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chaphack said:i dunno, but Halo baddies seem to move more light footedly to firepower, while those guys in this KZ video, just seem to chug along...?
eh...logically, you are supposed to dodge hellyeay when under fire, no matter what type of war it is!
maybe the game isnt complete yet? ANYWAY, more i watch vid2, i come to see that either the player sucks, or something is wrong with the aim. the damn dude dosent seem to hit those slowly leisurely hellgrath commandos with all that shooting.
i hope to see a good auto aiming system and adjustable sensitive, hell USB kb+mouse support be nice. Ps2 DS2 *might* have a problem with those loosey sticks.
chaphack said:eh...logically, you are supposed to dodge hellyeay when under fire, no matter what type of war it is!![]()
chaphack said:Eh ... AI should be "smart" enough to know when to walk away and when to duck away. if they didnt program variable footspeed or whacaca, that be bad.
I believe there's an implementation simillar to Halo, where your aim slows down a bit when you roll it over the enemies, but there's no 'auto aim' in the true sense of the word.i hope to see a good auto aiming system and adjustable sensitive, hell USB kb+mouse support be nice. Ps2 DS2 *might* have a problem with those loosey sticks.
Cover is overrated
All those lucky people who managed to attend gamers days 2003 over the weekend are all now walking around with a crooked grin and a cheeky smirk upon their faces.
Why? Well, apart from playing some of this Christmas' best release titles such as Medal of Honour, Prince of Persia, T.H.U.G, LOTR: ROTK, Need for Speed: Underground, SWAT, Ghosthunter, Eyetoy: Groove... and many more. Apart from scoffing out faces with Pizza, beer and games till our eyes bulge... and apart from recieving free goodies like games and those afformentioned T-Shirts... yeas, apart from all that, we all had the chance to see EXCLUSIVE Killzone footage. Infact, we all had the chance to PLAY Killzone.
And we did...
Lovely, lovely people in Sony land decided to show us and let us get our greasy mits on Killzone code 12 months in advance of the games release.
The code is totally unfinished, with certain elements missing from it BUT already, the game is better than many other games of its type on the market.
Agent47 will concur when I say that this game is ******* Incredible. And I am sure DOC_Bowomir will say something like that too, in Dutch - obviously...
We were 'officially' the first people in the world (from the public/consumer sector outside of the industry/press) to play this code (which is dev code from Sept 03).
We played a small number of levels, including the ones which you've all seen screenshots from. The weapons are simply brilliant. If you like killing things, then you're gonna love this game. There are neat little things added throughout the game, like killing enemies with knives by throwing them at the enemies head, walking up and pulling it out again, ready to slash another victim.
Grenades, laser-guided missile launchers, automatic weapons with shotguns as secondary fire - all that malarky is perfected down to a tee with brilliant weapon design.
Great graphics, great sounds, great everything.
I could rant all day, and I am sure the rest of the more-than-lucky few will do exactly that on the forums for quite some time...
2nd post
Well I'll tell you about the level I played fully, as I can talk about that in the most detail.
You may recognise it from the released screenshots, its a road with fences and high buildings on either side (in the screenshots there are soldiers abseiling down from a ship).
You start off in this part of the level moving out of a corridor and in to a balcony platform, overlooking a rather stunning street below. As you enter the balcony, 4/5 enemy soldiers enter opposite you. They are not easy to take out either, you need a good few shots in the head of a clip or 2 in the chest to fully take them down. When you get shot, there is a brilliant effect of 'blood on the screen' which works really well. I managed to take a couple of the guys out buy using a few grenades.
As you enter the main part of the balcony, there is continuous cross fire from soldiers below you and you need to duck down, throwing the odd grenade to try to take a few out. At this point you still have an advantage over them with your height.
You leave the balcony by a set of stairs, which is hazardous if you have not sucessfully eliminated the enemy soldiers to your right. Theres a machine gun emplacement overlooking the street which needs to be taken out quick. I was playing the female character (called 'Lugar') who's primary weapon is a silenced, and secondary fire makes a rather nice sniping rifle. So you can take him out fairly easily.
You progress around the street by entering the side buildings. Towards the end of the map, a spaceship hovers towards the street and a rather convincing set of ropes drop down from the sky... enemy troopers abseil down to the ground. They are rather intimidating and enter the level with great atmosphere.
There are plenty of defensive features in the street, meaning you can hide and use shoot'and'duck methods to take out the 8 enemy troopers. But its not easy and you need to take serious care when engagin the enemy. All the weapons are stunning - the enemy has jsut as much firepower as you do, and thats the way it feels.
We played this version which only has a skeleton AI model, the full AI is yet to be added, so the enemy was generally a bit stoopid. For example, engaging them head on was difficult, but they were a little slow to realise when you start shooting them in the back. I hate to think how double-hard these guys are going to be when thier AI engine is fully active.
Killzone is without doubt going to be the game for PS2 owners worldwide. And the best thing is - its a SCEE published game, we get it first!
3rd post
this game rocks. nibbs and I took front row seats expecting in game footage, next minute stephen picks up the controller and loads the firing range, within seconds mumbles omfg, wow, what the, bliddy hell and many other phrases unrepeatable in here, and it just got better and better, and this was just the firing range where you picked a weapon up and fired it at a static target.
as nibbs has pointed out there is a ridiculous amount of guns, ranging from various knives with small blades to bigger rambo style knives, handguns, then the big boys, plenty of machine guns, with alternate firing.
yes you may have seen the screen shots but there is no way you can tell how amazing this game looks and plays.
stephen was playing away and we were all awe struck, he finished one section off and offered the controller to anyone.
i really could talk about this all day, but if anyone wants to know about it find my msn and ask away.
chaphack said:What you said is more like warfare for the olden times. Yeay know, bunch of Romen Legionaires all line up at one side, while you have the Egytian Phalanx at the other side and everyone charges at each other with their horses, swords and shields. Today with sophisticated weapons firepower and aim, standing still makes you THE biggest duck of all!![]()
Chap said:Heres what i think when you come under fire(surprise one to boot!). First off, you duck for nearest cover. No, you dont hippy yappy all around and trying to flee. You hit the ground atm of fire, crawl towards any cover and fire back a few shots in the general direction of fire.
Chap said:Next, while still firing, you try to establish visual regroup with the rest of you squad and plan the next course of action from your cover. Try to pinpoint where your ambushees are, and deploy your heaviest weapons and blast at em. Covering Fire! Pin em back! If you have, throw a few smoke nades to hide your squad and deploy a split off group to flank the enemy. Take a detour and hook right at the back off your ambushees to surprise em and finish them off, while the rest of the squad provide heavy cover fire behind cover!![]()
I say....![]()
chaphack said:I was right. The AI is not complete. Explains the slooow reaction to surprise fire.![]()
chaphack said:Today with sophisticated weapons firepower and aim, standing still makes you THE biggest duck of all!![]()
chaphack said:Heres what i think when you come under fire(surprise one to boot!). First off, you duck for nearest cover. No, you dont hippy yappy all around and trying to flee. You hit the ground atm of fire, crawl towards any cover and fire back a few shots in the general direction of fire.
chaphack said:Covering Fire! Pin em back!
No you are not. M16 AK47 MP5 etc arent THAT powerful. More powerful than spears and swords, yes. But covers still help. Taking cover(shield + hidden) gives a higher chance of survival than than wide opened and exposed.With todays sophisticated weapons, hiding behind cover means your dead.
Well...The entity that can project the most firepower at a target in the shortest period of time will win - hands down. This isn't even up for debate
And thats why you need cover + regroup. The enemy in the vid is shooting, not only from a surprised ambush, but also from higher grounds. Whats the point of standing in the open and blitzing confusedly? You think a group of guys who just airborn decended, could reply instantly to hidden enemies? Who has the advantage here? If you try to hit fire with fire, the enemy can just stay hidden and take your 5 guys down. What about if the enemy has some form of fragmentation dispersing weapons? More easier to down a cluster of firing fools. Best to stay covered and spread, to reduce the area of hit.the opponent whose shooting at you will not stand and keep shooting at you if 5 guys open fire on him after he gets 1 round off. That is, if he's not laying on the ground already.
They train themselves repeatedly in CQB and MOUT conditions so that when some moron, much like yourself, tries to pick one of them off they instinctivly snap fire back.
He who lives, lives to fight another day....or something like that!The pussy will allways lose in a battle.
Was talking about an ambush, a killzone if you will. One guy is even harder to spot in all that rubble. Not point being heros and whacking the hidden dude. He could stay hidden, fire, stay hidden and is so much harder to detect in all that chaos. Wasting ammo and more at risk. Play safe and plan dude plan. And you dont do a "checklist" of things. A well trained commander should know instinctively what to do in different situations.If I'm part of a coherent group, why wouldn't I want to maximixe the benefit of my superior firepower trained on a singular target? By hiding and "taking cover" you segment yourself (eg. the "Re-establish contact") and allow for one guy with a rifle and $50 scope to kill you all off one by one as you do your checklist of things?
MOUT condition allows the enemy to stay hidden. You dont contact them head on. Flank brudder flank. There is a saying that nothing stops an infantry march...or someting. Or if you have a sniper in your squad, you can also deploy him instead.Perhaps in an open field you drop, but sure as hell not in MOUT conditions. Ohh, and how are you going to "flank" the enemy in a MOUT/CQB condition where your restricted to a street? Walk around the block? Try to go house to house and clear 500 rooms on the way?
chaphack said:No you are not. M16 AK47 MP5 etc arent THAT powerful. More powerful than spears and swords, yes. But covers still help. Taking cover(shield + hidden) gives a higher chance of survival than than wide opened and exposed.
And thats why you need cover + regroup. The enemy in the vid is shooting, not only from a surprised ambush, but also from higher grounds. Whats the point of standing in the open and blitzing confusedly?
You think a group of guys who just airborn decended, could reply instantly to hidden enemies? Who has the advantage here?
Was talking about an ambush, a killzone if you will. One guy is even harder to spot in all that rubble. Not point being heros and whacking the hidden dude. He could stay hidden, fire, stay hidden and is so much harder to detect in all that chaos. Wasting ammo and more at risk. Play safe and plan dude plan. And you dont do a "checklist" of things. A well trained commander should know instinctively what to do in different situations.
MOUT condition allows the enemy to stay hidden. You dont contact them head on. Flank brudder flank. There is a saying that nothing stops an infantry march...or someting. Or if you have a sniper in your squad, you can also deploy him instead.
Firstly vincey holy boy, how much are you involved in any trained military ops or something? Me nothing, so yeay take that as you will.
Yes, but who fights face to face today? Its not ancient swords and shields warfare. Bullets are the most effective when aimed straight and perpendicular. Reason why helmet are all curvy, not just to fit your head, but hopes of DEFLECTING an incoming bullet, coz the thickness of your everyday helmet aint strong enough to STOP bullets. Taking cover breaks the angle and adds more "armor" to your present one.How 'bout this. You wear some body armor and I stand 10 feet away with an old school AK47 and we see about it's penetration ability
And they are too slow and too open for safety sakes. Which was my point of content.They are clearly moving forward in a somewhat organized cover/overlap manner. It's not the swarm tactic you're trying to state.
No. You hit the ground and quick crawl to the nearest cover point. If the "nearest" is tad far, than you just have to dash em. Staying in open = doomed. Thats my point too.You kneel down and shoot at the guy shooting at your landing squad. You don't run for cover like you saying, see this is the fundimantal point I'm trying to make and you keep glossing over or not understanding:
Taking cover does NOT mean spreading all over the shop, north to south, just disperse from your obvious-easy-to-target formation and take cover. In the video, there are plenty of nearby cover, it is a mystery why those guys are not making use of them....As a unit, they have added utility as a group by working together and not acting as an individual by running for cover.
Unless you taken real military training, i say yes.This isn't up for debate Chap.
Why? In an open field, it is soo much easier to spot than in a destructed built up area.The hidden sniper is also not 3/4ths of a mile away in an open field - this is pure MOUT, and you're wrong.
Alrighty, whos the General around?I give up. I already stated I'm only talking my my days playing team based CQB Airsoft. Perhaps Demalion can comment, but I don't think he's going to support you on this one
Unless you taken real military training, i say yes.
I guess the point is, if you're in a bad position, get out. Taking cover in a bad position just means you die a little bit later. This isn't to say that taking cover isn't important, it is. But "real cover" means that between you and the enemy, there is something blocking his fire, and more importantly, that you can disengage and pull back if necessary. The goal is to control the terms of the engagement - if its to your advantage, keep at it, if it's not, run.
(But what do I know...anyways, it was fun to write)