That would really surprise me. I could imagine they do a new retail box that has the Move logo on it or something like that. The current beta is far too close to that release date and their numbers aren't good enough. We'd have known about it by now. And when is Socom 4 coming again? I think it's a mistake, unless like I said it is some kind of Move edition or something.

Apparently there's a new version of the beta out (1.03?) and some of the Move support issues have been addressed, like the ironsights not snapping to the pointer position, now working correctly.

We’ve decided to extend the online hours of the MAG Beta in order to allow more people access to our newest upcoming content. Instead of the current two four-hour time slots, we’re now going to run a single session that’s a full 12 hours in length!

The new beta session schedule is as follows:

Hawaii: 5am-5pm
Alaska: 7am-7pm
Pacific: 8am-8pm
Mountain: 9am-9pm
Central: 10am-10pm
Eastern: 11am-11pm
GMT: 3pm-3am

The MAG Beta will continue to be run Monday through Friday.

MAG 2.0, is not only our biggest and most important patch yet, but also one that’s less than a month away!

We’re calling it “MAG 2.0″ for a reason and it’s because of the sheer number of fantastic new additions, including:

* PlayStation Move support

* An increased level cap that goes to level 70

* A revamped Skill Tree that allows for the deepest character customization and specialization ever found in a first-person shooter

* A brand-new in-game economy that lets you earn credits to spend on weapons and items from the also-new “Supply Depot”

* Our useful “Clan Deploy” feature that enables clan leaders and officers to queue up to 128 of their fellow clan members into a single game

* A “MAG News” page that brings players up to date on all the latest happenings the moment they log in

* A multitude of updates that refine existing weapons, maps, and vehicles

* Important bug fixes and other enhancements that streamline the overall experience

We’ll have specifics as to what else is in the MAG 2.0 patch as we near its release.
MAG Beta Patch 1.04 was out last week. This post caught my attention:

Lag is *not* there. MAG has the greatest, most precise pointer aiming now of ANY Move game. Better than Flight HD, the shoot, SC menu and any other. MAG pointer == laser pointer.

My settings are:
Type: Custom
Pointer speed: 50
Hip-shooting bounding box: 100 Tight Horizontally (the beta has a bug in that the bigger you make the bounding box, the tighter it actually is).
75 Tight Vertically

MAG Beta patch 1.04 Move controls:

+ Pointer is super precise and lag free. It's *perfect*. I have played Conduit and Metroid Prime super tuned and MAG is the absolute finest now.
+ They now have Free-look Ironsights (like KZ3 and Conduit). This means that the ironsight strafes around the screen precisely where you aim.
- They have yet to add Free-look Ironsights in Custom settings (the only settings where you can adjust bounding box settings)
- We can't keymap yet. For Move controls I would like to have aiming on the R2 and reload on O.
I am confused ! :LOL:

I use a vertically inverted camera. With Move, it's non-inverted because the player points at where he wants to go. I often ended up looking at the sky or the ground. In general, lost. :)

What confused me even more is I won every direct encounter so far. The above poster is correct, the pointer is really sensitive (significantly more precise than the usual menu selection pointer). May be they have weaker armor than me.

Oh boy, this is going to take some time to adjust. :)
Seems like it's pretty much like the beta, with all the silly little upgrades still present. It's more of a step backward if ask me.
I spent most of my beta time learning the new map, and fighting with/against the Move control scheme.

I only used up half my skill points. It didn't make much difference yet. I'll see if I get slaughtered by SVERs and Valors tonight.
I left my MAG in the office, but here's Click's MAG 2.0 impression. He's one of the best players in the GAF RFOM clan years ago:

Zipper only tweaked the beta a bit so if you've played the latest version of the beta, then you'll know how 2.0 plays. They slowed down the sprint speed a bit so it's not broken like it was in the beta. The knife is no longer overpowered (IMO) because it requires you to be extremely close to your opponent to kill them... the way it should've been from release but I guess it's better late than never. Without the ridiculous run speed and extended reach, the knife is quite balanced now.

ALL guns are extremely powerful and deadly like they were in the beta. Basically, everyone dies a lot easier / faster now compared to pre-2.0. Zipper needs to nerf the shotgun and LMGs (again) because these guns are overpowered (again). If they can properly nerf the shotties and LMGs, while leaving the ARs and SMGs alone, it would balance everything out. The shotguns can kill people from about 20m+ out and the LMGs have little to no recoil again. Oh yeah, 3rd tier Sniper Rifles can now 1-shot people even with 120 health. Maybe you can survive with better armor but the Sniper Rifles are now OP'd as well... At least SVER guns are on par with the other PMCs' guns now, so I'm happy for the time being.

Claymores have been buffed A LOT. 1 claymore can kill someone at 120 health. I was wearing the 2nd lightest armor, with 120 health and fully upgraded Explosive Resistance and still died to 1 claymore. Before this patch, it took 2 simultaneous claymore explosions to kill someone with 120 health and Explosive Resistance. Explosive Detectors will become very important to have once people figure out how overpowered claymores are now. Judging by the patch notes, it seems like the anti-tank mines will also be very powerful.

It sucks that they added an ammo resupply skill because you now have to invest 3 skill points to fully upgrade that category in order to resupply at normal, pre-2.0 speed. If you don't have any resupply skill, it takes about 2 seconds for your character to make 1 "grab" out of the ammo box. This is ridiculous and it takes forever to fully resupply a depleted loadout, especially if you are using an Assault Rifle. They shouldn't have messed with the resupply time and shouldn't have implemented a resupply skill. It's pointless and annoying. You're already vulnerable while resupplying pre-MAG 2.0. Now, you're practically a sitting duck for about 10-12 seconds when you're trying to resupply.

I didn't put any points into the vehicular skills, nor the engineering skills, but I'll give some feedback when my clanmates spec into them. Some people in my clan actually wants to be "vehicle specialists" and someone wants to put points into the repair kit skills that allows you to damage vehicles and infantry, lol.

The new Clan Deploy feature if fucking awesome. Zipper did a pretty good job with this. If you have a large, active clan, you can now fit (I think) up to 32 players and all simultaneously launch into any game mode together. We only had 18 players on (at the same time) today so we didn't get to completely fill up the entire platoon with R*S. You get to choose which squad you want your clan members to be in prior to queuing up. It's very cool and useful because clans can now make specific squads and balance out their talent if they have over 9 or 10 players online.

This feature will eventually piss off a lot of players that don't play with a clan or doesn't have a lot of clan members online, because it's not fair when you're up against 2 or more squads full of players in the same clan. However, it'll be a great way for multiple clans to battle each other once everyone figures out how to properly use this new feature. You can see other clans utilizing the Clan Deploy feature on the side bar and see how many players they have in their Clan Deploy lobby.

The only thing I wish Zipper included in Clan Deploy is the ability to have voice chat in the lobby. There is absolutely no voice communication when you're inside the Clan Deploy lobby, so you're stuck with text communication via PSN chat room. I hope Zipper will patch voice chat into Clan Deploy in the future.

All in all, MAG 2.0 is a great patch. I personally like it a lot. They've fixed so many things I've wanted them to fix and added a bunch of new features everyone have wanted to see in MAG. Clan Wars is the only thing that's missing now but I guess Clan Deploy is a nice consolation prize. Zipper just has to make some nerfs and changes to some weapons and skills. If they can balance out the shotguns and LMGs / MMGs, I'd have little to complain about... except for the lag, but I guess that can't be helped because the playerbase just isn't as large as it used to be.

Playing with DS3 in the office mostly because my family is hogging the 2 Move controllers at home.

The patch list does not describe all the changes. For me, the best fixes are the map updates, which is a pleasant surprise.

There were some areas in the existing maps where enemies can hide to pick us off easily. Those hiding areas are more open now. They also moved some supply depots around to balance the pace better (e.g., relocate supply depot further away from initial spawn point). The changes can be major in some areas. e.g., Part of the Valor and SVER Acquisition maps opening areas are quite different now. I don't have the full picture yet since I didn't get a moment of peace to scout around. Overall, I like the new old maps. ^_^

For a level 60 soldier, it plays like MAG 1.x for me. I invested points in similar areas as my old build.

The second most noticeable thing to me is the shotgun. Visually, the range seems quite long. You can get hurt like 20 feet away (but you won't die). Once you stay out of that visual range, it seems to deal no damage to me.

The third thing is the default game mode. For some reason, the game keeps selecting Interdiction as my default game mode even if I have been playing Acquisition. Wish they make the mode sticky. If I'm not careful, I will end up in Interdiction.
I spent most of my beta time learning the new map, and fighting with/against the Move control scheme.

I only used up half my skill points. It didn't make much difference yet. I'll see if I get slaughtered by SVERs and Valors tonight.

The new patch introduced more bugs into the game. My PS3 froze 2-3 times in 6-7 hours of gameplay yesterday.

Finally get to customize my Move controls following iWaggle's recommendations:

Player rotation - 80
Player pitch - 80
Gesture Sensitivity - 65
Scope Sensitivity - 70
Normal play bounding box - Pitch 30 / Turning 0 / Pointer Sensitivity 40
Fixed Iron Sights - OFF
Iron sights bounding box - Pitch 40 / Turning 10 / Pointer Sensitivity 50

In some ways, it's less sensitive but I gain slightly more control.

I'm still infinitely more used to DS3. This new scheme makes it easier to shoot. I have trouble switching weapons/medical gun and reloading. It's a step up from the default scheme nonetheless. If you want to try Move on MAG, it may be better to start with the above settings.
Yeah… they messed up the stability and disconnection:

We just wanted to drop a quick note to say that we’re well underway addressing a few disconnection and freezing issues that some users have encountered after updating to MAG 2.0. We’ve identified the causes and are working to get the fixes out to you as soon as possible. We don’t have an exact date on when it’ll be available, but it’ll certainly be sooner than later.

Patch v2.02
Available October 27, 2010 | 35MB (TPPS), N/A (DLS)


Modified FRAGO bonuses so that they are applied more evenly for players located on the upper floors of multi-storied buildings

Fixed problem that prevented PlayStation Move users from controlling their character while parachuting

Updated PlayStation Move “Aim” tuning values


Fixed various game crash scenarios

This past summer, many of you took part in our latest MAG Beta program to help us test out a number of new features slated for our recently-released update, MAG 2.0, and future DLC. Thanks to your devotion, we gathered a surplus of fantastic data that allowed us to make MAG a better game… and we’re not done yet!
Though the MAG 2.0 patch has been available since the end of September, the DLC portion of the beta has remained unreleased — but not for too much longer. Starting November 2, our three-faction gunplay whirlwind, the “Escalation” Add-on Pack, will be available for download from the PlayStation Store for $9.99 (US)!


* Interdiction Add-on Pack: Now $4.99 (US); reduced from original price of $9.99 (US)

* MAG Starter Kit: $14.99 (US): An almost $30 (US) value and everything new MAG users could want: Interdiction and Escalation Add-on packs, a 30-day trial for MAG character slots B and C, six official MAG PS3 avatars that sport Raven, SVER, and Valor characters and badges, and three dynamic PS3 themes (one for each PMC).

May be they want to consider a different model since they roll out DLCs rather quickly. More and more DLCs splinter the user base over time.
May be they want to consider a different model since they roll out DLCs rather quickly. More and more DLCs splinter the user base over time.

Had they made the basic MAG package a $14,99 download, I'd have it on my harddrive already a long time ago, and then probably buy all of the DLCs. They should really consider making MAG a digital distribution title! It was great for Warhawk, and I'd love it for this.