Latest UK Software Charts (PS3 launch numbers)

I couldnt help thinking that compering motorstorm to Exite truck on Wii didnt really make all that big of a differance in gfx. And exite truck isnt even a game where alot of time is spend on.
are you serious?!

was it actual gameplay video, or just some promo video?
i haven't played excite truck, but looking at the videos, Motorstorm looks 20x better. it's one of the most impressive looking games out there imo. you also don't know how much fun it is until you've tried it.
I took it as more of an "angry for spending too much" post. Personally, I could see his point and If I bought an HDTV only for gaming, I'd be dissapointed as well.

Good thing is the HDTV can be used for much more than just gaming so hopefully T.O.C. gets good usage out of his HDTV for movies etc. as well.

Well he doesn't have a PS3 or HDTV, so it definately wasn't "angry for spending too much" post. He bought 21" CRT SDTV, which is what he said also. I personally think Motorstorm is one of the best looking games out there, whereas Excite Truck isn't... The gap between them is very large.
MotorStorm = Excite Truck...joke post?

Please be joke post.

No not a joke. Though you did misunderstand me. Its just that exitetruck on my CRT tv doesnt really look that much worse than motorstorm. Ofcourse, there is a ''big'' differance but if you concider the hugh pricegap I dont think you get alot of bang for the buck. Thats what I ment as Wii could probably do something wich looks kinda the same on a SD tv, really I didnt find the motorstorm gfx that good looking.

I took it as more of an "angry for spending too much" post. Personally, I could see his point and If I bought an HDTV only for gaming, I'd be dissapointed as well.

I didnt bought it. I checked it out at the store and just wonderd how anyone can really mean this are awsome looking gfx. Because to me they dont seem that awsome. Not that its ugly, but nothing id pay 2200 euro for.

Good thing is the HDTV can be used for much more than just gaming so hopefully T.O.C. gets good usage out of his HDTV for movies etc. as well.

Didnt bought a HDTV either. I did look at some but prices started around 800euro for a decent one. I bought a 21'' CRT because ill only use it in my bedroom anyway so I didnt really find it worh the price as I know got a good screen for 200 euro. Will mostly watch anime on it anyway so this will do just fine.

Mmmkay ... For me, playing the Coyote track in first person view, among 11 other cars falling to pieces and kicking up dust and mud, with great sound, physics, (motion) controls, and so on, and then the awesome sunlight lighting it all up (inlcuding, PGR3 style, the dust and mud on your windscreen), is one of the graphically most impressive experiences I've had so far. You really have to give this game a shot. This game looks great even on SD tvs, imho.

You might be right as I only watched it for a bit so I might not had the best impression. But I personally feel that sony has been hyping next gen so much, If I spend 2200 euro on a TV+ps3 I expect it to WOW me from the first second, not after spending half a hour. It just didnt really shock me. It looked good, but nothing special to me.

But like I said before, it might just be the games. Looking at MGS4 and FF13 videos im pretty sure they'll be alot more impressive.
No not a joke. Though you did misunderstand me. Its just that exitetruck on my CRT tv doesnt really look that much worse than motorstorm. Ofcourse, there is a ''big'' differance but if you concider the hugh pricegap I dont think you get alot of bang for the buck. Thats what I ment as Wii could probably do something wich looks kinda the same on a SD tv, really I didnt find the motorstorm gfx that good looking.

Sorry I misread your post, got other things on my mind, yeah I get your point of view now!

However there should still be a massive difference between the two even in SD but I have never seen MotorStorm on an SDTV before so I can't judge that.
A lot of very important titles from Sony just keeps pushing back. WarHawk was one of the expected launch titles and is being delayed for almost a year. How many times must we say "Sony better get their act together"? :mad:

I learned my lesson from PS2 when I bought the system on the promises from Sony that Warhawk and Wipeout would be launch games. Then they were delayed 6 months. Then delayed a year. Then canceled altogether. :(
I learned my lesson from PS2 when I bought the system on the promises from Sony that Warhawk and Wipeout would be launch games. Then they were delayed 6 months. Then delayed a year. Then canceled altogether. :(

Well Wipeout Fusion was released in 2002, but I get the point. I'm currently struggling not to buy PS3 yet. I'm going to wait until it drops in price and more games are released etc. but somehow it's quite hard to resist new electronic devices...
So my first impression wasnt good. But I though that it probably was due to the F1 game not being the best looking game. So I waited a bit and the ps3 started to play a motorstorm video. Now im going to experiance next gen for sure I though. Wrong. It looked nice, everything was smooth, had enough detail dont get me wrong, but it just didnt do anything to me.

Did you eventually get to play MotorStorm ? Or was it just the game video trailer you saw ?
I didnt get to play it, looked more like a replay video.

Sorry I misread your post, got other things on my mind, yeah I get your point of view now!

However there should still be a massive difference between the two even in SD but I have never seen MotorStorm on an SDTV before so I can't judge that.

I didnt see motorstorm on a SDTV either, but I just didnt see that much of a differance. The bigges differance is that exite truck looks alot more empty.

offtopic: Your sig rocks :)
All I though was: this looks kinda nice, but not for 2200 euro.

I must be one of the many in the same situation, in that I don't own a HD TV yet, but looking at the PS3 + TV and expecting a 'WOW' factor that justifies 2200 euro? I really doubt there's any console outthere that would give you that.

The PS3 (as does the Xbox btw) look stunning on a 720p capable LCD, but in neither case would I justify dishing out over 2000 Euros just for the sole purpose of gaming...
The PS3 (as does the Xbox btw) look stunning on a 720p capable LCD, but in neither case would I justify dishing out over 2000 Euros just for the sole purpose of gaming...
Actually, I saw XB360 on Tuesday on a small LCD HDTV. 24" I think. Thereabouts. Samsung. Quite old, but definitely HD. When the output was switched from 480p to 768p over VGA connector...I hadn't really noticed. GeOW looked good in the few moments it was visible, but mostly it was dark browns and blacks and I couldn't see a thing!

There's probably a world of difference on good quality sets, which I'll get to see in May. However, XB360 on HDTV (same goes for PS3) isn't instantly an amazing experience just because it's in higher res. I'd like to try GeOW on my CRT to see if it handles it better.

Gosh, this thread's off topic!
Yeah, back on topic (slightly) have there been many cases of consoles being reduced in price within weeks of launch? I was in town earlier and found it interesting that WH Smiths have the PS3 down to £399 until 11th April. I'm fairly certain this won't have happened with the Wii, but does anyone recall if similar happened with the 360?
Thats a store action probably so not a pricecut on sony's side.

No I don't expect it is, but historically stores sell the console at cost, and make money back on accessories and games. This offer was £25 off with no commitment to any games etc. So unless Sony are bucking the trend and offering some sort of profit to be made on consoles, the console is effectively making them a loss. Just struck me as kind of strange to cut the price of something that is so new.
No I don't expect it is, but historically stores sell the console at cost, and make money back on accessories and games. This offer was £25 off with no commitment to any games etc. So unless Sony are bucking the trend and offering some sort of profit to be made on consoles, the console is effectively making them a loss. Just struck me as kind of strange to cut the price of something that is so new.

Read this as purely speculation as I really don't offer it as anything more concrete than that, but I do know a number of people working at Tesco and they as a company are apparently (strong inflection on that word) very unhappy at the fact that Sony won't allow unsold consoles to be returned. Supposedly, they simply aren't selling at the rate Tesco had initially assumed they would.

*If* that is true then it would explain why a lot of places are offering discounts as I've seen a number myself, it costs money to store goods and it also takes up space that could be used for other items. If Sony won't allow unsold consoles to be returned (a lot of companies usually allow, to an extent at least, the return of unsold stock) and they are deemed to be losing more money through having them take up storage space than they are by offering a discount then it makes sense... The addition to that is that, if a discount at a loss does push more units out then that's more people to potentially buy software that they can make that money back on.
Read this as purely speculation as I really don't offer it as anything more concrete than that, but I do know a number of people working at Tesco and they as a company are apparently (strong inflection on that word) very unhappy at the fact that Sony won't allow unsold consoles to be returned. Supposedly, they simply aren't selling at the rate Tesco had initially assumed they would.

*If* that is true then it would explain why a lot of places are offering discounts as I've seen a number myself, it costs money to store goods and it also takes up space that could be used for other items. If Sony won't allow unsold consoles to be returned (a lot of companies usually allow, to an extent at least, the return of unsold stock) and they are deemed to be losing more money through having them take up storage space than they are by offering a discount then it makes sense... The addition to that is that, if a discount at a loss does push more units out then that's more people to potentially buy software that they can make that money back on.

Interesting, and good points made. I suppose I would only say in relation to your last point that once a customer is out the door, there is as much chance of them returning to Tescos/Smiths as there is anywhere else, and it's in their interest if they intend to operate like that, that they make the offer a condition of buying something else.

I certainly take your point that items sold, even at a loss, free up space though.
No I don't expect it is, but historically stores sell the console at cost, and make money back on accessories and games.
I vaguely remember an interview where a Sony guy said the stores wanted tehir bit of profit on PS3. Might be totally wrong on that, but I think PS2 isn't sold at cost price from retailers and they have a bit of markup. It'd be crazy to lose £25 on a console unless they anticipate game sales with it that make it worthwhile. My guess is £400 is the price to the stores, £25 is markup, and selling at £400 is losing nothing but gaining on software sales.
I vaguely remember an interview where a Sony guy said the stores wanted tehir bit of profit on PS3. Might be totally wrong on that, but I think PS2 isn't sold at cost price from retailers and they have a bit of markup. It'd be crazy to lose £25 on a console unless they anticipate game sales with it that make it worthwhile. My guess is £400 is the price to the stores, £25 is markup, and selling at £400 is losing nothing but gaining on software sales.

I remember something like that too. I don't think we'll ever know if they got their way or not though. Still, should be interesting to see if this becomes a trend or is simply a one off. I imagine with the interest something like the PS3 drives, just getting people in the door and selling the PS3, either at a loss or at cost, would result in some extra sales of other items.
When the output was switched from 480p to 768p over VGA connector...I hadn't really noticed. GeOW looked good in the few moments it was visible, but mostly it was dark browns and blacks and I couldn't see a thing!

Off topic... resolution still needs to be set in the dashboard to 720p after the switch is flicked.
No I don't expect it is, but historically stores sell the console at cost, and make money back on accessories and games. This offer was £25 off with no commitment to any games etc. So unless Sony are bucking the trend and offering some sort of profit to be made on consoles, the console is effectively making them a loss. Just struck me as kind of strange to cut the price of something that is so new.

I have no idea how competition is among your shops, but here there are often price wars in between shops. Including the PS3, you save 100$ easily by looking a bit.

At one time two biggies had a PS2 price fight that lasted 48 hours, they ended up at 100$ below the normal retail price, at that time some 249$

And totally sold out before day 1 was over btw.