killzone movie................ expect a bit more now

I'm assuming you're refering to what seems to be two large calibre cannons fixed on to the front, yet given the length of the barrel it would have the accuracy of a drunk at a urinal? and a single side exit point on the right hand side only to maximise time for troops to disembark? and the fact that driving it on anything over than marble smooth road would take out a drive shaft? utility aside, doesn't it look absolutely awesome!! :p
yes, the bald soldier does look kinda real. of course it's just the way the shot was taken, still pretty impressive in a world where Doom3 has triangular heads and stuff...
goes to show that with the right atmosphere, someone can fake reality pretty well without pixelshinyshinebumpnormalmappingexxxtremezzzzzz (sorry...)
Is this the first game to fully utilise the emotion capabilities of Emotion Engine?

I mean a 'bold soldier'! That must be very hard to get the right expression of 'boldness' on a polygon character.

Or maybe it is the AI that makes the soldier bold, by making the AI soldier fighting without fear would certainly make him bold.

...sorry l-b ;)
[url said:[/url]]Killzone coming to North America

SCEA finally picks up the publishing rights to the system's most anticipated title...

(8:33AM)- In a conversation earlier today with a member of SCEE, it was revealed that Sony Computer Entertainment America has indeed picked up the publishing rights for Killzone here in North America. Guerrilla Games' hotly anticipated shooter isn't expected until 3rd or 4th quarter of 2004, but confirmation that it's definitely coming our way is great news indeed.
new media








source: CVG
That 4th pic would make a great cover for the game package.
But probably they go for some 'stylized' cover, like is the trend nowadays (they look mostly boring and bland).
rabidrabbit said:
That 4th pic would make a great cover for the game package.
But probably they go for some 'stylized' cover, like is the trend nowadays (they look mostly boring and bland).

My bet is, completely black (or any dark colour, i think dark brown or very dark red), maybe textured to make it look rough, and the title KILLZONE engraved in the texture pattern. Mostly invisible unless u stare at it.
U know, the "let's be cool" kind of cover... Same league of Terminator2:JD if u know what i mean.
heh, probably. But I'll bet those glowing goggles are going to be on the cover cover in some way. They are on almost every single screenshot and have become something of a trademark already...