Is That A "Final Fantasy: The Movie" Sequel?


That's the question my husband asked me tonight when we went to watch Borat. Just what exactly was on screen that he would ask such a question?

Gears of War.

You know, I've only seen GoW in trailers and compressed movies. I can't say that I really saw what the big deal was about. Yea it looked good, but nothing that didn't seem awe inspiring.

Seeing it projected on the big screen though? Holy crap.

To be fair, from what I have read the trailer was "full featured" with stuff like LOD set to max and MSAA applied. Real assets and UE3, yet presented as you would expect on a big screen PR campaign (bullshot).

But yeah, the game looks killer and has earned some pretty high praise from the mainstream press as well. e.g.

MSNBC said:
Hands down, "Gears of War" is the best-looking game for the Xbox 360 thus far — and it effortlessly matches anything seen on the PlayStation 3, due out Nov. 17. The ruined paradise of the human world and the nightmarish Locust are breathtakingly detailed.

"Gears of War" is the kind of escapism that can only be experienced via video games — to create this universe on film would break a studio's yearly budget. But after serving a digital tour of duty in "Gears of War," you understand why Hollywood's finest — Peter Jackson has a deal with Microsoft, Steven Spielberg is partnered with Electronic Arts — are so keen on realizing their visions in video games.

If you have an Xbox 360, "Gears" is a must-have. And if you're still sitting on the fence about which next-generation console to buy — Xbox 360 or PS3 — Gears of War makes the decision this holiday a no-brainer.

I think comments like yours and the above are a reminder that as much as we nitpick and complain about stuff, that we sometimes have to step back from our early adopter/graphics enthusiest position and try to look at things from a more casual perspective. In many ways I think the PS4/Xbox3 will have a tough rode because on the graphical end I think it is going to be very difficult to demonstrate a significant leap in graphics--it will be there, but less discerning eyes (i.e. those who just want to play nice looking games) won't be as wowed. That said, I wish Epic would have imported the Lost Planet explosions. See, ever the nitpicker ;)
That's the question my husband asked me tonight when we went to watch Borat. Just what exactly was on screen that he would ask such a question?

Gears of War.

You know, I've only seen GoW in trailers and compressed movies. I can't say that I really saw what the big deal was about. Yea it looked good, but nothing that didn't seem awe inspiring.

Seeing it projected on the big screen though? Holy crap.


What you are a female? Sorry didn't know. Yeah I seen that trailer for the first time on a TV today on ESPN and damn near pissed my pants.
I think comments like yours and the above are a reminder that as much as we nitpick and complain about stuff, that we sometimes have to step back from our early adopter/graphics enthusiest position and try to look at things from a more casual perspective. In many ways I think the PS4/Xbox3 will have a tough rode because on the graphical end I think it is going to be very difficult to demonstrate a significant leap in graphics--it will be there, but less discerning eyes (i.e. those who just want to play nice looking games) won't be as wowed. That said, I wish Epic would have imported the Lost Planet explosions. See, ever the nitpicker ;)

Actually I think it will be easier to casuals see the difference between PS4... than it is now, but they will not see it in gfx, I expect that things like voice recg, EyeToy2, user created content/processural work (Spore like), motion sensor, AI, AR and game design (because of the soon bank rupture of just spec inflated games) will be the big advances for next gen and those are far easier to spot than more polys.

On of the things that make me think this is that ALL of this is already in R&D labs from the 3 companys.
Actually I think it will be easier to casuals see the difference between PS4... than it is now, but they will not see it in gfx, I expect that things like voice recg, EyeToy2, user created content/processural work (Spore like), motion sensor, AI, AR and game design (because of the soon bank rupture of just spec inflated games) will be the big advances for next gen and those are far easier to spot than more polys.

Most of the things you list can't be seen in a quick glance at the screen, which is what Natoma is talking about. Voice recg? Nope, doesn't happen in a store. EyeToy2? Motion Sensor? This is OMGCOOL after YOU try it, not when you see someone else play. User content comes 2-6 months into the game's life (and 99% of it ranges from sucky to "meh" - see NWN). AI and game design? Gimme a break :)

AR is the only exception, and Eye of Judgement IMHO the coolest thing about PS3 so far, and the one most likely to wow a causal observer from a cursory glance.
What you are a female? Sorry didn't know. Yeah I seen that trailer for the first time on a TV today on ESPN and damn near pissed my pants.

I'm a guy. :)

I saw the trailer on TV as well and it was merely ok. Seeing it on the big screen though was a totally different experience. You can see all of the details very well. It was really amazing.

And the fact that my husband thought it was a FF sequel just spoke wonders to the game's graphics. Really amazing.
To be fair, from what I have read the trailer was "full featured" with stuff like LOD set to max and MSAA applied. Real assets and UE3, yet presented as you would expect on a big screen PR campaign (bullshot).

But yeah, the game looks killer and has earned some pretty high praise from the mainstream press as well. e.g.

I think comments like yours and the above are a reminder that as much as we nitpick and complain about stuff, that we sometimes have to step back from our early adopter/graphics enthusiest position and try to look at things from a more casual perspective. In many ways I think the PS4/Xbox3 will have a tough rode because on the graphical end I think it is going to be very difficult to demonstrate a significant leap in graphics--it will be there, but less discerning eyes (i.e. those who just want to play nice looking games) won't be as wowed. That said, I wish Epic would have imported the Lost Planet explosions. See, ever the nitpicker ;)

Without a large HDTV (45"+), I don't think the graphics would be very jaw dropping. I think more than anything it's the larger than life cinematic experience that really floored us. You can't really get that on a small screen or SDTV.
I'm a guy. :)

I saw the trailer on TV as well and it was merely ok. Seeing it on the big screen though was a totally different experience. You can see all of the details very well. It was really amazing.

And the fact that my husband thought it was a FF sequel just spoke wonders to the game's graphics. Really amazing.

OMG WTF??? Oh my bad man.:oops: It's just that when you said husband I thought.....

Well what ever as long as you are happy.:smile:
If we invite LB to the thread will mckmass insert his other foot in his mouth as well? :LOL:
holy thread derailing, Batman :LOL:

and yes... Gears has gotten some amazing reactions from the people who have seen me play. Jaw dropping.
The funny thing is that mckmas always does that. He must have done it to me like twice of three times.

I'm sure my signature will make everyone remember though!:LOL:
Okay I get it he had a lot of it. Why did that guy keep repeating it over and over?

The well-catechized modern American viewer claims to be open to all forms and flavors of sexuality, yet generally feels a little uncomfortable at the sight of a gay cartoon character going into ecstasy at reminiscing about his varied and frequent anal sex encounters causes the viewer to laugh nervously at his own incongruity. Alternatively, the congruent viewer can chuckle to himself at the thought of how uncomfortable this scene is doubtlessly makes more than a few people who consider themselves adherents of modern, Western notions of tolerance and sexual liberation.

Well, that's my psychoanalysis at this particular brand of humor. :rolleyes: