Kurt Vonnegut, R.I.P.


He was one of my favorite authors and I consider the man a freaking writing GOD.

My favorite quote of his is still, (paraphrasing off a bad memory, sorry); "If I'm wrong and when I die I'll stand before God and say, "I was a good person even though I didn't believe in you."."

He was, I'll miss him. :(

Always sad to see fantastic writers go. It just makes me wish I had more time to read all the books I want to.

So it goes?
In “Slaughterhouse-Five,†Mr. Vonnegut introduced the recurring character of Kilgore Trout, his fictional alter ego. The novel also featured a signature Vonnegut phrase.

“Robert Kennedy, whose summer home is eight miles from the home I live in all year round,†Mr. Vonnegut wrote at the end of the book, “was shot two nights ago. He died last night. So it goes.

“Martin Luther King was shot a month ago. He died, too. So it goes. And every day my Government gives me a count of corpses created by military science in Vietnam. So it goes.â€

One of many Zen-like words and phrases that run through Mr. Vonnegut’s books, “so it goes†became a catchphrase for opponents of the Vietnam war.
I'm using it in the original context of it being related to/commenting on death. :(
I'm using it in the original context of it being related to/commenting on death. :(

It seems like you were answering my question, which wasn't really a question... more like a "this may be an appropriate time for one of his better known phrases...?" instead of "what is 'so it goes'?"

I didn't see you had it in your profile... I was kind of surprised when you didn't mention it in your original post =o
I hadn't read the article on his death when I posted originally, I just wanted to get the news up their first.

After that I read the article, then went on a bit of a nostalgic stroll through Google remembering all his writings I liked; that's when I remembered "So it goes" and decided to add it as my sig.

I'll probably be changing that as I reread some other stuff and recall other lines I like, it's just how/what I do when stuff like this happens. :oops:

I haven't read Vonnegut in years, and I haven't even read his last novel yet...but I used to devour any and all of his stuff. He just had the power to make words move me in ways that I still have trouble understanding.
He just had the power to make words move me in ways that I still have trouble understanding.

I think this is why I wish I was a better writer -- there's just some combinations of words that are, for some reason, amazingly compelling.

As I said before, I wish I had more time to read these days... :(
I think this is why I wish I was a better writer -- there's just some combinations of words that are, for some reason, amazingly compelling.
Yup, me too. Just the way that some people can grab a concept and put it into the simplest yet most evocative way, it just amazes me.