Within the real human realm not subject to your masturbatory fantasy, certain practicalities would intrude.
You've already stated you'd build people with the express purpose of joining your harem. You've made no allowance for the possibility they might not want to join.
Your very stated position is that they'd be in a position where your authority is an assumed truth. You also assume that if your harem were so delightfully rife with conflict that they wouldn't come to the conclusion there'd be less of it without the harem and without you.
Your desire to mediate lesbian love, besides highlighting some very odd control issues, as part of some ideal relationship seems to ignore that it wouldn't take much lesbian love to cut you out of the picture entirely.
So your argument is in essence that the ideal relationship is one that ends up without you.
I've dabbled into chaos theory, complex systems, neurobiology, molecular biology, abstract logic, psychology, etc, etc, etc, etc...
Why, why have I done all this? Well it just so happens I fell in love with a fifith grader about oh, six years ago. You see me in college and she in fifth grade, I dare not even say a word to her. Such a relationship in this corrupt world is fated to be destroyed, so I figured I might as well find a way to make it last. This here university besides being the cheapest in the whole world is the university she's most likely to go to, so I've been waiting here doing some studying on my free time 24-7 studying ways to make an indestructible human relationship. And after 6yrs of deep 24-7 study of the human mind, I've found a way to break the cycle of serial monogamy and establish an indefinitely lasting(assuming I'm not killed/die and/or she's not killed/dies) relationship.
I've promised myself none of my relationships here at college will be real, they'll only be toy relationships or practice relationships(and that'll be specifically indicated to any girl that I'm with and is looking for something more.). At most friends with benefits, I've sworn to give first chance to this girl once she's arrived here at college, assuming she's developed intellectually and physically to my tastes I'll approach her. If not, I'll just look for a real mate elsewhere. Despite longing for a harem I also like to chose favorites you see.
I don't think those guys would be stupid enough to keep all those babes in the same place so they can delight in managing the catfights.
That's stupid in your book foolish but delightful in mine
This corrupt world and its corrupt laws have kept me for six years from my love, simply because I respect the 'law'. But I will purify and cleanse it, so that one day 5th graders can actually date 30+yr olds without psychological or legal problems. For that I'm developing cures to stds, and perfect side-effect free anticonceptives, and advocating the regulation of reproduction(working on antiaging too, to force such measures out of sheer necessity, heheh.)