Protein itself has nothing to do with Goat, .
Goat ?
you mean Gout ?
Protein itself has nothing to do with Goat, .
Goat ?
you mean Gout ?
I know what you're saying but you could still feed the same "slow burn" metabolism with carbohydrates. I'm saying that any extra calories you eat in fat can only be stored as fat while carbs first fill up your glycogen stores and then go into fat.
Can't really argue against someone with first hand experience of diabetes, but a ketogenic diet is supposed to be pretty much the best possible diet for diabetics. Then again having ketones in blood _together_ with glucose is a really bad thing, leading to ketoacidosis (which is not the same state as ketosis). Perhaps this is what you were referring to, cjo?
I ate around 200 calories less per day than I did on regular diet. Maybe I wasn't getting enough calories as you say, but my energy level was depleted. When I went to ride my bike my energy was zapped in oh 20 minutes and I was dogging it the rest of the way. I maintained my normal protein intake of fish, chicken, steak, shellfish, nuts, beef, pork whatever. And I always have some type of green vegetable at dinner in a decent quantity.
"Normal" people would probably struggle to get to the same ketone levels as a diabetic, but I could imagine that more extreme ketogenic diets would start to get close (insulin is what stops ketone production, and without carb intake, the body isn't stimulated to produce as much insulin) which doesn't strike me as a brilliant idea. The body is designed to burn carbohydrate - it is far more efficient and the byproducts are far less toxic, and i'm not convinced that depriving the body of its preferred fuel is the best thing to do.
The performance of the body under ketokenic diet is somewhat of a mixed back according to me
I generally felt that I felt more energetic and for example at gym heavier low rep exercises (1-6) was easier to do, but higher than that was hard.
Also I felt that my aerobic/anaerobic threshold was at a higher heartrate, so maintaining something like 160 beats per minute was easier. My greatest exercise bike achievement was 75min with an average heart rate of 164. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that with average daily calories of 2000, if it was mainly carb based.
However I still think a balanced maybe say 40/30/30 diet is the best for me, and the hunger does also go away once your body get's used to it. Imo aerobic excercise also reduces hunger a lot.
Personally I have stopped weighing myself for a while I was becoming a bit obsessive. So if I wanted to introduce more fat into my diet would cream be a good choice since I already drink coffee and eat cereal.
My pants came down at the supermarket today, one of the downtrows and downsides of losing weight.
You really think the judge will buy that argument? Pervert
buy a belt