Leaked Gamestop Release List

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts are both $39.99 in their system.

Same as on their webiste:


http://www.gamestop.com/browse/sear...rd&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=Banjo Kazooie

What are you suggesting is leaked in the list you posted? Best I can tell it is just scans of printouts of the same mix of conformed and speculative dates and prices they post on their website.
Same as on their webiste:


http://www.gamestop.com/browse/sear...rd&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=Banjo Kazooie

What are you suggesting is leaked in the list you posted? Best I can tell it is just scans of printouts of the same mix of conformed and speculative dates and prices they post on their website.

That isn't really how their system works. For example. Here is Alan Wake's page on the GS site



Look at what I posted in the lists, Alan Wake is nowhere to be found. There are differences. When you can put money on a game in a store, especially from Microsoft, it is virtually set in stone.
That list is real. Just walk into any gamestop and ask them to print you out the xbox 360 (ps3 , ds , pc or whatever) coming soon list and you can get that list .

You can put money down on all those games and normaly they are correct with release dates 3-4 months out and some really big titles (gears 2 and thel ike ) they will know 6 months ahead of time .
Anything on that list that says 01/01/09 or later is probably a placeholder... see Age of Conan Online's listed date, for example.