wouldnt surprise me with the way most games are going with multiplatform and timed exclusive releases. On the other hand, Kojima sounds pretty set on the PS3 based off past interviews and trailers. Everything from hints of "sony suggesting konami" to do something one way, to "ending the console war on ps3" in the TGS trailer.

Who knows, anything is possible. :LOL:.
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My point is that MGS4 already is known to be using motion sensing, the lack of rumble doesn't change that.
What's your point? xbox360 port would use rumble and PS3 motion sensing? But you can't replace one with the other.
I don't think they'd make one port with extensive motion sensing features, and other with extensive rumble features.
The potential substitutes for each are rather different though.

If you want to replace the information given by rumble in MGS, you can easily use sounds. Instead of rumble for the heart sensor, just use a heartbeat sound. Actually, is there anything else it's used for other than gun recoil and damage? Off the top of my head I can't think of anything across the three games..

Replacing motion sensing (assuming Kojima will use it intensively, and given the fact he was one of the only developers to use the pressure sensitive buttons for almost everything I'd expect a lot from motion sensing) would be a lot trickier. The extra control it should give players of Snake will be a lot harder to replicate with standard controls, IMO. Of course I could be wrong, but I really don't see motion sensing just being used by Kojima as an alternative to sticks, but as an addition of control to Snake.

Let's not get a vs. thread going though! ;)

edit: Badboy's pretty much said the same thing in his last paragraph. Nice to know it's not just me!
Well it looks like thisis proven false, though now it looks like MGS 4 Subwhatever is a big possibility.
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I don't think anyone knows if there is going to be a MGS4 port to the 360, maybe not even Konami.

I think it will depend on several things. How many PS3 consoles there will be out there and how many copies of the game they sell for example. If they feel that after 6 months or whatever the sales do not correspond to their expectations they might make is quick cash in port, most likely even crappier than the MGS2 for the xbox.

So to me the most likely scenario is that they release the game for the PS3, and do not mention anything about a 360 port, as to not disturb its sales on PS3 and then later on maybe release it for the 360, a bit like the GTA on PS2 and xbox. I don't see them having any reason to announce it for the 360 unless they intend to release it for both platforms almost simultaniously...
I don't think anyone knows if there is going to be a MGS4 port to the 360, maybe not even Konami.
Absolutly, I guess they will release the game fall 2007 if anything is fine, early 2008 is still possible.
That let a lot of time for the market to mature.
A lot of editors are happy about the fact that the market is likely to be more even this gen, so editors will be less dependant on a brand for theirs choices and royalties negociations will be more opened.
At this point a msg4 port is too much anticipation, and more It could help to kill Sony's ps3 on the western markets.
No editors who see a more even market as a strong opportunity, will push the market in a way that will push them in the hands of the almighty MS...

(my english is horrible today :oops: soory)
Konami: "MGS4 is exclusive to PlayStation 3"
Monday 18-Dec-2006 10:27 AM Metal Gear 4 doing a 360? "MGS4 is exclusive to PlayStation 3", Konami tells CVG

13 CommentsThe internet was aflutter with rumours this weekend, as reports speculated that the massive PlayStation 3 Metal Gear Solid instalment, Guns of the Patriots was stealthing its way over to Xbox 360 - rumours that Konami has since debunked to CVG.

"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

The original internet report pointed at the MGS instalment branching-out onto multiple platforms due to Konami's concerns that there won't be enough PS3s in gamers' hands by the time it hits shelves.

Though going by the company's official word, it looks like there'll be no Solid Snake action on Microsoft's console for the time being. We wouldn't totally rule out a 360 version in the long term, but you can bet the game will be exclusive to PS3 for at least a year.

We'll be sure to pipe up if Konami flips its stance.

At least for a year will be a PS3, exclusive.
Darn! another fantasy ruined ..But I'm sure this topic will still be popular (and the fantasies will continue)
At least for a year will be a PS3, exclusive.

Correction it will be exclusive for ever, MGS 4 subwhatever will most likely be on 360

Darn! another fantasy ruined ..But I'm sure this topic will still be popular (and the fantasies will continue)
It seems this fantasy continued right into another franchise ;)
What's there to laugh?
MGS4 will be using the motion sensing for various movements, and that already would make the xb360 port inferior to the PS3 version.

That might be true if moving your controller was actually superior to moving a thumbstick, but it's really just a different method of control.

By your continually messed up logic, every Wii port is 'superior' to it's 360/PS3 equivalent.

Anyways I don't expect this to come, and don't really care either.
That might be true if moving your controller was actually superior to moving a thumbstick, but it's really just a different method of control.

By your continually messed up logic, every Wii port is 'superior' to it's 360/PS3 equivalent.

Anyways I don't expect this to come, and don't really care either.

In a sense moving your controller IS superior to moving thumbstick.

I don't really care about all this mambojambo surrounding the motion sensing but I still have to admit that Wii controller has its advantages to the Xbox360 controller for example.
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