Killzone: first pics

jvd said:
What would be even smarter is too look at the playstation launch. They are still saying that those first systems had no problems. They would just melt and the cd drivers would just stop but it was all the end users fault :rolleyes:

I don't have any expectations for PCEngine (and his posts demonstrate why), but as a Mod I atleast expect a level of intelligence tied to some semblence of impartiality.

Did PS2 have hardware problems? Of course, just as all hardware does.

Did PS2's problems extend beyond the range and frequency of those found on competiting consoles? No, there is no empiracal evidence for thus. Infact, it supports the opposite.

What you did above, is troll. I hope you catch something worthwhile.
My little brother pulled my GC off a shelf and broke a piece off the lid so that it wouldn't close properly. About six months later we started getting disc read errors. I called customer service and explained everything that had happened. They told me to send them the system and they would inspect to determine if the problem was related to the fall or simply a defect. I recieved the system back exactly four days later fixed good as new(including the lid that I was responsible for). The warranty had expired nearly 8 months prior to the system's faliure and yet I recieved no bill for the repairs. This is how you earn a loyal customer.
My PS1's power supply failed after two years. I bought a PS2 about six months after launch(when I could find one), so that I could finish all the PS1 games I could no longer play, and of course, I wanted to check out the new stuff as well. My PS2 stopped reading Cd's a little less than a year after I bought it. Now I can't play my PS1 games anymore and it pisses me off. I believe I have reason enough to question the reliability of products that fail to function properly for no apparent reason.
I went through 3 PS1s and 2 PS2s before I said I had enough. I wish Sony was more helpful in getting them repaired, but it costs almost as much as a new one to get them serviced by Sony. But its not like I hate Sony or am very vocal about the matter...actually I am, it sucks losing a console. If I lost a GC or Xbox you better believe I would scream about how much I hate said build qualities. When I registered my Xbox, I got this letter in the mail from MS to try to get me to buy their extended coverage plan. To scare the hell out of you, they list the repair cost for every component as $100. Have a blown CPU (its $100), have blown memory ($100), blown hard drive, dvd-drive, main circuit board, does not matter its $100 each for component failure. I think I crapped myself when I read that thing. If everything inside my Xbox blew, MS implied that it would cost me over 3 times the cost of the thing to get it repaired. I was thinking to myself, this both sucks and blows.

Anyway, I do not really hate Sony about the matter. I have an open mind to buying their next system(s). But there is a limit to how much crap I will put up with. I feel there is a fine line between buying replacement systems and falling into a money pit.
jvd said:
What would be even smarter is too look at the playstation launch. They are still saying that those first systems had no problems. They would just melt and the cd drivers would just stop but it was all the end users fault :rolleyes:

*nondescript is wondering about two things:*

*One: Why we are talking about allegedly shoddy PS2 launch consoles in a thread about a PS2 game graphics*

*Two: Why a mod is actively participating in off-topic discussion, instead of intervening to stop it*
Problem with personal experience is it's too damn unreliable. Offhand I've never had an issue with my PSX (first run American) except that it doesn't read burns all that well anymore. (Horrors!) This unit has also fallen from a kitchen table and from the roof of a moving car and only suffered case scratches.

I have never had a personal friend hava a PSX or PSOne go out on them, and when the laser alignment issue of the first-run PSes came out, three of my friends were able to exchange for new units without any issues. (I kept my old one for some reason and I'm not sure why anymore. I think it had to do with wanting to keep the old video jacks instead of using the new port, but who knows at this point? Heh.) Since that point everyone has been running their off the same console--half of them at least have been opened up and modded. (In fact, I don't think we've lost ANY consoles that weren't absolutely a person's fault.)

One friend's PS2 fell down most of a flight of stairs and still works fine. Everyone else's hasn't had any problems that I know of, though I think one guy's tray is a little wobbly. Meanwhile, nary a "refusing to play" nor any other "common problem." I only know one guy with an Xbox who had Read Errors (and not sure what happened overall as I haven't hung out with him for a while), and one who opened a door onto a GameCube and must have hit the sucker just right and knocked the drive out of whack because it went down for the count. Replaced the next day.

I guess that makes us all living "proof" of their faultlessness? Or perhaps not.

Meanwhile, I run across these arguements EVERYWHERE, and they all pretty much end up being the same. People--95% of whom were fanbois of a non-Playstation console of some sort--decry the horrible quality of the Playstations (at this point loving to bring it up in any sales-related mention of the PS2: "60 million? Yeah, and you know why? Half of them are replacements! HEEE-HEE AH-HUR-HUM <SNORK>!!!" ) I've carried on many an arguement with people who show how the original PS sucked because if you compared it to the N64 (they never compared to the Saturn) their record was worse, while stoicly ignoring things like "please show me the optical drive and moving parts on the N64", and I seriously had someone trying to show how it showed monolithic incompetence on Sony's part because there were "like, four times as many returns" for the PS2 as the Xbox when it had more than five times the sales.

Actual figures, of course, rarely touch these conversations.

Meanwhile, who here has gone through their computer life with nothing ever going out on them? No one, eh? Heh. I've probably had each any every part on one computer or another go dead on me at some point (offhand I know I've lost a motherboard, two video cards, one sound card, a few RAM sticks, two hard drives, two-three CD-ROMs, a number of floppies, keyboards and mice, and a mess of power supples), and THESE don't tell me much either, other than "shit dies"--especially shit you use frequently. I've only ever had Maxtor drives go out on me, while a friend has only ever had Western Digitals go out on him. A friend and I have ONLY had serious issues from nVidia cards, while the rest of my friends have never had serious issues. I have one friend whose Directron order has ALWAYS been screwed up in some way, while the rest of us (totalling at least 10 other orders from time to time) never had any problems.

Frankly, personal experience means dick-all in determining ANYTHING in hardware, software, cars, or whatever. Unless something is SO intrinsically screwed up it hits all of us, in which case it actually IS patently obvious, and usually detonates a product line and tarnishes a company's name for years to come.

Have I detected that with the Playstations? No, not offhand. It certainly doesn't seem to be suffering for it, and if it IS so utterly obvious, how are the public being so fscking stupid? They each launched with problems, certainly, as did the Xbox, but so far as I know they were all handled quickly and easily, and everyone I knew got replacement equipment for their flawed ones anyway. Leaves me with one giant shrug for the whole affair. I didn't hear much from the GameCube front which leads me to believe they built a better unit than most, but just what the differences amount to...? Who the heck knows? No actual figures seem to hit ANYWHERE in the console spectrum, which is very peculiar for something that big.

Wake me up when Consumer Reports actually starts doing extended testing on the units at launch, tracking info, and following up on products at the 1-2 year marks. Until then, I treat it with the same grain of salt you pretty much have to treat ANYTHING "obvious" mentioned online at this point.
Well my PS2 stopped reading new DVDs about 2 years after I got it. I just took the system apart and cleaned the lens with rubbing alcohol, presto! Now it makes funky clunking noises everytime the system boots up though ;)

*knocks on wood*
By that do you mean non-moving real-time, or prerendered?

Does it even matter?

it's a prerendered highish res img displayed when 'reading' an in game event object.

it matters because the shot is legit but needed expanding to explain why it differs from others PC-Engine. NOT to give ammunition for system postering.

PS: wtf happened to this thread? weren't we dicussiing killzone object motion blur?
Hey! There are some pics of Killzone for PS2!
What do you people think about them?

I think they look good, a while ago I wouldn't have believed PS2 would be up to that kind of graphics.
Of course pictures can lie, so final judgement will have to wait until the game launches.

> ...Ohh, and PS2's Software-Hardware ratio is over 12:1.


You live in a fantasy world.

PS2 hardware production shipments: 10.61 million units
PS2 software production shipments: 38.30 million units

PS2 hardware production shipments: 18.07 million units
PS2 software production shipments: 121.80 million units

PS2 hardware production shipments: 22.52 million units
PS2 software production shipments: 189.90 million units

Production tie ratio as of March 31, 2003: 6.84

US tie ratio as of August 2003: 7.07

> A Lower ratio due to even more hardware problems

GameCube and Xbox have lower tie ratios because they came out a year later. All in all the systems are fairly equal. That GameCube and Xbox should have more problems is another fantasy of yours.

> Explain how the "Mainstream" PS2 user buys 2X the number of games
> as the "hardercore" contingents found on the XBox/Cube.

That is easily explained: they don't.

GameCube hardware shipments as of March 31, 2003: 9,550,000
GameCube software shipments as of March 31, 2003: 60,510,000

Production tie ratio as of March 31, 2003: 6.34

US tie ratio as of August 2003: 5.77

xbox hardware shipments as of June 31, 2003: 9,400,000

Can't find an official source for software shipments but claim a worldwide tie ratio of 5.1 as of June 31, 2003 which sounds reasonable.

US tie ratio as of August 2003: 5.78

> Just admit your full of poop; biased and sticky poop at that.

You are hardly one to talk.
cybamerc said:
PS2 hardware production shipments: 10.61 million units
PS2 software production shipments: 38.30 million units

GameCube and Xbox have lower tie ratios because they came out a year later. All in all the systems are fairly equal.

xbox hardware shipments as of June 31, 2003: 9.40 million units

Fairly equal??
After more than a year and a half, the xbox shipments are still over 1 million lower than what they were for PS2 on first fiscal year.
And please note your quotes PS2 fiscal year v.s. xbox 'as of' date.

Wow, that's some nice quote right there. Kudos to you sir.

We were talking software to hardware tie ratios. Read a little more carefully the next time.
Vince said:
jvd said:
What would be even smarter is too look at the playstation launch. They are still saying that those first systems had no problems. They would just melt and the cd drivers would just stop but it was all the end users fault :rolleyes:

I don't have any expectations for PCEngine (and his posts demonstrate why), but as a Mod I atleast expect a level of intelligence tied to some semblence of impartiality.

Did PS2 have hardware problems? Of course, just as all hardware does.

Did PS2's problems extend beyond the range and frequency of those found on competiting consoles? No, there is no empiracal evidence for thus. Infact, it supports the opposite.

What you did above, is troll. I hope you catch something worthwhile.
Its funny vince that you can't argue a point. You can just troll people. Calling names is childish. Sony has a high percentage of failures in hardware. They never once admit it . They also wouldn't honor the warrenty . They claimed user error. I know and I have been personal affected by this.
Oops :oops:
Sorry 'Sir', read too darn hastily.
I'll try not to mess no more.

btw. I do not fully understand those 'tie in ratio' numbers.

I mean, they are hardware and software shipped, i.e. amount that the companies have sold to retailes (or even shipped from factories?)

What do they tell?

They tell that a company is not shipping very many consoles (cos it's loosing money manufacturing them), but games are shipped more.
That doesn't mean that on average an owner of one console is buying more games than the owner of another console.

Edit: edited out the cursing, cos cybarmec's post had the 'F' word also edited out ;)
Kolgar said:
I agree with Vince. I expect more from this board and its mods than this, jvd.

What do you expect ? Am I not supposed to point out something in history that has happened twice. Once with the launch of the ps1 and once with the launch of the ps2.
Why don't you answer your own questions?

Btw... My PS2 works just fine and so does my friend's. I never heard of anyone's PS2 dying on them. Also, remind me what this thread's really supposed to be about... :LOL:

Grall said:
Why don't you answer your own questions?

Btw... My PS2 works just fine and so does my friend's. I never heard of anyone's PS2 dying on them. Also, remind me what this thread's really supposed to be about... :LOL:

Motion blur in killzone .
Well, so today have also learned that PS2 and PS were hardware fiascos and that probably PS2 users are about the same number as Gamecube and Xbox ones, it's just that they happen to buy from 2 to 4 PS2 each. Of course anecdotal evidence is only true coming from anti-sony people, the only ones bestowed with wisdom and sincerity. Wonder what other undeniable truths we will learn tomorrow.

P.S.: who knows if these people's PlayStations would break if they stopped modding them...