L.A. Noire from Rockstar

Just finished it. My early contender for game of the year. It's a pretty easy game, but very enjoyable. I messed up a few cases and replayed them because I was involved enough to want to get them right. This game delivers a cohesive narrative that rock star tends to promise but never deliver. Overall it was one of the most enjoyable games I've played this gen.

I think if any one game could be a turning point for the game industry in making video games a more respected medium, this could be the one. The facial capture, or whatever you want to call it, legitimizes the participation of quality actors in gaming. This tech will most likely be replaced with something else, but there's no doubting it will get actors more involved. I'd say the story was not quite the quality of a good tv show, but it was relatively good for a game, and handled mature content in a mature manner. Most games use the term "mature" to refer to pubescent fantasy or gratuitous exploitation. The story was much more focused than other rock star titles. There wasn't so much extraneous shit. If I was going to pick one game as the prototype for interactive storytelling, this would be it. There will be a bigger game to really set things off, but I think the groundwork has been laid.
You mean my life ? Yap... but it's partly because I devote more time to family these days. ^_^
Kid is growing up and needs my supervision (More outdoor activities, blah, blah)

We play LBP2 from time to time though. As for murders and shooting affairs, I [strike]can[/strike] will only do them in the office. :devilish:
You mean my life ? Yap... but it's partly because I devote more time to family these days. ^_^
Kid is growing up and need my supervision (More outdoor activities, blah, blah)

We play LBP2 from time to time though. As for murders and shooting affairs, I [strike]can[/strike] will only do them in the office. :devilish:

Though I don't have a kid of my own yet, heck I ain't even married yet, but life has reached similar stage in my case too ever since I have come back to my home town, as my niece lives with me now. I just can't play adult stuff anymore as she is always around, curious and wide eyed watching whats happenin in the game ! Trying to explain to a kid why she can't watch a game is pretty difficult ;) !

I have to hide in my own house and play in secret if I want to play some of my games :LOL: !
Yeah... I'm thinking if I should get NGP (or equivalent), especially if Sony optimizes RemotePlay. "Slow" games should be fine.
You mean my life ? Yap... but it's partly because I devote more time to family these days. ^_^
Kid is growing up and needs my supervision (More outdoor activities, blah, blah)

We play LBP2 from time to time though. As for murders and shooting affairs, I [strike]can[/strike] will only do them in the office. :devilish:

No, I mean why buy it now if your not gonna play till September?! I've a wee squirt on the way also ;)
Good question. Because if I don't buy now, I may never commit. Now that I have a copy, I'll find time to play it. ^_^

How's the game ? Good ? The dude in the store told me it's a hard game.
Good question. Because if I don't buy now, I may never commit. Now that I have a copy, I'll find time to play it. ^_^

How's the game ? Good ? The dude in the store told me it's a hard game.

I said the same thing about Fable III and it's still sitting there in shrink wrap. I WILL get to it eventually.
I will always find time to play a good game (I might not finish it if it's too long though). ^_^
No backlog longer than 6 months so far.
I think if any one game could be a turning point for the game industry in making video games a more respected medium, this could be the one. The facial capture, or whatever you want to call it, legitimizes the participation of quality actors in gaming

I respectfully have to disagree here. If the gaming industry wants to become a more respected medium it has to achieve this using its own inherent strength, and that's interactivity. Chasing after the movie industry is not the right way.
I respectfully have to disagree here. If the gaming industry wants to become a more respected medium it has to achieve this using its own inherent strength, and that's interactivity. Chasing after the movie industry is not the right way.

That's my point. You can have quality acting in an interactive way. While the interaction in the interrogation scenes is limited, you could easily have more complex choices. Also the facial capture is used throughout the game at all times. This facial capture could have just as easily been used in a game with a story structured like Half Life, or Call of Duty, where control is less often wrestled away from the player. I think the type of facial animation we've seen in games so far is a barrier in accepting games as a dramatic medium. What you get with this is quality acting, rather than quality voice acting. Animation has its place. I'm not knocking animation. Still, there is a reason why people are drawn to dramatic films with real actors over dramatic animated films; There is a human connection that is missing in animation. With this approach you can have all the interactivity you'd normally get in a game, but with the acting quality of a tv show or film. Once actors start getting involved, I think the writers will follow. The tech will change, but I think there will be a switch to some variant of a facial capture like this, but one that allows more flexibility in hand-tuning.
That's because you spend all your time on Qriocity!! ;)

:LOL: Yes, I use it [strike]*a lot*[/strike] everyday during office hour. No harm playing top 100 classical pieces softly in my room. ^_^

I respectfully have to disagree here. If the gaming industry wants to become a more respected medium it has to achieve this using its own inherent strength, and that's interactivity. Chasing after the movie industry is not the right way.

Some cross pollination is not wrong.
Good question. Because if I don't buy now, I may never commit. Now that I have a copy, I'll find time to play it. ^_^

How's the game ? Good ? The dude in the store told me it's a hard game.

He probably means it's hard to get the interogation questions right. Technically the game is ....easy I'd say. It's also very long, moreso with added side quests. I think you'll really enjoy it.
Took a break from KZ3 and started LA Noire. I like it so far. The facial expressions really do make a huge difference in connecting with the NPCs. The environment looks good too. Driving is easy. Enjoy it much MUCH more than the old GTA4.
Took a break from KZ3 and started LA Noire. I like it so far. The facial expressions really do make a huge difference in connecting with the NPCs. The environment looks good too. Driving is easy. Enjoy it much MUCH more than the old GTA4.

I just can't get the handle on the driving section, the cars always feel like they're skating! I'm totally sold on the mocap tech. It's brought a welcomed extra level to the immersion. It's just a shame that the body animations are still one step behind.
I just can't get the handle on the driving section, the cars always feel like they're skating! I'm totally sold on the mocap tech. It's brought a welcomed extra level to the immersion. It's just a shame that the body animations are still one step behind.

Driving isn't so bad. You just have to make sure you slow down considerably before turning, because turning at speed doesn't work out so well. If you want you can get your partner to drive everywhere. They'll show you driving along as you talk to your partner, but once the conversation ends you get a fast travel to the next location after a brief loading screen. You'll miss dispatch calls, but if you don't care about those it's a good way to get around, especially if you're replaying cases.
Yap ! I remember in GTA4, the camera pulls back when you brake. So you end up looking at the car's behind very often. The controls here is more predictable. Not to mention, I don't follow the roads. :devilish:

I usually cut across the lot, go diagonally, ram open locked gates to reach my destination while my passenger scream and curse. What can I say ? I hate the traveling part in an open-world game. ^_^

EDIT: Did they promise Move support for this game ? It seems like a natural fit.
btw yesterday just checked LA Noire xbox 360 data, its only using CBR 2ch MP3 64Kbps (radio), 80Kbps (music), 128Kbps (environment sounds) , and 160Kbps (environment sounds) for the audio. I never though the musics using MP3 80Kbps, it's sounds good.

the properties for LA Noire title music :