Kinect Games

Oh, those whacky Japanese! What other nation would come up with something so bizarre and ridiculous! (*cough* *cough*. Ahem.)
Yap, I think I posted a similar video on B3D before. Might be in the huge "non-standard gaming interface" thread.

You don't need depth sensor for that game though.
Realize that those videos are from 2008 even before Natal was announced. Plus, a lot of that same functionality(Human Tetris) is capable in Reflex Ridge part of Kinect Adventures.

Tommy McClain
ign scores:

kinect adventures 6.5
dance central 8.0
kinectimals 7.0
joy ride 6.0
kinect sports 8.0
kinect hardware 7.5
Adrenalin Misfits 5.0

Game informer scores:

joy ride

kinect adventures 7.5

dance central 8.0
kinect sports 8.0
sonic 5.5

Game trailers scores:
Kinect Adventures 6.6
Kinect Sports 6.4
Kinectimals 8.5

Joystiq scores:

Kinect Sports 4/5
Joy Ride 2.5/5
Dance Central 4/5
Your Shape Fitness Evolved 3/5
Kinectimals 4/5


Dance Central 8
Kinect Sports 7
Kinect Adventures 6
Kinect Joy Ride 5
Kinectimals 7

USA Today

Globe and Mail



joystiq seems to have had a ton of problems setting the unit up. I have 6 feet of room for kinect and it works well with 2 people. We put it up high while still allowing for it to see the floor. Its almost 6 feet in the air. Also we've played it in some poorly lit rooms and some of the reviewers have it in poorly lit rooms and got good performance out of it. So I dunno what their deal was. Mabye they needed to read the manual

Joyride really should have been bundled into kinect adventures to make the package more enticing. Neither of them did very well alone , but perhaps together they would have bumped up the score and made the bundle value better
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I glazed over a few reviews & I think with the varying opinions Aaron Greenberg was right. Most likely these scores won't have much affect on the sales, and they shouldn't. I think the people who reads these reviews aren't really the target audience. I think the best review will be the one where you try it out for yourself. Let's see how it goes tomorrow. ;)

BTW, can you update your post with links to said reviews? Thanks.

Tommy McClain
Argh, just noticed that EA Sports Active 2.0 isn't releasing until the 16th. Had it included with the pre-order of Kinect so it didn't ship yet. /sigh. Had to redo order and now won't be getting it tomorrow. Doh!

Bah, was looking forward to using it.

Based on the early reviews I'm not feeling Kinect too much right now. I was intrigued with the menu navigation and voice navigation stuff, but it sounds more clunky than just using buttons right now. There's also no particular game that seems worth it.

I think maybe at 99 or 69 bucks it would have been a lot more compelling. Of course, that's me, a pretty much strict definition hardcore gamer, which isnt really where it's aimed. The reviews I glanced at where the Engadget and IGN ones. Seeing the reviews as a list of scores in the post above though, the reviews are more positive than I had thought.

BTW, one of the coolest applications of Kinect I heard about somewhere was, using it as a hands free mic for Xbox Live chat, via the directed microphones picking out your voice in a room. Does anybody know, is that actually something you can currently or in the future do with it? The reviews I looked at didn't mention it.

You informed me about a segway sim were is my segway sim ms.
Last part of that video could that be the demo that inspired for Project draco game to be a kinect game.(owl with ballon thingy)

But how accurately is it actually doing this? After a few hours of play, by which time I was knackered, I found I could achieve those "NICE!" and "FLAWLESS" assessments with the most half-hearted arm movements. I even tried performing a song with my feet rooted to the spot and found that while my numbers were down, I managed to rack up a pretty good score.

Just as I expected, unfortunately, which takes it off the system seller list of 1 for me. I think overall though Microsoft should be pretty happy with the review scores. Particularly Kinectimals is doing well.
Just as I expected, unfortunately, which takes it off the system seller list of 1 for me. I think overall though Microsoft should be pretty happy with the review scores. Particularly Kinectimals is doing well.

Hmm, nobody else has mentioned that, particularly IGN who has been pimping Dance Central for a good while. In fact their DC reviewer mentioned it being quite challenging to clear the songs on advanced difficulty several times in previews and the review.

Each difficulty level builds on the dance moves of the previous routine and the hard level material, once you unlock it, is genuinely tough stuff. I love to dance and I'd consider myself moderately able, but some of the moves in the hard routines were a serious challenge for me to pull off.

I was impressed at how well Kinect and Dance Central read my body movements. One move made me raise my arms up in true robot fashion, bend forward at the waist, and then sit down in the air. I was originally frustrated at this move because the game wasn't registering my motions properly and I kept missing that portion of the dance. I thought it was Kinect's fault, but as it turns out I just wasn't bending at the waist far enough. This punctuated my realization that Dance Central offered legitimate dancing, though there are times when you'll pull off a move well and it just doesn't register. But for the most part, you really have to get moving if you want to master a routine and you can't fake it -- lest you want a crappy score.
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Based on the early reviews I'm not feeling Kinect too much right now. I was intrigued with the menu navigation and voice navigation stuff, but it sounds more clunky than just using buttons right now. There's also no particular game that seems worth it.

I think maybe at 99 or 69 bucks it would have been a lot more compelling. Of course, that's me, a pretty much strict definition hardcore gamer, which isnt really where it's aimed. The reviews I glanced at where the Engadget and IGN ones. Seeing the reviews as a list of scores in the post above though, the reviews are more positive than I had thought.

BTW, one of the coolest applications of Kinect I heard about somewhere was, using it as a hands free mic for Xbox Live chat, via the directed microphones picking out your voice in a room. Does anybody know, is that actually something you can currently or in the future do with it? The reviews I looked at didn't mention it.
Same here, I think thqt the last part of the Kinect Eurgamer review pretty much sum-up the idea I have about it. It looks like a greant but expensive toy for kids and "super casual" gamers.
I hope it will sell tho because I think in one year or a bit the potential will start to shine. It's sad that at least Child of eden didn't manage to make it as a launch title may have been perceived as a proof of concept for "standard gamers".
The difficulty is mentioned by Ellie as well, but she says that the difficulty of the move list just changes, not the actual precision of the detection.

I'll grant I'm not being objective about this though - I do like this game and I think my wife would love it, but it's a 200 euro investment and right now I don't even know where I could put it - the Eurogamer first 15 minutes video shows very clearly that the game does really need to see your full body if you want to have a chance at a consistent score, and there isn't a space in our house right now where that is possible (perhaps the dining room if I remove the dinner table and hang a TV on the wall).

I'd much prefer to be able to say "yeah, that looks nice but I'll wait until it gets cheaper or more games turn up" rather than not actually having much of a choice right now.
Kinectimals looks absolutely adorable (although the baby Tiger seems to be stuck in animal-uncanny-valley) Still, as someone who already owns a 360, I'd probably get a Wii for the same amount of money instead and play the few great games I've missed on that system so far.
The difficulty is mentioned by Ellie as well, but she says that the difficulty of the move list just changes, not the actual precision of the detection.

I'll grant I'm not being objective about this though - I do like this game and I think my wife would love it, but it's a 200 euro investment and right now I don't even know where I could put it - the Eurogamer first 15 minutes video shows very clearly that the game does really need to see your full body if you want to have a chance at a consistent score, and there isn't a space in our house right now where that is possible (perhaps the dining room if I remove the dinner table and hang a TV on the wall).

I'd much prefer to be able to say "yeah, that looks nice but I'll wait until it gets cheaper or more games turn up" rather than not actually having much of a choice right now.

The game actual works. Sure you can do it half heartedly and get points but you can't sit on your couch and move your arm like just dance. You actual have to be trying to get points.

As for space. Remember its height + distance to the camera. So if you set your camera up 6 feet on your wall you should be okay in a room with only 4-5 feet for kinect. My game / computer room is a complete mess but I will try an dclean up and take a picture for ya.
BTW, one of the coolest applications of Kinect I heard about somewhere was, using it as a hands free mic for Xbox Live chat, via the directed microphones picking out your voice in a room. Does anybody know, is that actually something you can currently or in the future do with it? The reviews I looked at didn't mention it.
Yes, it works. Caveats are that you should not have the Kinect near (within 1 foot) of any speakers, and you don't want your volume too high, or you'll get leakage. The higher the volume you calibrate at, the better (to a point, you don't want clipping).

We've had some amazing chats up to 5 meters away while playing halo.