Where would one even get one right now? The local Gamestop doesn't know when they will get more.
What games are people recommending? We have no interest in the seemingly amazing Dance Central, so Kinect Sports?
Is there a list of what will be in EA Active 2? Any vibe on what the best workout game (intensity, variation, fun, mulitplayer) will be?
I just hope the software matures. $200 for a Kinect and game is a lot for a novel idea. Some robust, active sports games with depth (boxing seems perfect if it can work) would be nice as well as some cross over gamer games (e.g. a good mech game, a robust light shooter, etc). I have high hopes for Kinect, but the initial offering shows devs either will need a wand of some sort or really make HUGE strides in user input with new gaming ideas.
My wife and kids are going to have a total blast with the Kinect games and all my hang ups will prove wrong. From my wife's reaction is definitely seems there is an attraction I don't get (prediction: she has a fairly busy blog, and she will blog about it and her readers will get a Kinect and my friend's list will be overrun by women and children!). Much akin to the Wii, which oddly my wife had no interest in after using the Wii Fit. The no-controller, whole body activity with more motions really appeals to her (she hated stepping on the board and waggling the wand for gestures). Hmmm I should try to find a Kiosk. Is there a Kiosk search tool to find the closest one?
Anyhow, thanks for all the feedback. Feel free to share some recommendations.
Thanks Nav, this is an option. I am still mad about Joy Ride

I wanted my free traditional Kart game!!