Barely supported the first one, wanted to go away after 15 minutes of the second, now, will I go see the third one... hum... maybe I'll dl it....
What I dislike about the Matrix is
1) KEANU REEVE, seriously :?
2) Try to make every scenes hyper-cool and just end up looking fake, but that would be funny if it wasn't for 3.
3) Try to be serious sci-fi, while the entire story (up to now at least) is pure crap. Everything they says, everything they do, everything that happen doesn't make any fucking sense, it's just there to be coooooool, yeah, right.
I understand why a select group of peoples who are either, able to shut down their brain while listening at those movies (I did try but I can't do that with that serie, don't know why, I generally love shit and crap in a lot of genre, but not in that one) or just don't have any brain cells at all. In both case using drugs should help, but since I don't...
As for Reloaded, I expected a LOT more action then what I got, and at least the story/dialog crap in the first one was interesting, which wasn't the case with the second. I mean, even Hulk was better then Reloaded.
What I did I like was the special effects (tho they didn't merits the award over ep1) and the fights are not too bad, though I've already seen all that "kung fu" before.
As far as block buster goes, the best one I've seen this year were Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean. Next big one will be RotK, the (2?) great battles should be fun, that should makes up a little bit for all the crap he added to the story.
P.S. The fight scene with the 100s of Mr. Smith was really cool, if only there have been more scenes like that...