There is no such thing as "irrefutable proof" of any scientific law. Scientific laws (hypotheses, theories) are valided by the induction of empircal evidence. This process never ends. We only get more certain about our theories, but never 100%.
Moreover, the map is not the territory. There is no such thing as a "particle" or a "wave". These are words, abstractions, and concepts we have assigned to phenomena we perceive, but to label something is to circumscribe and limit what it really is. This leads millions of people to think of electrons as little green balls that orbit around proton balls, or of fields as lines stretching through space, etc.
That's one reason why Quantum Mechanics is so confounding, because the interpretations that fall out of the math defy our classical intuition of balls, sticks, and lines. So there are numerous interpretations of what's going on, but all of them fail to capture what's really going on.
Irrefutable proof only exists for closed formal systems. There is no irrefutable proof that the speed of light is constant, or that the sun will rise tommorow. We have good reason to believe these theories, but there is no proof that I can't step inside my bathroom and enter a new region of space with different laws (other than the fact that I'd probably die doing so)