late night at the Electrical Eng building....


Ah... hopefully this is the last night I'm here working on our group project. It's just past 12:23AM.

la di da...
Heh. Of all the wierd times I've gone into the Physics department, I don't think I've once gone and not seen at least one other person (including 2AM on a Saturday night).
Alstrong said:
Just a few more hours, and I'll have been at the uni for 22 hours!
Amature!! Ive done (with about 5 other buddies) 60 something hours straight (we only took one or two trips home for shower, change of clothes). 4 exams and 3 major projects all due in a 3 day period. I actually miss those days. lol.

Alstrong said:
Ah... hopefully this is the last night I'm here working on our group project. It's just past 12:23AM.

la di da...

So that's what this "working" looks like, I've always wondered... ;)
Hallucinations started at about 24+ hours. Finally got to sleep after 43 hours. :)

[major rant]
Oh and I feel like kicking two of my partners in the balls for implying that my code was causing problems with the device. :rolleyes: The morons didn't understand earlier on when the other group member and I said it was "half" working. By that, I mean that only half of the device was working, but the device is symmetric. Kapiche? So if the device is symmetric and (so too is the code), then how is the code at fault when the device just f*cks up for no apparent reason? Their only basis was that earlier code was working fine, but the device was also intermittently working. :rolleyes: It turned out to be a shitty soldering job by THEM. Apologies were given after the fact, but they were so suck-up and it was obviously BS "OH YOU'RE THE BEST CODER I'VE EVER MET!" uh huh... f*ck off.

I had left the room to go for a light jog up and down the building stairs 3 times (6 stories) just to blow off some steam. I was close to ripping his head off for incompetence. Meanwhile, they use the final code which they think is buggy and guess what... the whole thing works after they fix the soldering issue.

[ / major rant]
Hey, at least the problem's solved. Now go sleep a while and a nice party afterwards will make you feel like new :)