Kameo SDTV vs HDTV comparison

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fulcizombie said:
I didn't ask for more pictures in general,i asked for picture that are not from the "LOTR"-levels of Kameo.
Stop being an ass, I posted what was available atm.
Dr Evil said:
On some TVs S-video is better than RGB and on most TVs the difference is very small.
Are these cheap SDTVs though? I would imagine there would be a drastic difference between a 10 tube TV and current high end Sony Wega SDTV in terms of picture quality. I think part of the problem we're all having here is that we may be talking about different types of SDTVs on the extremes of our perspectives.
15inch lcd tv monitor that does 480p only and kameo looks great through component cables .

We now have my friends console hooked up in the back of the store on this tv . Games still look much better than anything i've played on teh xbox , gamecube and ps2 . Then you can walk over to the kiosk and put it in a nice hdtv and get another jump in graphical qualtiy .

Not bad at all really .

The way sony fans talk on this board about bluray and how important it is i'm suprised this arguement is coming up . According to those folks people are just going to go out and buy brand new hdtvs just to use bluray .
Comfortably Lomb said:
Are these cheap SDTVs though? I would imagine there would be a drastic difference between a 10 tube TV and current high end Sony Wega SDTV in terms of picture quality.

I was only talking about the difference between RGB and S-Video not the difference between SDTVs.
jvd said:
15inch lcd tv monitor that does 480p only and kameo looks great through component cables .

We now have my friends console hooked up in the back of the store on this tv . Games still look much better than anything i've played on teh xbox , gamecube and ps2 . Then you can walk over to the kiosk and put it in a nice hdtv and get another jump in graphical qualtiy .

Not bad at all really .
So where are those pictures? ;)
BTOA said:
So where are those pictures? ;)

You want me to take pictures of a 15 inch lcd screen to tell u the quality of the image on the screen ?

I'm sorry but that has to be the dumbest thing i've heard in a long time .

But then again its not very surprising .
jvd said:
You want me to take pictures of a 15 inch lcd screen to tell u the quality of the image on the screen ?

I'm sorry but that has to be the dumbest thing i've heard in a long time .

But then again its not very surprising .
Are you trying to be funny witty or just arrogant?

You were the one claiming that you can play the Xbox 360 for hours on a 15" LCD, so asked for pictures to disprove the PGR3 shots.

So why not post picture of how good it looks at on 15" and show what the rest of the world are missing out on.
Xboxyde will be posting a direct-capture 480p video of Kameo in co-op mode in the next day or two, might as well wait for that, and take screen grabs from that if we want a real comparison.
BTOA said:
Are you trying to be funny witty or just arrogant?

You were the one claiming that you can play the Xbox 360 for hours on a 15" LCD, so asked for pictures to disprove the PGR3 shots.

So why not post picture of how good it looks at on 15" and show what the rest of the world are missing out on.

a picture off an lcd is going to look horrible . It wont capture any of the lighting effects and the picture will be overall dark (of course judging by your pics you don't care) . Not to mention that in my case it will be taking on a 1.3 mega pixel camera phone and really i don't see how you can think for even one second it would even remotely resemble the quality that is actually on the screen

I don't see why u think anything else . Of course though your ignorance and your anti ms views will allow you to believe anything .
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