Yesterday, there were a few terrible storms, but they've disappeared. Now it's just hot
Good weather for riding my bike, though!
Good weather for riding my bike, though!
HK has pretty great weather all year, but this is definitely the weak point -- lots of rain and HOT HOT HUMID HOT all through the early summer, especially. i believe at last check it was 25 C and cloudy (~80 F). Thing is, here in Kowloon it feels several degrees hotter at all times due to pollution and poor breeze. On one of the tiny residential islands right now it feels... roughly like Hawaii.
But... but... it's not supposed to rain in the middle of the QLD winter! All you should get are the dry westerlies!The weather outside right now...I don't think the picture does it justice, it's raining intensely and there's so much wind that trees down the street are being stripped of their leaves. Our back office doors are just howling constantly