Hah, this reminds me, I'm in a bit of romantic trouble myself(only it's on a nigh impossibility scale... ).
_xxx_ said:I promised an update, so...
Nothing happened with the girl I was talking about. She kinda totally isolated herself from everyone in the last few weeks and I'm also fed up with waiting as well.
But: I met another wonderful girl and she is fortunately 100% normal and very spontaneous. So that's where the music plays now
_xxx_ said:No, just reasonable
Humus said:Don't suddenly send an email pouring out your entire heart's content, like I did ... Which leads to the next lesson, don't use email. It's a horribly bad medium to communicate emotions.
silence said:that is your dark side talking.
_xxx_ said:No, the dark side would have used the opportunity to have sex with HER best friend, which really tried hard to seduce me last weekend (probably just for competition, you know how women are in that regard). Obviously, I didn't...
_xxx_ said:The new lady makes them all look bad, she really is a cutie
And she's also of the more "open" kind, very straight-forward and spontaneous. She's a teacher(primary school), that's something completely new to me. I always thought of teachers as evil, old witches but am beginning to change my opinion now
patsu said:Ahem... I think so too. Man, this thread is not family safe.
_xxx_ said:Yeah, it's not like everyone here would have at least 50+ gigs of pr0n
silence said:why store when you have flatrate?
_xxx_ said:All the stuff that's hard to find gets stored
_xxx_ said:I like porn regardless, mostly watched it together with the GF. Nothing to do with real life. Also as a side effect, girls are mostly somewhat curious about some of the more "exotic" stuff happening there and sometimes they want to try some new stuff after watching, so...