Panajev2001a said:Front-buffer is 1/4th, Back-buffer is one fourth, Z-buffer is one fourth.
So we can scale by dividing by 4 the non texture related portion of VRAM ( Maybe I exagerated multiplying by 4 the VRAM, but let's keep work this out ).
On the GS you would "normally" leave ~1.5 MB for textures ( part used for streaming buffer and part as static texture bufffer ).
2.5 MB would be taken by Frame-buffers and Z-buffer: 2.5 / 4 = 0.625 MB.
2 - 0.625 = 1.375 MB
That is like 68.75% of VRAM.
PSP's GPU also seems to have better than GS's texture compression ( enough to deserve its own space in the specs announcement ) and that should help leverage the Texture space.
The pipe that connects the GS and the GIF ( GIF-to-GS bus ) reaches 1.2 GB/s peak: the PSP's GPU is on a ( shared ) 2.6 GB/s one.
There is a good chance we will get to stream more textures per frame than we did before: the pipe is larger, there is less vertex data floating around ( more use of HOS, no re-sending, hopefully, geometry for multi-pass rendering, texture compression, etc... ) and System RAM's latency is lower than what even RAMBUS Direct DRAM with on-die memory controller offered ( it's e-DRAM after-all ).
Also with 1/4th of the resolution we likely need less texture resolution to convey a similar level of detail without pixellization or shimmering ( which higher resolution texture helps and mip-mapping and texture filtering have to come to the resque ):
512x256 texture maps now are MORE than enough to have textures mapped on polygons which take the whole screen ( imagine a HUGE rectangle facing the screen and its normal being anti-parallel to the view vector ). This polygon will take at the most 480x272 pixels and in this case we would have MINOR pixellization ( we have bi-linear filtering for shimmering and pixellization anyways ): the Pixels:Texels ratio is only ( and we have to take into account that we have a vertical stretching of the texture to cover this polygon as raw math would tell us we have more texels than pixels ) 1:1.0625.
With a 256x256 map the Pixels:Texels ratio would be approximately 1:2 and that will result in minor blurring.
The Pixels:Texel ratio for a 640x480 screen resolution and a 256x256 map ( displayed in similar conditions ) would be 1:4.6875 or almost 1:5.
Condensed version by Fafalada:
Not that I really disagree with Pana's explanation but I think it can be put a bit more simple then that.
First and foremost, the screen is actually physically smaller then 1/4 the size of an average TV - eg. pixels will be quite small and perceived detail will be that much higher - try playing PSOne on that LCD if you haven't yet to observe the effect (this also relates to the talk of uber AA and filtering and what not).
Second, the issue of pixel resolution - typical objective of on screen texturing is to get average 1:1 pixel/texel ratio. Smaller pixel resolution - less texels needed to get the ratio, it's fairly simple math.
In short you have much smaller texture requirement then DC to get equivalent detail. Personally I'm more wondering about executable sizes myself, if you directly ported a PS2 game over it'd take nearly half of main memory with that alone.
Sigh, sob... he did a great job and was concise
I fell into the trap of making it too long and articulated while I could have simplified it ( I forgot to mention that the physical screen size was also smallr and how that would affect things )