Is PS2 more powerfull than GCN?

PS2 isnt even more powerful than the DC..
its not under-rated its over-rated.
and GC eats it up in just about every way.
stupid design, lack of texture compression, anti-aliasing
and Anisotropic filtering leave a PSX like experience, just with more polys.

sure it can push almost as many polys as the GC, but when you have to wrap them in textures that look like they were drawn with crayons, doesnt do you a lot of good.

Talking fighting games when it comes to graphics power is stupid, thats a small area, they have to use very few textures, and have to show very little view distance, the only thing you can fairly compare to a fighting game is Resident Evil, its practically the same thing, does TTT look as good as RE? think now.. for that Matter, someone else implied it could also compare to the XBox? lol, I highly doubt they have ANY fighters up to DOA3's graphical level.
Isnt it the same with most game?
You can only view that big of an area onscreen. Fighting games allows the developers to deeply optimise the graphics of that particular screen.
Sorry chap, you're on crack. I've seen none of the low poly complaints yuou talk about in Tekken 4. The models don't look low poly int he least and comparing them to DOA2 is insane. DOA2's characters don't show nearly the detail that Tekken 4's does.




Not much going on in the background? .....sure?
Play the game dude.
T4 models are lower polyed than DOA2, very evident when in motion.

The airport stage, the carpark stage, the street stage and most stages are empty looking.


and the final battle with that old man are the only interesting looking stage.
those screens dont even look as good as the terrible Bloody Road PF for gamecube.

I see low quality textures, Poly clipping, in fact, the first screen could have been done on the N64.
Chap, I think you are as funny as you are delusional. :LOL:

Maybe you should play those old DC games sometimes again and don't let the nostalgia take the best of you.

This is how TTT looks like:




And this is how DOA2 looks like


sorry marc, i am no DC fanboy fan.
i actually felt the DC was quite over rated due to how 'heroic' it died.

But T4 does indeed have low polygons models.
Play it for your self. :oops:
T4 looks awesome, it´s the 2nd best looking fighting game on current consoles. The character models look quite nice (for some reason in the presentation and you win/lose sequences, there´s no lightning applied on the characters), although they´re a bit lower poly than TTT. However, the environments are a lot more complex than TTT´s, and have a bunch of nice graphical touches and very nice textures in general.

As for DC being more powerfull than PS2, LOL. :LOL: I´d like to see the DC handle MGS2 or FFX.
DC could easily handle it, the problem with DC's graphics were not the system itself, it was generational, the system died before people could fully use the hardware, it was at a time when people were making games for PSX and N64, so naturally the games only mildly outdid those.

as far as image quality goes, DC left PS2 in the dust.
if you think DC cant handle that, you need to go back and play Shenmue..
I'm sorry Tekken 4 is very underwhelming, the arenes are very small, and in the screenshots you can see the static background is placed not even 30 feet behind the characters, in DOA3, every bit of the environment is fully renderedin realtime, its not a few 3d buildings in front of a still picture, it looks like crap.
Right now I have this idea that PS2 is actually more powerfull than GCN, that it just has a bunch of bottlenecks and design flaws (like kinda poor IQ), and that GCN is just a lot more balanced and has texture compression.

A system is only as powerful as its worst bottleneck ;)

In short, no PS2 isn't more powerful, its quite a bit weaker. As can be seen from PS2's best looking games vs GameCube's best.. even at this stage when devs have had allot longer to get used to the PS2 then the GameCube.

I´ve been having this impression since I saw titles like ZOE2, SH3 and Network Biohazard.

I haven't seen ZOE2. SH3 doesn't look that great at all, yeah the cut scene's everyone shows look nice (although they were low res vids so I can't tell for sure) but the ingame stuff looks ordinary. Netword Biohazard?.. never heard of it, I'll have a look at IGN and see if I can find it, but I very much doubt it looks better then RE or RE0.


Were those pictures of TTT you were showing actually from the PS2 version? Because the first one has "please insert coin".. seems like an arcade shot. Or does the PS2 version say that too?, I don't know because I've never played the game on PS2.
Goldni said:
Ozy I would agree with that statement if it were'nt for a little known title from Retro coming out in about a week. Good gracious MP looks incredible.

Yeah, I played the Metroid Prime demo last week. It looks incredible... but from fantastic art mostly. I don't think it's doing the same poly counts or texture effects that Rogue Leader did... although the painfully smooth framerate made me salivate :oops:
I'm sorry Tekken 4 is very underwhelming, the arenes are very small, and in the screenshots you can see the static background is placed not even 30 feet behind the characters, in DOA3, every bit of the environment is fully renderedin realtime, its not a few 3d buildings in front of a still picture, it looks like crap.
Do you even know what you are talking about here? Tekken 4 has fully modelled backgrounds.

I haven't seen ZOE2. SH3 doesn't look that great at all, yeah the cut scene's everyone shows look nice (although they were low res vids so I can't tell for sure) but the ingame stuff looks ordinary.
Ingame, it uses the same graphics as in the cut scenes. i.e. self shadowing, stencil shadow volumes with global shadow casting and lighting, etc. I have a gamplay video and it looks every bit as impressive as those cut scenes.

Were those pictures of TTT you were showing actually from the PS2 version? Because the first one has "please insert coin".. seems like an arcade shot. Or does the PS2 version say that too?
I took them from Gamespot, from their review of PS2 version. Arcade version was running on the PS2 hardware (System 246) anyways, just like Tekken 4.
:eek: Captain Howdy, you're just too much :LOL:

As for Teasy, if the screenshots are from the arcade... think of it this way, the PS2 version is far and wide known to be superior graphically to its arcade counterpart... so either way, it doesn't matter.

I wouldn't say which console pushes the most power, frankly, I don't see that much of a difference on any of them in general. The differences lie only in single titles, where the DEVELOPERS made the difference.
Ingame, it uses the same graphics as in the cut scenes. i.e. self shadowing, stencil shadow volumes with global shadow casting and lighting, etc. I have a gamplay video and it looks every bit as impressive as those cut scenes.

I had a video that showed one of the cut scene's, the shadowing looked really nice and the model was very high poly.. or looked it anyway. However the actual game was just a typical looking game, nothing special that caught my attention. There is no way that the ingame parts of that game are up to the standard of the cutscene I saw AFAICS.

As for Teasy, if the screenshots are from the arcade... think of it this way, the PS2 version is far and wide known to be superior graphically to its arcade counterpart... so either way, it doesn't matter.

I didn't even say anything about that. I was just enquiring on wether the screens were actually from the PS2 version simply because I noticed the insert coin message, there was no hidden agenda.
Weird, I always thought console fighters put "Press Start". Seems like they should have changed that for the PS2 version considering some dumbass would actually try to insert a coin in their PS2.
Tekken 4 does seem to look worse than TTT for some reason. Is it the interactive backgrounds maybe?

But yeah, either CaptainHowdy's trolling, or he's just seriously misguided. If XBox can't even handle MGS2, how could Dreamcast? :D
will take a wild guess and say that developmentwise GT4 will be the peak.

Probably, but my guess is that it won't look much better than GT3. If GT4 turns out to be technically superior in a big way, it would probably be running at 30 fps IMO.

Regarding SH3, in game it's only running at 30 fps.
marconelly! said:
I'm sorry Tekken 4 is very underwhelming, the arenes are very small, and in the screenshots you can see the static background is placed not even 30 feet behind the characters, in DOA3, every bit of the environment is fully renderedin realtime, its not a few 3d buildings in front of a still picture, it looks like crap.
Do you even know what you are talking about here? Tekken 4 has fully modelled backgrounds.

yes I do, obviously you dont, you can even tell where the 3d polys end and the static background begins, prime picture example.

you can see it plain as day there


and the arm meeting the chest, along with the head have mad blockiness that makes the PSX say "Dayum, get yourself some polys man"
There's no way PD would let their racing game sink to 30'll be a locked 60 fps no doubt about it. I remember rumours of PD apparently targeting double the polygon per second onscreen for GT4. GT3 ran at around 10 mpps at 60 fps. I'm not sure where DOUBLE the polygons, if achieved, would go to...