The new podcast is up. Has some good info. New vehicles are coming, and new maps for those vehicles. More weapons that aren't just slightly improved versions of old ones, and new tech gear.

The existing weapons are also going to be improved upon, in almost exactly the way I wanted it. :D
Less stability for the MG while running. Reduced cc cost for SMGs, ARs, and the shotguns, to make the MG relatively more expensive. And a more predictable spread for the shotguns.

Teamkilling will also be fixed.
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Yes, an in-game tactical map would make sense. I was thinking more about the "war room" scenario where generals can view the battle in progress and give orders to platoon leaders etc.
This is what such a game needs, as it's trying to simulate the battle situation. But with players ignoring orders, it's only half a fix. They'd need to address the whole cooperation and following orders thing. eg. If an officer orders some soldiers to launcha frontal attack that will result in them dying and affecting their KDR, even if vital for overall success, plenty of players won't want to be the pawns.

Perhaps they should do away with the Lone Wolf option, and only award progress when a player does what their officer orders, irrespective of whether it's a good plan or not? And orders would need to cover things like, "You and you, take out that sniper and secure that hillside." Perhaps officers should get no points at al except at the end when their soldiers award them, so that bad officers never get points and don't get commissioned, whereas good officers get highlighted and troops would be more willing to serve under them?

In essence the game wants two different types of gamers - FPS fans to be the troops, and RTS fans to manage the battle.
This is what such a game needs, as it's trying to simulate the battle situation. But with players ignoring orders, it's only half a fix. They'd need to address the whole cooperation and following orders thing. eg. If an officer orders some soldiers to launcha frontal attack that will result in them dying and affecting their KDR, even if vital for overall success, plenty of players won't want to be the pawns.

Perhaps they should do away with the Lone Wolf option, and only award progress when a player does what their officer orders, irrespective of whether it's a good plan or not? And orders would need to cover things like, "You and you, take out that sniper and secure that hillside." Perhaps officers should get no points at al except at the end when their soldiers award them, so that bad officers never get points and don't get commissioned, whereas good officers get highlighted and troops would be more willing to serve under them?

In essence the game wants two different types of gamers - FPS fans to be the troops, and RTS fans to manage the battle.

I think the moment you start adding more complex strategies to MAG, the more difficult it's going to become for players to understand and take advantage of those strategies. You might end up with less strategies overall, and players abandoning a too complex game.

I like the FRAGO because it's simple yet effective. Sure there are some down sides to it, like all defending on the FRAGO'd objective might not be the best defence. But it's an easy way to get all eyes pointing in the same direction. If your squad is noticing you making good use of the FRAGO and giving good orders over your mic, they are more likely to follow your orders.

And more complex strategies can still be accomplished with a clan, who you'll know are going follow your orders.

The first thing we need before increasing strategic possibilities, is better training for what we currently have.

If you let random players rate their leaders with points, they are just going abuse the system. Like right now, voting off a good leader because they would rather have the leadership position.
Perhaps they should do away with the Lone Wolf option, and only award progress when a player does what their officer orders, irrespective of whether it's a good plan or not? And orders would need to cover things like, "You and you, take out that sniper and secure that hillside."

This sounds like a really bad idea. Cooperation should never be forced. For good players, often lone wolf is the only rational choice. On average 90% of all FPS players on consoles act like absolute retards. for anybody that is half decent, being forced to team up with these people only hampers their own progress, and most often also deteriorates your own teams winning chances.

Perhaps officers should get no points at al except at the end when their soldiers award them, so that bad officers never get points and don't get commissioned, whereas good officers get highlighted and troops would be more willing to serve under them?

This is a good idea, but can be abused.

I want to point out that if you play in CLAN matches. People are gonna follow orders and cooperate.

Public matches are just random for fun matches, where nobody that is half decent is going to be willing to sacrifice himself for some retarted officer giving bad orders. Forcing this will just cause people to start playing another game.
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I wonder if the game will play well if we all only have 1 life or may be 2.
That'd change the tactics considerably, but how would newbies get anywhere? Or what happens if you get unlucky? Basically everyone would be uber-cautious and not DO anything until snipers and covert ops had whittled down the enemy. Everything would come down to a death-match war of attrition.

I think the moment you start adding more complex strategies to MAG, the more difficult it's going to become for players to understand and take advantage of those strategies.
What I have in mind is a general selecting troops and waypoints. The player would just get an order from a selection, like "secure this point", and have his area marked on his map.

Basically FRAGO's, just settable anywhere and issuable to indivodual soldiers rather than the whole squad. The general wouldn't be playing MAG, but playing an RTS game, seeing the troops, selecting them, issuing orders and following outcomes. Unlike any other RTS, he'd get feedback from the squad leaders what they were facing, which would be kinda cool.

Overall I think it'd work as a game, but you'd never manage to build a game around the idea. Anyone wanting to be a general would have to wait ages before a game came up, and competition would be fierce. Assuming anyone even wanted to play it.

And more complex strategies can still be accomplished with a clan, who you'll know are going follow your orders.
Clans. See point below...

This sounds like a really bad idea. Cooperation should never be forced. For good players, often lone wolf is the only rational choice. On average 90% of all FPS players on consoles act like absolute retards....
I think this is the crux of the matter for me. As I see it, MAG is a 'professional' FPS for serious gamers. Anyone wanting to just run around and shoot people can play any of a dozen other shooters. If the intention of MAG is proper battlefield maneouvres and strategies, it needs high-level organisation and troops who'll follow orders. Without that, it's just another shooter with a vague user-definable objective system.

As you say, a good Clan leads to a good battle. MAG seems designed for good clans. The developers probably worked in close-knit teams and were anticipating that behaviour. I feel the box should have 'Member of a good clan' listed as a requirement. :p
What I have in mind is a general selecting troops and waypoints. The player would just get an order from a selection, like "secure this point", and have his area marked on his map.

Basically FRAGO's, just settable anywhere and issuable to indivodual soldiers rather than the whole squad. The general wouldn't be playing MAG, but playing an RTS game, seeing the troops, selecting them, issuing orders and following outcomes. Unlike any other RTS, he'd get feedback from the squad leaders what they were facing, which would be kinda cool.

Overall I think it'd work as a game, but you'd never manage to build a game around the idea. Anyone wanting to be a general would have to wait ages before a game came up, and competition would be fierce. Assuming anyone even wanted to play it.

I think this is the crux of the matter for me. As I see it, MAG is a 'professional' FPS for serious gamers. Anyone wanting to just run around and shoot people can play any of a dozen other shooters. If the intention of MAG is proper battlefield maneouvres and strategies, it needs high-level organisation and troops who'll follow orders. Without that, it's just another shooter with a vague user-definable objective system.

As you say, a good Clan leads to a good battle. MAG seems designed for good clans. The developers probably worked in close-knit teams and were anticipating that behaviour. I feel the box should have 'Member of a good clan' listed as a requirement. :p

I'm not really sure about that one anymore. The potential is there, but the game isn't being played like that. OICs aren't communicating with their platoon leaders other then the occasional tactical refresh coming up. And platoon leaders aren't guiding the squad leaders towards some overall strategy. Giving orders to individual random players probably won't make them work together any more then what we have now. Ordering a whole squad to attack an objective at least has the advantage of there being a good chance of some of them following your orders. And at worst you be going alone but still receiving the FRAGO bonus on anything you do.

I think MAG is more about a reasonable amount of teamwork, while still being accessible for the average gamer, and on a larger scale then most games. Forced teamwork might take some of that accessibility away.

In some ways MAG is a good clan game, but in others it isn't. For a proper clan game I would want custom games for setting up clanwars. And much larger parties. I don't think either of those are going to work too well with MAG right now.
That'd change the tactics considerably, but how would newbies get anywhere? Or what happens if you get unlucky? Basically everyone would be uber-cautious and not DO anything until snipers and covert ops had whittled down the enemy. Everything would come down to a death-match war of attrition.

Make it a custom game option.
I think this is the crux of the matter for me. As I see it, MAG is a 'professional' FPS for serious gamers.
MAG is no different than any other FPS except for scale and ability to set user defined objectives. Its no more serious and no more professional than any other game.

Anyone wanting to just run around and shoot people can play any of a dozen other shooters.

Again, this comes back to CLAN vs public matches. Take any game, even say MW2, which most people here think revolves around just running around shooting at eachother randomly. (which it does in public matches). Watch a public match. Then watch a clan war. Suddenly, everybody acts like a team, with tactics and strategies and all.

Public matches are just supposed to be about fun. Which means, do whatever you feel like. Clan matches are about winning. Which means people will do what it takes to win.

The "problem" as i see it, is simply that you want MAG to play like it does under clan matches, with teamwork and all. You feel that this is the way MAG is intended to play. You cannot force this in public matches. (see the sucky players vs good players, and playing fun arguments).

Trying to do this, will just remove the fun from public matches, which ultimately will just remove players from the game.

And the solution for you, is to get into a clan, and play with them.
The "problem" as i see it, is simply that you want MAG to play like it does under clan matches, with teamwork and all.
Because that's how it was described and the intentions of the developers, was it not? They added FRAGO's and squad leaders to facilitate teamwork for that very purpose, and there PR campaign talked about leaders changing the tide of the battlefield.
And the solution for you, is to get into a clan, and play with them.
Well I already had a solution - I didn't care enough for the game (or shooters in general) and got rid of it. :p However, the 'problem' here is whether a game should target the organised-military style or not. Much of the discussion in this thread has been about how MAG does or doesn't facilitate that, which shows it's important to the game. I certainly don't remember talk on other shooter threads grumbling about players not following orders and objectives not being met and issues with decent squad leaders etc.
When I played Resistance 2, almost everyone followed the AI voice even if they were sent back and forth between 2 points repeatedly.

Perhaps, Zipper can allow the leaders to send commands via the AI.

I would try a custom game of limited lives first though.
Finally back with Raven, and their properly accurate guns. Although now I still need to go through the slow process of unlocking everything again. It's very annoying to be being made bad at everything again. I'd feel like huge let down to my team if I wasn't forced to make up for their incompetence. I was going wait with signing up for squad leader until I got the necessary equipment to actually lead the charge. But if they aren't going do a proper job, I might as well take it and get some free points from airstrikes.
Finally back with Raven, and their properly accurate guns. Although now I still need to go through the slow process of unlocking everything again. It's very annoying to be being made bad at everything again. I'd feel like huge let down to my team if I wasn't forced to make up for their incompetence. I was going wait with signing up for squad leader until I got the necessary equipment to actually lead the charge. But if they aren't going do a proper job, I might as well take it and get some free points from airstrikes.

Welcome back ! I'm fiddling with 3D Dot Heroes now. Will take a couple of days to mob up.

It's difficult to cover for team mistakes alone. Do you yell commands at them ? coz when I played with you guys, you're mostly quiet like me ! ^_^
Here's a good post asking Zipper about MAG's design flaws:

Click was one of the best players in GAF RFOM clan. ^_^

Here're the questions he asked Scott Rudi, the designer of MAG Live:

How come you didn't make the better, modded versions of the LMGs and sniper rifles weapons that you EARN, but instead, allow everyone to download them? This effectively made the original / regular versions of these guns obsolete. Also, these are the 2 weapon categories that have been abused by most players. Did we really need more people using LMGs and sniper rifles?

Very good points and all I'll say is that you should see any more of that kind of stuff. All future weapon additions will be actual new weapons rather than variants.

My 2nd question is related to the first one. How come there is no incentive to "vet" over to another PMC? We get nothing but a stupid PSN trophy and a small XP bonus. It's more frustrating than rewarding to switch PMCs, given the fact that we have to start all over again at level 1; without any skills or weapon enhancements. The first 30 levels can be unbearable at times, especially without a clan to back you up. This is where Zipper can take a page out of Infinity Ward's book. Encourage your veteran players and reward them for sticking with the game, keeping the online community populated, competitive, and healthy. Having a different colored name for each time we "vet" would be nice. Allowing us to pick 1 weapon to use from previous PMCs that we've played for would be nice. Or like my first question stated, giving us upgraded versions of weapons would be a cool reward, instead of handing them out to everyone for "free." All those ribbons and medals are no good to us in-game. If there's not much incentive to do well and keep playing, especially with existing issues in the game, people are going to leave the game (which most of the 700,000+ people that bought MAG already have).

Under discussion right now here, so don't have many details right now for you. I do like the idea of some perks for vetting, but we have to consider that not everyone wants to do that, so we don't want to short them, either. There's some forum discussions on this as well that we're keeping up on, too.

Is there going to be a better clan system / update in the future? The current system isn't bad but it's also not good. It would be nice to have a real clan leadership system. It's annoying to have to scroll through eveyrone in the clan to find those that are online. Group the online members up top. The leader of the clan is no different than officers of the clan, other than the fact that the leader can kick anyone out, even officers. Any officer can promote or kick any regular member, which makes no sense. We also need a better party screen. There is no way to tell who is talking in the party.

We're doing lots of work on improving clan support and features for a future update. Keep your eyes open for announcements from Dunham for details, but know that this is an area we're taking very seriously.

Why can't we have more than 8 people in a party? I understand that it may be unfair to have a huge clan of 32+ people join a game together and steamroll through the opposition, but it's unfair to leave out friends or clan members due to the party size limit.

Yup - the balance issue is why you currently can't join in groups larger than 8, but we think some of the things we're working on now will help address this. Not saying that we're changing that limit, but we want to support larger groups of players in a clan who want to all play together. Again, can't give any details other than watch for Dunham's announcements when the time is right.

Why hasn't the Raven Domination map been fixed yet? It is the worst map to defend, as I've detailed in this post. SVER's Domination map is extremely hard to win if you're the opposing team. I can't believe 2 out of the 3 Domination maps are STILL broken 4 months after this game's release. Domination is the game mode in which MAG differentiates itself from other online shooters. It can also be extremely fun if not for the fact that it's unfair to play due to map imbalance. I understand it's very difficult and takes a very long time to change / balance maps. However, 4 months is more than enough time to get this done. Most people don't even play Domination anymore due to queue time, caused by map imbalance. Acquisition is dead because it's a bad game mode. Sabotage seems like the only game mode people play these days...

Why isn't there a penalty for quitting out of games before they start or even during the game? I've seen so many people quit just because it's an attack game. Because of quitters, many games end up being unfun, unfair, lopsided test of patience and sanity. Disable the leave game button if people use it a certain number of times within a short period. Sure, stat-padders and a-holes will still find ways to quit out of games (unplug ethernet cable), but at least you'll make it harder for them to ruin other gamers' experience.

Is there a patch that will give us a map rotation system? It's terrible when we have to play the same maps over and over. The game already has a problem with the amount of maps it has. This is compounded by the fact that the "Shadow War" was never fully realized, map imbalance, and not having a good map rotation system.

Working on all of these issues and we know how serious the impact is on the game. Still working out what we can say and not say about these issues, other than we're fixing them and workign on getting them to you - no one is sitting around here, be assured of that. Gah - I apologize for my lame responses. *sad smiley*

The last question I can think of right now is for a clanmate from Europe (Spain to be exact). He has quit MAG recently because Domination is not a viable game mode for him to play anymore. Why did you guys (or SCE) shut down the European servers? He used to be able to play Domination fine before, but now gets over a 3,000 ms ping. Yeah, that's over 3 seconds worth of lag just because he plays in Spain. Is this because there aren't enough players in Europe? Or is it because of something else?

Wow - I was unaware of any sudden net issues in Europe. I'll get some net guys to see what's going on. Thanks for the heads-up!

Anyway, I hope at least a few of my questions get answered. I loved the Q&A you had in the 4th podcast and I appreciate you trying to answer all of our questions here. I just hope you and your team can do a better job at patching MAG in the future. Rather than saying you're going to do something, actually do it. Show us disappointed fans and gamers that Zipper isn't all about lip service.

Even more frustrating for us, actually. We ARE doing lots of stuff (patching better sums up a lot of it quite well, in fact), but can't quite communicate all the details about stuff until we're told the time is right to do so. For this you have my apologies. *another sad smiley*

He also asked Byrne some questions in the link, but have not received any answers yet.
Welcome back ! I'm fiddling with 3D Dot Heroes now. Will take a couple of days to mob up.

It's difficult to cover for team mistakes alone. Do you yell commands at them ? coz when I played with you guys, you're mostly quiet like me ! ^_^

I put a bit more effort into it if I'm squad leader on Acquisition, at least if I notice they are actually following my orders. I like to change Frago around quite bit, the game will give an automated response to it, and it keeps the squad focused on whatever is most important at moment.

The discussion on the official forums on perks for vetting is usually about whether or not we should get extra skillpoints or cc for it. Some like the idea, others feel it will unbalance the game. The only idea a clear majority likes is, vets somehow having access to the guns from any PMC they have been in. I really hope we get something like that, or this was probably the last time I've switched PMCs.