Basic flaws of capitalism.
Competition doesn't really solve the problems once a company is big enough to use predatory practices, buy competitors, and sue for trivial patents that they bought using their billions in profits, but it's invariably worse under a monopoly. Workers are paid as low as they can. Product quality is also as low as they can. Profit is, sadly, the measure of success in American society, and it's necessarily paid for by the working class, both as employees and as consumers, this isn't going to change any time soon.
A market where a company makes a huge amount of profit is a significant indicator of failure of the capitalism ideal. It means fair competition didn't happen, the working class lost against the rich, and their own government didn't step in to regulate.
Back to Naughty Dog... the console makers are currently forced to compete among equally strong competitors. This is a great thing that doesn't happen often, we should appreciate it while it lasts. It can help Naughty Dog get a better production budget for their games, because money will have to be invested into first party games instead of being taken as profit. The PS3 and XB1 were designed under a leadership that was arrogant because of the PS2 and 360 success, respectively. OTOH, the PS4 was designed while Sony became an underdog. Without Microsoft and Nintendo breathing down their neck, the PS3 would have been the dominant platform and profitable. It would have justified the arrogance, and we would never have the PS4 as is it right now. Worse, we wouldn't have Knack, I couldn't live in such a world.