Huh, I seldom get killed by Valor mines in Objective C. It's very useful there since there are so many choke points.
It's a bug. In the same way I got the gas grenade when I vetted from Raven to Valor. Last time was Valor to SVER, but I didn't get anything for it.

Zipper is looking to maybe reward veterans with something extra, because it's such a popular request in the community. As long as it's not something game unbalancing like extra skillpoints or cc.

Anyone try the improved lightarmour yet, we with the last DLC? I think it's great. It lets you move just as fast as with the lightarmour, but with better protection. The difference in protection between the lightarmour and heavyarmour is in most cases just a single shot. Making the difference between the mediumarmour I previously used, and the improved lightarmour almost negligible, but I save 200cc in my loadouts.
Have not tried the light armor. Using the new enhanced light MG.

It looks like in Sabotage, there are twice as many soldiers in SVER than Valor or Raven now ? It used to be like that but it became more balanced for a while, then it's back to this again. 8^/

EDIT: I enjoyed fighting SVERS on Raven maps. They usually go for speed and are seldom distracted by snipers. :)

Had another great game last night where I had to resupply 3-4 times. It's fun to try to trim down their numbers as they charge towards and across the top deck in Objective B.
I play MAG whenever I start my PS3 (before playing the latest game). So definitely very curious about this MAG Live thing. I sure hope it's something like LBP where we can custom design our own mission.
Yeah, they keep referring to some big DLC being announced this month. On last weeks podcast one of the devs. had to rate it on a scale of 1 to 11. She gave it a 10, and stuff she's working on now for an even later update an 11. They also think of MAG itself as a platform, one they'll keep added stuff to, and one that will be very different a year from now.

Of course all of that is rather vague, but it does seem that Zipper has made big commitment to MAG.

They are also working on improving some of the maps, like they did with SVER Sabotage. Because the Acquisition and Domination are a lot bigger, requiring a bigger update, they aren't going to release to them until they are sure they got it right. And better clan support is also in the works.
Yeah, they keep referring to some big DLC being announced this month. On last weeks podcast one of the devs. had to rate it on a scale of 1 to 11. She gave it a 10, and stuff she's working on now for an even later update an 11. They also think of MAG itself as a platform, one they'll keep added stuff to, and one that will be very different a year from now.
Sadly for them, they didn't provide enough variety or address the issues that held the game back enough for me (and many others) to sell my copy. Then again a year from now, if there's anything worth going back to, MAG should be in the cheapy-section.
There seems to be new players joining though. I'm surprised some of them fell for my old tricks ;-)

Cornsnake said:
They are also working on improving some of the maps, like they did with SVER Sabotage. Because the Acquisition and Domination are a lot bigger, requiring a bigger update, they aren't going to release to them until they are sure they got it right. And better clan support is also in the works.

I don't get a lot of SVER games these days. I found other ways to tackle Objective C. :) Now I have an easier time spanking SVERs from flank.

A handful of tipsters recently sent in a link to a survey currently being distributed by Sony, which appears to test the waters regarding two updates considered for Zipper Interactive's big ol' shooter, MAG. The first article of interest in the survey is a reference to an "Interdiction" mode, in which 128 players from two factions would fight over three neutral objectives, removing the attacker/defender dynamic of the game's other main modes. The survey also inquires whether we'd purchase this content for $8.99 (or $12.99, depending on the participant's earlier answers).

On the very next page, the survey mentions an offer which would give MAG players an extra character slot (presumably opening up the option to belong to more than one faction at a time) for a fee of $.99 per month.
Yap, and adding a new game mode is unlikely to expand the user base... unless they can train/turn users into more effective team players.
I once bought a map pack for Rfom. 2 maps for up to 40 players. And then I found out only 1 of my friends had also bought them. And when we played on those maps, we would only ever get 8 player versions, because there simply weren't enough players for the 40 player maps.

I can't really imagine them finding 128 players for a paid for gamemode to play together. Not with queue times as bad as they already are.
Yea Zipper should have given it some thoughts, cause their game isn't like other games where you release a map pack & forget...not with the queue system they have.
I think this is more Sony trying to see how well to community would take to different pricing or subscription models for online games in general. Rather then Zipper doing something like this to MAG in the near future. Kind of like Sony's survey a while back on charging for extra services on PSN.

The whole thing just doesn't seem to fit MAG too well. Paid for maps or gamemodes makes no sense like I've said before. And if you want an extra character slot to try out a different PMC without giving up your current PMC, you can do that right now by using a different PSN account.

I think we'll get a better idea of where Zipper wants go with MAG once they release the "big" DLC.
I would be curious enough to spectate how good teams work their way up the chain (from squad level efforts to all out 128 player carnage).

You know what ?

If MAG supports Playstation Move, the leaders would be able to scribble their plans (like NFL coaches) on the map. They can update it on the fly easily too. I want that.
If MAG supports Playstation Move, the leaders would be able to scribble their plans (like NFL coaches) on the map. They can update it on the fly easily too. I want that.

They could also have a Warhawk style space in Playstation Home where the OIC, Platoon Leaders and Squad Leaders could meet to plan the battle, test strategies etc. on a tactical map. Taking this one step further it would be nice to be able to watch other games in progress (tactical map view) in the Home space while waiting in the queue.
Yeah, I prefer an in-game strategy map though. The one in PS Home is fine for out-of-band discussion, but people seldom use it.

I can use the in-game map to pin-point enemy location, their numbers, and vector. Whenever the map is updated, the squad leaders/company should receive a notification.
Yes, an in-game tactical map would make sense. I was thinking more about the "war room" scenario where generals can view the battle in progress and give orders to platoon leaders etc.