Lords of the Fallen (2023) [PS5, XBSX|S, PC]

It's going to be interesting to see how this one develops. Getting a Souls like right is difficult as you have to get the difficulty balance just right. Deck 13 was the creator of the original game and later went on to do The Surge and The Surge 2. The didn't quite get the balance right and so Lords of the Fallen was a flawed but promising game. They hit it out of the park with The Surge and The Surge 2, however.

The sequel was announced in 2014 (without Deck 13's involvement) and was originally set to launch in 2017, which obviously didn't happen. So CI Games contracted independent developer Defiant to finish the sequel back in 2018, but it's basically languished in development hell, so in 2020 they replaced them with Hexworks (this will be their first title).

I remember really looking forward to this game back then and then being disappointed when it just kind of disappeared.

Trailer looks nice, but I'm taking a skeptical wait and see approach to see if they'll do a good job with it. If it was Deck 13 doing it, I'd probably break my promise to myself to never pre-order a game since Deck 13 has gotten quite good at making their take on the Souls-like genre.

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More shcreenshots in the article


If that's really gameplay then this is amazing looking, true next gen quality.

Looks a million times better than Elden Ring
That's very high res screenshots, so IQ is probably beyond what we should expect in gameplay in terms of all that fine detail resolve, but still - looks really darn good.

From what they've described(interconnected world and all that), it's all sounding very good, too. Fingers crossed on this one.
If that's really gameplay then this is amazing looking, true next gen quality.

Looks a million times better than Elden Ring
Froms old engine really is creaking at this point. Their masterclass art direction is mainly what's saving it along with the increase in hw power
This game was originally supposed to be Lords of the Fallen 2. At this point who knows if this is a sequel still or if it's a reboot.

Think it's fair to call it something with zero connection to the previous since they are going out of their way to add a The at the beginning
Great to see it finally took UE5 to match what Demon Souls PS5 did 3 years ago *wink wink*

I don't think you even need to wink there. :)

Bluepoint let the way to lovely bumpy surfaces and for some reason we have very few followers. Surely someone must have been thinking about that for projects prior to the current gen launches!