Kung Fu Hustle

London Geezer

Has anyone seen this movie? I watched it over the weekend and bloody loved it!
Very silly and over the top, but that's the whole point isn't it!

I was like watching a live action Naruto (with reference to the "sound village" if anyone follows, and it looked bloody amazing), Dragonball, the Matrix reloaded (the fight with one guy fighting hundreds of guys and royally kicking their ass)... and some Looney Tunes moments...

It was like a big spoof of some martial arts movies, only it wasn't very funny but it looked bloody awesome!

Anyone into anime and comics should see this, only for the over-the-top action and really cool references (more than once i thought "hey he copied that from [put name of anime here]!!!")
london-boy said:
Has anyone seen this movie? I watched it over the weekend and bloody loved it!
Very silly and over the top, but that's the whole point isn't it!

I was like watching a live action Naruto (with reference to the "sound village" if anyone follows, and it looked bloody amazing), Dragonball, the Matrix reloaded (the fight with one guy fighting hundreds of guys and royally kicking their ass)... and some Looney Tunes moments...

It was like a big spoof of some martial arts movies, only it wasn't very funny but it looked bloody awesome!

Anyone into anime and comics should see this, only for the over-the-top action and really cool references (more than once i thought "hey he copied that from [put name of anime here]!!!")

Good movie! If you liked it, you will also like the movie Shaolin Soccer :)
Shaolin Soccer is very slow in the first half, and only picks up in the second half. IMO, Kung Fu Hustle is more even, with better effects and script, though the ending is terribly cheesy.
I thought Kung Fu Hustle was stupid, plain and simple. They tried to take everything to such extreme limits in an effort to make it funny, but in the end I was just bored to tears. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think slapstick comedy mixed too well with outrageous special effects.

It was like a big spoof of some martial arts movies, only it wasn't very funny but it looked bloody awesome!

And for me, that bolded part there was the kicker.
Clashman said:
I thought Kung Fu Hustle was stupid, plain and simple. They tried to take everything to such extreme limits in an effort to make it funny, but in the end I was just bored to tears. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think slapstick comedy mixed too well with outrageous special effects.
Well yeah it was totally a BRAIN OFF kind of movie, but it was just very cool to see in "real life" things i had only seen in anime or comics before. I kind liked some of the spoofs, like The Matrix.

And well i'm just happy about my new place so i'd probably LOVE Matrix Revolutions if i were to watch it again now :LOL:
I loved the flick. Like you said, it was live action anime for me and the fun funny kind too. :)

Funny thing is my wife loves it too and has watched it about a dozen times since it came out, and she hates anime.
Clashman said:
I thought Kung Fu Hustle was stupid, plain and simple.
Pretty much my feeling of it too having seen a DVD-ripped pirated copy this past weekend. Parts of it were enjoyable (though pretty much only confined to the fight sequences), but anything plot-related was most of the time either extremely corny, terribly silly, boring, or all of them at once. :p

While I understand this may be intentional, I feel it subtracted from the enjoyment of the movie as a whole; it became rather too cartoon-ish at times. The uber badguy was pretty damn cool though, and I actually liked that the clumsy failure of a bandit redeemed himself and become the ultimate do-gooder in the end (and got the girl as well!) Even though such endings are pretty corny by now (having been repeated so many times in the past), it still was cool to see. :)

Ultimately I suppose the movie's a waste of time, though with a bunch of entertaining moments spaced throughout. I'd probably have felt dissatisfied if I'd paid money to see it though...
Kung-Fu hustle sucked entirely. It just went around, stupid shit happened, most of which wasn't even funny. It's like a bunch of people got together, figured out the parts they'd play themselves and the things they'd do, then they got together and strung it along in a giant orgy of absolute shite. Shaolin Soccer, on the other hand, was amazingly good.
I thought it was brilliant. I laughed my ass off.

It was one of those 'hey, it's actually worth it to spend ten bucks to see a movie' experiences for me. My faith was rekindled in movies until I went to see another... ;)

But I loved the hustle.
Saem said:
It just went around, stupid shit happened, most of which wasn't even funny. It's like a bunch of people got together, figured out the parts they'd play themselves and the things they'd do, then they got together and strung it along in a giant orgy of absolute shite.

Oh.. You just caught the newest Rob Schneider/Adam Sandler movie as well?
I hear in his next movie, Rob's going to play a stapler.. next to Sandlers new sensitve hero.. yet he's a moron role.. ;)

BTW, from an interview I read it seems the whole idea was to bring over the top anime style action together with American "loony toons" style comedy. Weather you like or disklike the movie is just a matter of taste.. It's no Wedding Crashers but it sure as hell beats any of the usual Hollywood PG-13 DRECK that has come out as of late :D