[Lazy devs?] Portal 1 vs Portal 2

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I am talking about the PS3 versions of course. Of which Portal 2 was Excellent.
Now I am not saying that the devs who ported the first version are lazy, but this is what Gabe Himself said on the PS3 port:

I think it's harder to get it to the same standard as the 360 and PC versions"

With Portal 2 however, they did not get to the same standard as the (easy to program for) 360 version, they went severely beyond it. High quality motion blur, excellent AA, instead of a blurry mess, and I believe there was even a framerate advantage.

So while it was harder, they did it anyway. To me that is a real developer. Looking at the architecture, and exploiting it to provide the best experience.
The opposite of a hard working developer, is in my opinion, a lazy developer.
Complaining on the internet is much easier then taming a +200gigaflop CPU, lazy devs know this. Better have the public think that a platform is handicapped.

"Lazy devs" is often used as a joke, it comes from a time when developers had 1 year less experience on certain hardware, and ports were lacking because of it. People who actually knew what the hardware was capable of, called out those devs.
Other people who favored other platforms, believed that it was not the developers, but the supposed bottlenecked hardware which lead to the subpar ports. They even wrote whole essays on why the PS3 hardware was so bottlenecked, and how useless the CPU was, and so on. They are the ones who use "lazy devs" as a counter argument; because they still believe it's the fault of the handicapped hardware when a PS3 port is behind.
Yeah, tell that to Valve :LOL:
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