Kinect Games

After looking at some reviews I'm not sure what the next batch of titles will be for us, if any, but we have Adventures (naturally), Dance Central, Your Shape Fitness Evolved, and Kinect Sports.
At our party last night, the winners were Dance Central (which brought out the hyper competitiveness of one of the core gamers) and Kinect Sports party mode, which was awesome and got everyone involved. Adventures is way too unwieldy for party play.
Just out of curiousity what does Kinect Sports party mode do that makes it so good for party play? It isn't one of the games I'm picking up for launch, so just curious. :)

The viortual puppetry is definitely cool. The level of control of the character to act in the world invites some novel experiences.
Just out of curiousity what does Kinect Sports party mode do that makes it so good for party play? It isn't one of the games I'm picking up for launch, so just curious. :)

Well, it encourages multiple player participation by having you divide up into a red and blue team, and then you have many quick "samples" of games (Like the table tennis was "first to 2 points"). It keeps the action going and allows everyone a chance to play. Very engaging and active.
Well, it encourages multiple player participation by having you divide up into a red and blue team, and then you have many quick "samples" of games (Like the table tennis was "first to 2 points"). It keeps the action going and allows everyone a chance to play. Very engaging and active.

Ah, so when doing it party style you have 2 teams of players and players are swapped in and out frequently? Yeah, that does sound pretty compelling, versus waiting around while a full match is played out before you can do anything.

So now we'll be seeing more of those "Americas Funniest Videos" where a kid is accidentally hurt and the parents think it's funny and film it laughing and post it in the internet or send it to TV in hope of fame and fortune :cry:
So now we'll be seeing more of those "Americas Funniest Videos" where a kid is accidentally hurt and the parents think it's funny and film it laughing and post it in the internet or send it to TV in hope of fame and fortune :cry:

yeah, sorry to go OT - but the parents film their kids hurting themselves yet don't put the camera down (or even seem to react) - rather than PAYING these people they should be sending social services round!

Interesting we haven't seen videos like this for Move & Wii? Maybe you're more mindful of swinging arms around when you're holding a controller?
So now we'll be seeing more of those "Americas Funniest Videos" where a kid is accidentally hurt and the parents think it's funny and film it laughing and post it in the internet or send it to TV in hope of fame and fortune :cry:

It was about time those little f*ckers proved theirselves usefull at paying their bills ;)
yeah, sorry to go OT - but the parents film their kids hurting themselves yet don't put the camera down (or even seem to react) - rather than PAYING these people they should be sending social services round!

Interesting we haven't seen videos like this for Move & Wii? Maybe you're more mindful of swinging arms around when you're holding a controller?
We had some physical interference playing Move Sports, but we were definitely aware of each other and avoiding whacking each other when close. Same with avoiding furniture and stuff. We were playing in a larger space than in the above vid. Maybe there are similar clips of Move and Wii, just no-one's searching for them?
Interesting we haven't seen videos like this for Move & Wii? Maybe you're more mindful of swinging arms around when you're holding a controller?

There have been plenty of vids of Wii families hitting one another, along with lights, tv's, ceilings, etc ;)

As for Move? Not seen many yet, and a quick search of YT doesn't seem to show much. So maybe that's because either (a) users are used to the style of gaming because of the Wii or, playing devils advocate, (b) there aren't that many Moves in homes yet and/or those that are have been bought by the core and aren't being played by families. ;)
Or the Movers aren't filming themselves as much as the Wiiers. How many Kinect accident vids are there? If just a couple, it's not anything substantial.
The user base is quite possibly different, being more core gamers I expect. But AFAICS there's just a handful of Kinect accident clips. It's not like a significant number of Kinect gamers are getting black eyes and the platform is inherently dangerous. It just means, as ever, there are a few careless/accident prone/unfortunate people, and a few have been caught on camera. If these few clips were anything to go by, then the existence of home movie clip programmes riddled with silly accidents paints a picture of a doomed society heading rapidly to its own self-annhialation!
I just saw this on amazon US. said:
Buy One Kinect Game, Get Another Kinect Game at Half Price
Through Saturday, November 13th, buy one game for Kinect for Xbox 360 from the list below and pick up a second at half price. Add two titles from the list below to your cart and the second game of equal or lesser value will be discounted at check-out.

Very limited selection:
Kinect Sports
Dance Central
Joy Ride
Sonic Free Riders
Adrenalin Misfits

I'm grabbing Joy Ride and Kinectimals. We played the Joy Ride downloadable demo and my wife was destroying me and the kid. wife: 1st place me: 8th :rolleyes: