Is unrequited love really that bad?

I consider it unconditional love, if I've an ex, better to leave her as a friend with benefits than as a thorn on the road ahead. If I like a girl I like her even if she likes another guy/girl, is asexual, goes blind, gets a physical handicap, becomes a vegetable. I try to offer my help in any way I can, and I keep them in mind same way a fire fighter keeps a small girl in a burning building in mind or a father keeps his daughter in his heart.

I'm going to bring up the concept of "moving on".
You are assuming a lot thinking that someone who does not return your feelings will want you hanging around trying to be helpful.

If that person does, it indicates the person is a very manipulative and prone to exploitation.
You are indicating a very paternalistic and borderline messianic idea of what your love is supposed to be.
I'd say it's maybe at least slightly unrealistic.
I'm going to bring up the concept of "moving on".
You are assuming a lot thinking that someone who does not return your feelings will want you hanging around trying to be helpful.

If that person does, it indicates the person is a very manipulative and prone to exploitation.
You are indicating a very paternalistic and borderline messianic idea of what your love is supposed to be.
I'd say it's maybe at least slightly unrealistic.

I can clone her if it comes to that, I know enough, after all I've taken molecular biology courses as a backup plan. If this world has corrupted the girl of my dreams so much, I will build a new one to raise under my divine light of purity, free from corruption to love me as I love her knowing her nature as a replica.

I'll move on when I've moved on from videogames, collecting comics, toys, etc. A girl's heart is the ultimate collectible/hobby for real men.
Hmmm so does this explain why I've been "planning" to buy a new monitor for nearly a year now? :LOL:

I've normally been the recipient of unrequited love so can't say much on the matter. But there's definitely something to the thrill of the chase argument.
I recently learned to distinguish between "desire" and "love" and I came to unsettling conclusion (at least for myself)... Desire has always been much more conspicuous and affective in my life... I think the highest degree of desire, that which brings you the greatest amount of happiness is, paradoxically, unrequited love.

During the period I've had this sort of crush on someone, it was much more virile and much more powerful sensation than any fulfilled love or desire sensations I've ever had. When a desire is thwarted (when it realized), it is no longer satisfying. Thus, for some people (like me), untapped desires are the highest degree of mental gratification (which reminds me something someone once said in another thread, that unrequited love could very well be a very positive experience indeed, when you overcome the initial shock reaction of non-reciprocity).

I think that so many people misinterpret this wonderful nerve-titillating sensation of "unquenched desire" and so, sometimes commit suicide, when in fact, they should remain alive and experience it more often.

What do you guys think? Has anyone had a similar feeling?
Just noticed this thread and I am experiencing it right now. Its something that I feel for one person for almost four years. It has become a sickening obsession, which I realise and want to run away from but cant.

Its a nice "suffering" if its temporary, short and doesnt happen often. But I want it to stop and not feel it ever again, unless the end result is having a mutual relationship. The explosion of that passion would be what I d call "Feeling alive"