It is Good to be King

silence said:
Humus.... just google for this guy..... he is fucking joke.

Google? There's a link in the first post. I read it. What's your point? Who are you arguing with and about what? Noone is defending this dude.
ZoinKs! said:
I'm confused... I've read this whole thread and can't see where anyone "gave him any credit" or "praised him." You're arguing with no one and then congratulating yourself on how you're better informed then your opponent. Congratulations, you're better informed then no one! ;)

My suggestion is don't post when drunk and/or high.

Wasnt drunk/high, its just that BBC covered that issue many times and i read about it and i find it that name of topic is enough for my reaction....
"Its good to be king", isnt that name of topic? i commented on that and me and npl prolly missunderstood each other....
first post was simple pointing out that what he does is VERY wrong in his country. and i still think so.... as i said, that guy is a joke, he even banned sex, while he in that time married.

sorry for flaming, it was cause i read alot about the guy and find him disgusting....
thats all.
Regarding this King, the virgins dont exactly line up, some yes, but many dont have a choice, and some of them are very youg. Eg He walks past or goes to some school concert and picks himself a new 16yo bride. Resistance is futile, I think one of the latest ones didnt want to , but no choice. He needs a bullet to the head bad. Royal families always = pathetic.

Regarding HIV, Mbeki is worse, and also try looking up "traditional" HIV cures for SA.
Worst one I know of is to rape/have sex with virgins. Needless to say rape of young woman by men with AIDS is common. Also killing children to harvest organs for traditional aids cures etc.
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Blitzkrieg said:
Regarding this King, the virgins dont exactly line up, some yes, but many dont have a choice, and some of them are very youg. Eg He walks past or goes to some school concert and picks himself a new 16yo bride. Resistance is futile, I think one of the latest ones didnt want to , but no choice. He needs a bullet to the head bad. Royal families always = pathetic.

and thats why i reacted like i did.... i overdid it and flamed, but this whole issue is disgusting.

agreed to bloded par with all my heart.