Yeah it sucked.
_xxx_ said:
EDIT: if you could go back, would you do the same?
"Do the same" as in I would still go after her like I did. I debated with myself for 3 months before chasing her initially because I knew I had to leave the country in 3 years. Didn't want to cause any trouble for her. Unfortunately, I couldn't hold back. I was too attracted to her physically. I had to find out what's wrong with her since she didn't seem to have a boy friend yet. 8^)
She totally blew my mind away once I got to know her. She was:
* Telepathic (knowing what I want at the right time, mostly because we think alike... and both of us are terminally curious)
* Pleasant to be with (Down to earth, not petty over little things, not control freak, not neat freak, no need to act like a gentleman, ... sort of like a very good guy friend, a soulmate mostly)
* Wickedly sexy and naughty sometimes (*nod* *nod*). Yet innocent in so many ways. I used to laugh at her questions from time to time.
* Talented (She's a great and efficient cook, also performed gymnastics, guitar, singing, some drumming, and *more* for me when we were stucked in town 8^D. Must be lonely while she lived in France)
* Hardworking (She stayed up until 2-3 am doing homework everyday, and still found time to write articles for some newsletter).
* Chatty (She would talk about what's on her mind, has the depth to talk about technical stuff with me). I'm more a listener. But whenever the topic changed to our relationship, she keep quiet or gave weird answers that sent me tangent to whatever I was onto.
In a nutshell, she changed my perspectives of women, actually human and life in general. I did not know one could do/learn so much in mere 25 years.
"Do differently" as in I would spend more time terminating the relationship... instead of dropping it so abruptly. I think she was expecting me to show up with full health again, but I never called or showed up after the brief good bye. I was already in Cold Turkey mode.
This would mean some more (a lot more ?) phone calls, or even driving to Texas to make sure she was ok after her graduation. Whether she would change her mind and we hook up again as a result of this, I have no idea. But I certainly have no resources to maintain the long distance relationship if she kept acting up.
If the whole mess were to happen after I started work, then I would have spent every penny to get her.
While dating my wife later, I flirted with other women a little just to make sure I'm on the right track 8^). She gave me a totally different but more productive experiences, eventually we hit it off and got married.