What did Kotaku learn from their call-for-participation in MAG ?

MAG certainly isn't a game for everyone, but its handling of massive online engagements with little lag is something all first-person shooter fans should experience. Add to that the myriad of upgrades and command positions and you have a fun little time-killer for strategy gamers. What would have pushed this game past average is a bit more attention to the look of the game and lot more time spent explaining how those constant battles you fight impact this persistent shadow war.

I was hoping he dives into the details of his campaigns with Kotaku readers (like how they all suffered and died hugging together). Too bad he went for the general observations.
Here's the video of a 128 player photo session:

and here's the outcome:

If they gather Raven soldiers for photo session, I wonder how many will do this. :)


I'll try your route when I move away from Sabotage. Will see if people learn by that time.
Haha, that's pretty cool. Surprised at how smooth it looks considering there's 128 people on screen.

Reviews on this game seem very mixed ranging from average to very good. I hardly play online games anymore otherwise I'd probably be all over this.
It's a missed opportunity for quick adoption. I have a suspicion the game will do fine as long as Zipper patch in the missing training content.

I see more and more people joining and playing on my friends list.

EDIT: I hope they allow the users to design our own game modes. Since the commanders can already set way points, Zipper might as well allow them to designate playing area, target, objectives, points etc. to create our own mini-FPS games.
Here's a good description of the many strategic and tactical targets in MAG:

Your In Game Objectives AKA Understanding What The Hell is Going On (thanks Stabbity STYLE)

This information is about assets, which provide benefits for the defenders. They are found in Aquisition and Domination game modes.

Bunker: The bunker is one of the most important assets in the game. When defending, the bunker is your initial spawn point. They are the front line of defense and holding these is usually your top priority. There are four bunkers per front with one per squad, meaning a platoon covers an entire front. We have come up with shorthand for the bunkers, with them being numbered from left to right along the front (with the perspective of left/right/front/back being of the bunker/front). The two middle bunkers cover the gate (more on that in a second) while the outer bunkers generally cover infantry trying to pierce the front from the sides. The bunkers provides a turret, which can be manned and is very effective at suppressing the enemy and routing their paths to cover. Additionally, the bunker has rockets that are good at taking down armor, but the 2 rockets that it shoots before reloading aren't enough to take out an APC, so either another bunker or infantry with rockets/mines need to assist in taking them out. The bunker also provides a supply point, which you can use by entering the bunker on the right side.

Gate: There are two types of gates: Main gates and Infantry gates. The main gate is found in between bunkers 2 and 3 in the middle of the front. On Acquisition maps, the main gate is how you get the transport out of the defenders base. Attackers often try to bring an APC forward down the middle road to try and blow the main gate during the initial offence to breach the front and gain access to the base. This only really works if the attackers have already destroyed some of the bunkers or the defenders are doing a poor job of defending. When attacking, we generally avoid the gate until around the time we take down the AA (more on that in a bit). The other type of gate is the Infantry gate, which is found on Domination maps. Infantry gates block the attacker's path to the control points on Domination maps. Keeping these up prevents the attackers from gaining an easier entry to the point, but is generally a lot harder to keep up than the main gate because with the gates up there is no close exit to get out and defuse charges. Overall, the Infantry gate is a much lower priority asset than the main gate, but is still good to maintain.

Anti-Aircraft: The Anti-Aircraft battery (known as AA or triple-A) is right up there with the bunkers as a high priority asset. If the AA goes down, the attackers get a new forward spawn behind the defenders front line in the form of either parachuting or a helicopter. This effectively passes the bunkers (though the forward bunkers still allow the defenders to spawn forward and the turrets can take out parachuter's and the helicopters). There are usually a lot of attempts at infiltration behind the front line to take it out since even if you don't keep the forward spawn up for long, the more attackers behind the front line you can get, the more damage you can do to the enemy either in taking out assets or flanking the bunkers from behind. Since it can cause such havoc with the defenders, both sides need to keep an eye on it. Bunkers 2 and 3 are closest (since it's situated just a bit behind the main gate) and keeping an eye on it usually falls to them, but since you never really can tell who's competent on your team it's good to have someone on your squad available to get over there at any sign of trouble. Additionally, AA also prevents the attackers from calling in air strikes and UAV's. This provides an additional incentive for both sides. Any plane-based command ability (Squad Leader's UAV and Cluster Bombs, Platoon Leader's Precision Strike and Strafing Run) will be shot out of the air before carrying out their mission. Also, if you're calling in a Strike on another platoon's front (side of the map), their triple A needs to be downed.

Artillery: The Artillery, also known as the Mortar, is used by squad/platoon leaders for calling in bombardments. Taking this out means the defender can't call in strikes on your position, which is very useful. After taking out the bunkers and AA, this is generally the first asset we go for. While not quite as game changing as the AA or Bunker, it's still good to have up. Generally if someone has taken it down and the squad can spare a man, dispatching someone to fix it is a good idea.

Sensor Array: The platoon leader can call in a sensor sweep which I believe works the same way as a UAV (not sure, haven't actually used it before). Anyway, it's useful to keep up and the same rule for repair as Artillery applies here.

Motor Pool: The Motor Pool spawns transport vehicles, all of which have turrets. There are a number of uses the transports have, which I'll elaborate on. The first is blocking paths, such as putting two together on the main road to block an APC coming far behind our lines after the Main Gate is blown. They can also block the infantry entrances to the base behind the bunkers, which some squads choose to do. Another job is enemy harassment, since all transports have turrets on them. While not as durable as APC's, they come in handy once the enemy has broken through the defenses front line. They allow you to take out moderate amounts of enemies and draw their resources into fighting the transport instead of the proper assets that you're trying to defend. Since the Motor Pool is by the defenses rear spawn, destroying it after the front line has been destroyed is very difficult. The best two ways to take it out are either going behind their lines while the front line is still up or calling in a precision strike as Platoon leader after the AA is down. Priority on repairing it after being destroyed is fairly low when the front line is still active, so I'd recommend repairing it only if the Sensor Array or Artillery are down as well. However, if the front line is down, the Motor Pool becomes a lot more useful and should be given more priority, especially since it's so close to spawn.

Burn-Off and Cooling Towers: The Burn-Off and Cooling Towers are only found in the Domination game mode and are the main objectives before the capture points become active (more on that in a bit). The Burn-Off Towers are found in front of the main line of defense. However, with the bunkers still up capturing the Burn-Off Towers is pretty tricky. We generally try to take out the bunkers before going on the Burn-Off Tower (or get the Tower while the bunker is distracted by an assault). The Cooling Tower is found between the front line and the capture points and usually go down pretty quickly if the bunkers are already down. Your best bet at defending them is with your bunkers still up, but if they're not, you're pretty screwed. If you still have the bunkers up, you should send a man or two down to the tower that your half of the platoon is covering (there is a tower on the left and a tower on the right and the squads on the corresponding side generally cover their tower). Both towers need to be captured simultaniously (ie the attackers need to be in possession of both towers) in order to move on, which means that either your squad needs to cover both towers, part of your squad needs to harass the enemy at the other tower, or you hold your tower well and hope the other squads aren't a bunch of silly geese.

Capture Points: Also only found in the Domination game mode, Capture Points are labeled A through H. There are two points per platoon (much like the Burn-Off and Cooling Towers). The Capture Points are locked until the Burn-Off and Cooling Towers on that front are taken, so that the attackers can't sneak past your line and take the point. The points are pretty close to the defender's rear spawn, so defending them is relatively easy. The Infantry Gates I mentioned before are in front of these Points and help stall the enemies advance. Once at the Capture Points, there are a number of things going on. The defenders are going to try and get some of their assets up, which are in front of the Capture Points and by this point in attacker territory. They're also going to try and send a man or two to try and stealthily repair the bunkers and AA, though the main force of the squad should be focused on controlling the point.

Roadblock: Roadblocks are pretty ancillary, but they help you a bit. Mainly used on Acquisition (can't remember if they're on Domination as well), they block the path of the transport that is being defended. Keeping these up slows down the attackers as they try and leave with the transport. Their value for repair is dependent on how close you feel the enemy is to getting your transport.

Prototype Transport: The Prototype Transport, also known as the transport (not to be confused with the transport from the motor pool) is the main objective for the attackers in the Acquisition game mode. These are pretty fragile, so getting one out needs the bunkers down (at least the ones by the main gate). You'll also need the main gate down, and taking down some roadblocks wouldn't hurt. Getting in a position to get the transport out safely requires a lot of teamwork and coordination.

Bridge: A lot less common, it's sort of like a reverse roadblock. The defenders want the bridges blown so the enemy can't bring anything across them and the attackers want to repair it. Around the same priority as the roadblock on Acquisition maps. There is one on the SVER Domination map on one of the fronts that has a lot higher priority since it basically acts as a secondary main gate in front of the line, but keeping it down requires a lot of coordination.

All right, that's basically it for assets. The squad leader should have a good idea about how all of these play together and can issue orders accordingly. Hope this has been helpful.

EDIT: Look at the above assets, come on, release some new game modes that let the game become the LittleBigPlanet/Modnation Racer of FPS. You're very close now (though still a shit load of work to do). Use the same huge maps but allow commanders to select which part to play in. The ranking, factions, weapons, objectives, in-game selection UI and mechanics have all been defined, we only need to pick what and how we want to play.

Today, the commanders are supposed to tell us the best attack plan, just like creating a mini-game level anyway. Let the players execute the plans and the better executer gets to win the game.

But before that, finish the training videos (quickly) and any other server fixes. Would be nice if Zipper could publish some info about their new server tech. If you want to, you can even let players submit (training and captured) videos for sharing.
MAG 1.01a incoming

we’ll be implementing a tiny little patch (300KB) early tomorrow morning that will automatically download as soon as you start the game. This particular patch mends an issue with our skies that should give you slightly better visual fidelity when you’re looking upward.

Before the patch is available, however, we will be performing a number of maintenance fixes on the server-side as well – which means there will be downtime sometime during our usual window of 1am Pacific/ 4am Eastern/ 9am GMT and 3am Pacific/ 6am Eastern/ 11pm GMT.

MAG Patch v1.01a


Resolved issue that caused banding and/or artifacts in the sky.


Server performance enhancements with a focus on reducing lag issues.
Lowered chances of encountering 5:5 errors
Added additional statistics-focused servers
Added additional servers for Japan.
Reduces the amount of time after a game finishes before stats post to account.

We just updated the blog.

This is a small update for now, but we will have a larger update coming not too long afterward (exact time TBD)

Among the fixes in this patch is fixing the statistics issues we've seen for the last few days.

Note: Unfortunately, there could be side-effects for some users regarding stats. This will not happen to everyone, but some users may experience a permanent stats loss for the time affected, while others may not -- It's a case-by-case basis. Stats already accrued before the errors are not affected.

Hopefully I'll get my ribbons back.
I wonder if the large patch will see balance changes. Really, the idea of allowing anyone to defend any map is the best one. For one, it increases the effective number of maps if you can play maps from different angles.
Lately I have gotten into games with guys that communicate and plays as a team and then the only games that we have any serious problem with is against SVER on Sabotage & Domination on Defence, others we have been able take.
Whelp, I lost all games tonight (Can't concentrate because I was working at the same time). Had a blast with chemical grenade, claymore and machine guns. Need to go home to freshen up, before I hop back to work again. It's 7:05am !

Machine gun + heavy armor is the way to play the game. ^_^
That's my next target. Originally, I wanted a 4 x scope or a foregrip first. But health seems more important. I can save the armor weight for something else.
This is a rather disappointing patch. My stats and ribbons that I missed are permanently gone, half my stats are still disappearing and reappearing, there are connection issues, and the respawn bug still remains.
This is a rather disappointing patch. My stats and ribbons that I missed are permanently gone, half my stats are still disappearing and reappearing, there are connection issues, and the respawn bug still remains.

What happened ? Other than 2-3 second teleportation about 3 times so far, I have not encountered any issue at all.