Lumines site updated


Dunno if this was covered elsewhere (did a quick search on the forums) but the Lumines site has some new content, including some gameplay screens.

Dunno what to make of it really, as my japanese isn't quite up to the task, I guess I'm interested. What struck my attention was the fact that the launch date is still 2004.12.12 - have I been blind or did it actually launch alongside the PSP?

Oh yeah and the url is the same old
Yeah, many people have the game and there are impressions all over the place. It does what it promisses to do, it's basically a Rez-tris :)

Gamespot has some nice gameplay videos with direct feed music.
But what is the game? A tetris kind of game?
Yes, a tetris-like puzzle game where you match colors. But the real draw is that by playing it, you affect the music that plays in the background - thus the 'Rez' reference. It's easy to understand if you watch some of the Gamespot videos. The guy behind this game is the same one who was the head of Rez team (Tetsuya Mizuguchi).