To me that might improve the LMG, since its just ingrained into me to aim for center mass, it takes serious conscious action for me to aim for the head. So this means that with the new recoil, I might finish off a 3-5 round burst with 1-2 head hits..

:LOL: That's what I call Positive Thinking.

I am waiting for them to add Ghille Suits to the game.

My favourite weapon is the Apex-100. F90 is ok (noticeably weaker than the MG), but it's great to carry so many grenades (or grenade + launcher).
To me that might improve the LMG, since its just ingrained into me to aim for center mass, it takes serious conscious action for me to aim for the head. So this means that with the new recoil, I might finish off a 3-5 round burst with 1-2 head hits.

I think the point is to (again) prevent the LMG from being used to snipe.
The network code of this game is tantamount to broken IMO. Last night I played several games. The first couple I could empty an entire rifle clip at someone, scoring 8 or 9 hits around the head area, and not down them. Yet on a later game, I could drop someone in 2 or 3 shots. The variation is impossible! Too many games turn into bitching rants as everyone with a headshot cursing with exasperation at their inability to kill the enemy. I used to blame bad games on the poor (non-existent) balancing, but I think just being a network game is as much a culprit. It wasn't that the opposition were better shots than me; it was that my contributions were being gimped.
Going by their names, these are alternate version of the starting sniper rifle.

I do find their choice of DLC a bit odd. This is the second type of weapon that gets hated on for ruining MAG. The MG for being overpowered, and the sniper rifle because it's users have a name for sitting back in the spawn point and generally being useless for the team.
Going by their names, these are alternate version of the starting sniper rifle.

I do find their choice of DLC a bit odd. This is the second type of weapon that gets hated on for ruining MAG. The MG for being overpowered, and the sniper rifle because it's users have a name for sitting back in the spawn point and generally being useless for the team.
Yeah. I don't see their balancing efforts and actually balancing. More imbalancing in different directions. They boosted the already overpowered MG, so then added extra recoil, which actually only has an impact for beginners who haven't got the aded stability. It's no less dangerous, but does make a new player's life even harder. I don't really see anything wrong with the current sniper options. At the moment the other weapons are pretty limited, knifing seems borked, and battles tend to be MGs+Snipes more than anything.

If anything Zipper need to focus the weapons to be less versatile, requiring more specialisation. The MG should be an entrenched defensive weapon, and not a run-and-gun weapon. Movement should be slow. But the way the maps are laid out, I don't think that'd actually work, because you could never find a safe spot to set up for long enough to something worthwhile. And if people can't run around shooting and healing, they won't use the MG making it redundant.

TBH I think they'll be changing things here and there but the end result will be overall no better than now, and balance will never be found.
Yeah. I don't see their balancing efforts and actually balancing. More imbalancing in different directions. They boosted the already overpowered MG, so then added extra recoil, which actually only has an impact for beginners who haven't got the aded stability. It's no less dangerous, but does make a new player's life even harder. I don't really see anything wrong with the current sniper options. At the moment the other weapons are pretty limited, knifing seems borked, and battles tend to be MGs+Snipes more than anything.

If anything Zipper need to focus the weapons to be less versatile, requiring more specialisation. The MG should be an entrenched defensive weapon, and not a run-and-gun weapon. Movement should be slow. But the way the maps are laid out, I don't think that'd actually work, because you could never find a safe spot to set up for long enough to something worthwhile. And if people can't run around shooting and healing, they won't use the MG making it redundant.

TBH I think they'll be changing things here and there but the end result will be overall no better than now, and balance will never be found.

From what I've heard the recoil mostly effects the last tier MG. There are still some complains about it being overpowered on the official forums. With players wanting it to either cost more cc, or reducing it's stability while run-and-gunning even further. The latter was being considered by one of the devs.

The AR should be the overall good, but no best at anything gun. But right now the MG has to much advantage over it, and takes it's place. Also because the AR only has a small amount of ammo.

The shotgun I still find to be too randomly effective. Now that the hip fire accuracy has returned I'm more effective at hip firing the AR at close than using the shotgun. IMO they should tighten the bullet spread of the shotguns to make it more reliable. And maybe reduce it's damage at distance to keep the effective range the same.

Other then this I'd say the guns in MAG are pretty well balanced.

About the knife being borked. Anything in MAG seems to be borked unless you buy the upgrades for it. That's probably the only reason we can buy things in MAG. The sniper rifles are particularly bad because some bits only fit on one sniper rifle, yet you'll need to buy something to get to the next tier.

@Patsu. The last patch (this week on monday) had the MG fix.
About the knife being borked. Anything in MAG seems to be borked unless you buy the upgrades for it.
I think it's the lag issue. I have the upgrades and knife people without killing them, or miss then 2 inches in front of me. I even knifed a guy after shooting him twice last night with the accompanying squish sound of knife-in-body and he survived to kill me. Then you have enemy who can run through a hailstorm of head-on MG fire at their head and survive to knife you in the face. The knife just isn't dependable; although some depth perception to know when they're actually in range would be nice. But even then, you can knife people running through them, and they pass straight through unscaved. I don't see that my investment in knife skills has actually had any improvement.

That said, chances are in a tight, non-laggy game it makes a big difference.
At least for Valor, the last-tier MG isn't really overpowered (or at least not compared to the Mk1 LMG). It fires more slowly and was already much less useful for 'sniping' than other MGs. Add to that -5- point cost and extra CC cost.

The thing is, what's the role of each of the guns? The LMG is the most versatile weapon, by a good degree -- large magazine and ammo lets you keep going for longer without restock, good damage and rate of fire make it pretty good up close, good accuracy and stability make it good at range. And the moderate CC cost makes it fit well into almost any build.

If the LMG is the jack of all trades, then what does that make the assault/battle rifles? Entirely situational, dependent on the silencer?

And Shifty, regarding lag, I'm pretty sure this game uses 'zero ping'-type tech. Lag won't really be a big influence as to whether you hit or not, but rather if an enemy sees/reacts to you before you have a chance to (such as the knife vs. knife situations). I probably play with more lag than you, since there are no local servers and I haven't run into any of the problems you describe. I certainly don't have to lead targets significantly to hit them.
And Shifty, regarding lag, I'm pretty sure this game uses 'zero ping'-type tech. Lag won't really be a big influence as to whether you hit or not, but rather if an enemy sees/reacts to you before you have a chance to (such as the knife vs. knife situations).
I plain don't believe that. Whatever the problem is, lag or something else, I have definitely experienced a complete inconsistency between rounds, from aiming to knifing. I've been shot round walls, and I've been snipered only to see the bullet trail 2 foot above my head. The only explanation I can come up with is what I'm seeing is not what the actual game state on the servers is. On my PS3, if I knife someone it'll play the sound of a hit, but if the server sees the enemy wasn't within reach, it won't record the damage and they won't die. And if I have someone in my sights and shoot, the only explanation for not hitting them is if though they are presented in that position on my PS3, on the servers they're actually somewhere else. That's why in some games a shot from the sniper rifle when they're on the dot is a hit, while in others I need to lead them by a foot.
Most of the clan I'm in are from america, so we often play on their servers. The lag gets absolutely horrible, duck behind a wall and still get killed more then a second later, getting knifed from meters away, I shoot, hear the gun go off, it hits nothing at point black range, and I die. It's very annoying playing games like that.
That's what I thought. The lag gets more noticeable in late nights for me (EU and Asian players coming on board). If I play during NA hours, it's fine.
I plain don't believe that. Whatever the problem is, lag or something else, I have definitely experienced a complete inconsistency between rounds, from aiming to knifing. I've been shot round walls, and I've been snipered only to see the bullet trail 2 foot above my head. The only explanation I can come up with is what I'm seeing is not what the actual game state on the servers is. On my PS3, if I knife someone it'll play the sound of a hit, but if the server sees the enemy wasn't within reach, it won't record the damage and they won't die. And if I have someone in my sights and shoot, the only explanation for not hitting them is if though they are presented in that position on my PS3, on the servers they're actually somewhere else. That's why in some games a shot from the sniper rifle when they're on the dot is a hit, while in others I need to lead them by a foot.

That's very odd. My experience is more like Cornsnake's, but every bullet I fire at someone that should hit, does. There's no need to lead anyone, there's just 'zero ping' lag.

Most of the clan I'm in are from america, so we often play on their servers. The lag gets absolutely horrible, duck behind a wall and still get killed more then a second later, getting knifed from meters away, I shoot, hear the gun go off, it hits nothing at point black range, and I die. It's very annoying playing games like that.

Right, this is more like it. Usually the lag disparities are always tied in with being killed right afterwards -- i.e. the thing I thought I did, I didn't do.
The network code of this game is tantamount to broken IMO. Last night I played several games. The first couple I could empty an entire rifle clip at someone, scoring 8 or 9 hits around the head area, and not down them. Yet on a later game, I could drop someone in 2 or 3 shots. The variation is impossible! Too many games turn into bitching rants as everyone with a headshot cursing with exasperation at their inability to kill the enemy. I used to blame bad games on the poor (non-existent) balancing, but I think just being a network game is as much a culprit. It wasn't that the opposition were better shots than me; it was that my contributions were being gimped.

Most of that has to do with the different amounts of health people have, not the netcode.

There are TONS of different things that contribute to how many shots it takes.

1) Do they have 120 health or 100 health?
2) Light armor? Medium? Heavy?
3) Are they full health, or have they taken damage?
4) Are they in the process of being healed?
No, I don't think so, due to the inconsistencies. I'll repeat my previous examples. I played a game, versus RAVEN in RAVEN's map, where it was next to impossible to kill anyone, no matter the range. And yet they were downing us like flies, including managing to kill me with full health with a single shot from an MG which wasn't a headshot. That's not possible! And then the following game, I was able to fire or four or five rounds to drop baddies who were 'fresh' out of the spawn-point. I've had moments where I've run through the enemies back-line and downed three soldiers I quick succession with the same clip of AR, aiming for the heads, and yet in other games can't kill a guy two feet in front of me. And as the knife is always supposed to be an instant kill, there's no valid explanation for knifing people (after shooting them even!) and them not going down beyond the game not being properly represented on the local machine.

Have you not heard it youself when playing, sometime the entire squad is complaining about not being able to kill anyone, uncliding decorated officers at times. If the game were consistent, people wouldn't be saying, "what the hell, that's impossible! I emptied and entire clip into that guy's head." In games where it's working for me and the response is as expected, there's no chatter about how everyone's missing and no-one's going down.
Regarding the Lag issue, I'm up to level 56 and I can honestly say I've only had 1 or 2 games where lag was a problem and it wasn't me but another squad member that was complaining about not being able to kill anybody after a headshot at point blank range, knifing etc.

My question is does the netcode have to cater for any problems with the users internet connection that causes packets to be lost etc?