It is Good to be King

AIDs may be out of control, but people in developed world have no excuse it is not a mystery how a person gets it.

And yes I know some unlucky souls get it through other means, but it is really quite rare.

My point btw is I wish to hell people would use a little common sense. Sorry, but the whole AIDs things frustrates me to no end b/c all these folks are dying and it f*cking sucks, yet it seems people are not willing on a personal level to do what it takes to slow it down...
silence said:
with their HIV rate i think thats not the best thing possible...40% :oops:
thats worse that russian roulette....

I guess your chances are substancially better when dealing with virgins (as those infected since birth should be easy to spot)
Npl said:
I guess your chances are substancially better when dealing with virgins (as those infected since birth should be easy to spot)

ya, for the for him. thats one great guy that thinks about himself, while having 40% HIV infection in his country...

not to mention the way he lives...
King Mswati III, on the throne since 1986, is upholding the tradition of his father, King Sobhuza II, who reigned for almost 61 years and is believed to have had more than 60 wives.

Sobhuza scrapped the constitution in 1973 and banned political parties.

King Mswati has shown no enthusiasm for sharing power, but banned opposition parties and trade unions have been vocal in their demands for greater democracy and limits on the king's power.

With peaceful change in neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique, Swaziland has been described as an island of dictatorship in a sea of democracy. A long-awaited constitution, signed by the king in 2005, cemented his rule and maintained a ban on political parties.

Royalists have argued that democracy creates division, and that a monarch is a strong unifying force.

Swaziland is virtually homogenous, most of the population being of the same tribe. Economically, the country is heavily dependent on South Africa, which receives almost half of Swazi exports and supplies nine-tenths of its imports.

Aids is taking a heavy toll with more than 40% of the population believed infected with HIV. Life expectancy has plummeted as a result. Many Swazis live in chronic poverty and food shortages are widespread.

really great guy....

He rules by decree and has been criticised for the heavy-handed treatment of opponents. The king has also been criticised for requesting public money to pay for new palaces, a personal jet and luxury cars. Street protests led him to abandon the aircraft purchase.

this is really needed when you have 40% HIV positive....

should i go on?
@silence: See the thread topic, its of no issue that hes an total arse.

Besides HIV is a big problem in alot of 3rd-world Countries, no matter if they have a King or not. The prime reason IMHO is the ideology of having many kids as some kind of "status symbol".
Well (said the author), the thread title was meant to be satiric. I'm appalled. Okay, maybe a teensy bit jealous. . .but mostly just appalled.
Npl said:
@silence: See the thread topic, its of no issue that hes an total arse.

Besides HIV is a big problem in alot of 3rd-world Countries, no matter if they have a King or not. The prime reason IMHO is the ideology of having many kids as some kind of "status symbol".

not really.... if king has 12,13 or more wifes then population will follow....
it is up to him to show to his people how to act...

you did skip the part where he issued 5 years ban on sex..... while he married another girls.

that guy is fuck up.... 40% HIV and he marries more girls shwoing that sleeeping with more girls is OKie-dokie?

sorry, but what did i get wrong?
silence said:
sorry, but what did i get wrong?

let me rephrase the start of the Thread (how I interpret it at least):
geo: Having tons of virgins lining up for you -> its good to be King
you: having sex there is worse than playing russian roulette
me: nah, getting on <b>Virgins</b> is relatively safe.
you: Not true because the king is an ass.

I was never arguing that he is a selfish bastard.
Well, you left out the bare-titty part, but generally that looks like an accurate description. ;)
Npl said:
let me rephrase the start of the Thread (how I interpret it at least):
geo: Having tons of virgins lining up for you -> its good to be King
you: having sex there is worse than playing russian roulette
me: nah, getting on <b>Virgins</b> is relatively safe.
you: Not true because the king is an ass.

I was never arguing that he is a selfish bastard.

yeah... its great to have virgins while any other citizen has almost 50/50 chance of getting HIV.....

sorry, but i dont find amusing what he does.... he is building palaces, buying Maybaches and shit in one of poorest countries in Africe that BTW has highest HIV infection rate in THE WORLD....

i am truely sorry that i am not impressed cause he nailed another virgin....
that fuck should get HIV ASAP so he can see what his people are going through....

or maybe i should be going "wOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!111111111111v1rg1ns!!1111111111111 my id01!!!!!!!1111111111"???????????

would that satisfy you?
Sxotty said:
AIDs may be out of control, but people in developed world have no excuse it is not a mystery how a person gets it.

And yes I know some unlucky souls get it through other means, but it is really quite rare.

My point btw is I wish to hell people would use a little common sense. Sorry, but the whole AIDs things frustrates me to no end b/c all these folks are dying and it f*cking sucks, yet it seems people are not willing on a personal level to do what it takes to slow it down...

i agree.... but to have people slow down as you say, you have to have role model(in this case BAD one) and education (king is spending more money on villas and cars then educating his people)....

IMO, thats one sorry ass fuck.... Saddam was bad, but this guy is worse....
buying fucking Maybach while you have 40% HIV infection in one of poorest countris in the world only shows that the guy is total fuck....

Maybe he needs to get HIV to get him thinking.....
OH YEAH... he made 5 years ban on sex and while that was enforced he married another girl or two....

i dont get why this fuck even deserves topic in place like B3D
if anyone really thinks that # of virgins he takes from their families is something to worship, i advise THAT person to visit that country....:devilish:
and THEN tell us how great this shit is.....
silence said:
_YOU_ quoted me first....
just to clarify whats being said. All npl is pointing out, is that sex with a virgin is not like playing russian roulett. A virgin is pretty likely not to have aids. Your other points are not being argued.

I think (but I could be mistaken) that a virgin can have HIV if the mother has HIV.

As for "it's good to be King", this was shown a few days ago as the Swedish King smashed his car into another car from behind. Since he's immune against prosecution, no action was taken by the police to check if he had any alcohol in the blood or anything. Not that I think he did, but the other guy naturally had to be checked ...
epicstruggle said:
just to clarify whats being said. All npl is pointing out, is that sex with a virgin is not like playing russian roulett. A virgin is pretty likely not to have aids. Your other points are not being argued.


and in country with 40% HIV infection thats not hypocrisy???
just PLEASE, really PLEASE google about this guy and how he lives and compere to people of his country....

ha banned sex for 5 years for young girls and in the meantime married one or two of those he banned to have sex....

this guy is fucking joke and anyone giving him any credit should (IMO) go there and live as his subject and _THEN_ post what he thinks about this issue....

ohhh, sorry that i am little bit more informed then you guys.... my bad that i read major news sites while drinking coffee and ACCTUALLY know what is going on there...
need links?
happy to provide:devilish:
Humus said:
I think (but I could be mistaken) that a virgin can have HIV if the mother has HIV.

As for "it's good to be King", this was shown a few days ago as the Swedish King smashed his car into another car from behind. Since he's immune against prosecution, no action was taken by the police to check if he had any alcohol in the blood or anything. Not that I think he did, but the other guy naturally had to be checked ...

Humus.... just google for this guy..... he is fucking joke.
smashing car?.... he is buying Maybachs while 40% of his people have HIV.

yeah... lets praise him for fucking another virgin.

my guess is those that prise him never saw pussy
what you think?
silence said:
this guy is fucking joke and anyone giving him any credit should (IMO) go there and live as his subject and _THEN_ post what he thinks about this issue....
I'm confused... I've read this whole thread and can't see where anyone "gave him any credit" or "praised him." You're arguing with no one and then congratulating yourself on how you're better informed then your opponent. Congratulations, you're better informed then no one! ;)

My suggestion is don't post when drunk and/or high.
This is my favourite part, lol
silence said:
ohhh, sorry that i am little bit more informed then you guys.... my bad that i read major news sites while drinking coffee and ACCTUALLY know what is going on there...
need links?
happy to provide:devilish:
Dude, get a clue and what ZoinKs! said.