Carbs aren't necessarily bad. But in order to prevent addiction and mood swings, you are highly recommended to avoid simple carbs (white rice and such), and go for complex carbs instead (e.g. non-white rice, grains and such). Of course, even that is only when you are actually having health problems (either physical or mental). Complex carbs release 'feel good' hormones in your body very gradually (as they are gradually decomposed) whereas simple carbs release a lot quickly, which generates euforia, which is then (over)compensated for by your brain by increasing the serotonine uptake.
What makes white rice a simple carb but brown rice, I.E. rice with some husk a complex carb given the fact that they are effectively the same sans shell? I have the same question in regards to wholemeal flour vs normal flour. I bake bread on a regular basis with wholemeal flour for others, but I don't really see much difference as the 'wholemealness' seems additive to white flour rather than changing the fundamental nature of the food.
Sugars are the worst offenders for this, as they for a large part are digested in your saliva already and taken up by your glands to be transported to your brain almost directly. That is why they can be very addictive (and the addiction is as real as any euphoria related addiction!). So avoiding sugar should be your first priority. Then simple carbs are changed by your body into sugar very quickly as well, so they have the same effect, but delayed and not as powerful. Complex carbs gradually release their energy, and therefore don't cause spikes that your brain reacts to.
I seem to feel better from not touching sugar. To be honest I don't really miss it when had you asked me 3 months ago I would have said I wouldn't do without it. However im concerned that the distinction complex carbohydrate doesn't make sense. A raw carrot makes sense as a complex carbohydrate as it is actually harder to digest. Pasta / Flour / Rice even if they are 'brown' don't quite make as much sense. A lot of white products like flour are while because they are bleached. So effectively brown flour is unbleached.
Spikes in serotonine can are bad because your brain to change permanently in order to protect itself against such spikes in the future / balance itself out against these spikes. Also, the effect is basically that all the other healthy stuff that causes serotonine levels to increase (solving problems, sports, social interaction, sunlight) becomes less significant.
Well my mood has lifted considerably. Funnily enough I have hardly touched a game since I started my change in diet. Obviously the diet of what im eating is a work in progress however it seems that I haven't wanted to touch anything aside from Kinect games. Theres nothing like coming home from a 2 hour walk to a nice game of Dance Central!