Kinect Games

Ha! I got the HTC HD7 and I will get Kinect but not on launch day, probably a week or two after Nov 10th.:D

Haha i need some more knowledge about plans some have like cheap monthly rate then half way the plan they double the monthly rate still a student so cant get screwed by the big companies. After my drivers license im getting kinect hope they have some xna api in place to see what i can plan to make have some ideas in my ideas book.;)
The exact details are not exactly confirmed yet, but it looks like the Kinect Adventures disc will have some demos of other Kinect games. Rumor going is that they include Dance Central, Kinect Joyride, and Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. That should be a good sampling if true, but I'm surprised they didn't jump at the chance to put only 1st party titles on there.

Tommy McClain
The exact details are not exactly confirmed yet, but it looks like the Kinect Adventures disc will have some demos of other Kinect games. Rumor going is that they include Dance Central, Kinect Joyride, and Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. That should be a good sampling if true, but I'm surprised they didn't jump at the chance to put only 1st party titles on there.

Tommy McClain

I guess there's always dlc demos.
Yeah, the table tennis and volleyball have noticeable lag. But I found the soccer somewhat better. Too bad, he didn't test the extremities of the game, like power and curving the ball and stuff. You know like how you would take a penalty or free kick. Maybe some other games will.

The petting gameplay would be better in augmented reality style IMO. That video was just creepy to me for some reason.

Oh I wasn't talking about the lag at all. ^_^
The starting speed is too slow. I'd hate it if I have to replay the game. The later part is better.

The tech looks promising. Next gen with even faster processing, I'm sure the lag can be reduced further.

Yes, I think the camera connection bandwidth (USB*) will improve also.
Lag is pretty significant again, and there's no ball effect whatsoever either. But the speed is a different issue here I think - this seems to be a minigame where you have to keep hitting the ball back as it slowly speeds up. You can see a counter going up to 20 until he fails in the corner.

Obviously the goal keeping thing is similar as you have targets you need to hit. That doesn't look too bad. For some targets you need to draw away the goalie by shooting in the corner.
I think one has to remember these are party games more than sports sims. The table tennis isn't trying to be a Sports Champions table tennis, but a simple ball game. The control isn't 1:1 so the game play is more about instructing your avatar what to do ahead of receiving the ball, with the speed increase making the challenge. I'll be interested from a technical POV if it has spin, but I imagine it doesn't beyond automated assists. For the minigame audience I think it looks fairly fun, more so than SC Table Tennis. Notice a design difference - in a realistic game, a noob can have trouble returning the first few balls. In a casual title the beginning is made pracitcally impossible to fail so the noob players get a sense of achievement. This'll be why it looks boring to Patsu, as he's a seasoned, hardcore, vetern and heavily decorated gamer. :p

The football game annoyed me because the ball would fly from a practically stationary foot!
They can also introduce multiple difficulty levels so that people like me don't have to wait for the ball to walk over. ^_^

SC Table Tennis should have turned on all 3 levels too (hide the Champions level for surprise). Right now you have to beat the easier levels first, or pay $1.99 to enable all of them.
Well, EA sports active comes with a heart rate monitor and I'm thinking it'll focus on more advanced and more traditional workout routines.

Your Shape seems to have a larger focus on casual workouts and incorporating aerobic exercise into gametypes. As well as flexibility (Yoga and Tai Chi?).

It's sort of like why would people get WiiFit and EA Sports Active on the Wii. They are similar but different.

And when it comes down to it. Dance Central is also just an aerobics exercise program with a dance wrapping. So for all 3, I'm getting them expecting different experiences and different ways to achieve the same goal. Variety would then serve to keep me entertained while exercising for far longer than just one title alone.


Well remember alot of people have injured themselves with the wii verison. Ea active is very intense on the cardio work and depending on your fitness level might not be the best to start with. (I'm not saying your a fat ass... just throwing out a general warning)
I was hoping a mod can chime in on this. Burger King in the states is going to have codes to unlock more tigers in its menus and also give out toys with the code scanner to use in game with your animals.

What is b3d's stance of someone like me scanning the codes and posting them to the forums so those outside of the country can get them.

Now remember there are two diffrent sets of codes. Free ones given in the kids menu (it has coloring and maze things) and hte others come with the purchase of a kids meal.

I just want to know the stance cause I'm sure some fans on here would want to get the extra content some how.
Woah, far better than I'd expect for (a) a Sonic Riders game and (b) A Sonic Kinect game.

That said, it is an early exclusive review from IGN, which could very well mean an inflated score.

I don't know if its exclusive. However if you watch the video the dude seems to be havin fun.

Whats interesting is he says it can be played when sitting on a stool
IWhats interesting is he says it can be played when sitting on a stool

What was very interesting was the hand-holding 2-player mode.

Well, it would have been very interesting this time last year, when our au pair was a Spanish model :devilish:
Now remember there are two diffrent sets of codes. Free ones given in the kids menu (it has coloring and maze things) and hte others come with the purchase of a kids meal.

Hmmm. Didn't know about the free set of codes. Each time I've visited BK was through drive-thru. I take it you're talking about the tray liners? I'll need to check those out.

Tommy McClain
Er, so the BK Kinectimal pets are pseudo dinosaurs? Or is it just the toy is a pseudo dino, and the Kinectimal will be a cat type? I'm confused. :p

Oh wait nm, I get it now. It's an in game toy for your pet to play with. Not a new pet.

My goodness the add-on cash potential for Kinectimals if the game takes off. Potential to sell extra pets in toy stores as well as toys for your pets in toy stores.

I was hoping a mod can chime in on this. Burger King in the states is going to have codes to unlock more tigers in its menus and also give out toys with the code scanner to use in game with your animals.

What is b3d's stance of someone like me scanning the codes and posting them to the forums so those outside of the country can get them.
Hope that helps.

:p. so, there's two lots of codes. One you get buying a meal. One you get for free turning up to a BK. We can't give away anything intended to help drive sales, so if the codes are there to attract customers, that'd have to be a no to passing them on. They also may well be used at a later date in EU promotions. I think we'll have to decline board posting of the codes here, although I'm sure the promotion will generate lots of private talk and people sharing their experiences at BK and with Kinectimals and talking about fun stuff privately.
I'm with shifty on this,

Even in the case of the free codes, it's still a paid advertising scheme intended to get people in the door. The free aspect is compensated because most people go to a burger king to buy 'food' :mrgreen:

It's kinda like going to a chocolate shop and taking their free samples to give to other people. But virtually. :p

If you still had the purchase the toy in game, then I'd be fine with it.