Is my webpage good or crap?

IMO (using Mozilla): Use colors with a little less saturation on the Mail-Me icon. Also, some of the pages get a scrollbar a distance off the right edge of the browser window, which looks a bit weird. Other than those issues, I'd say that the site looks pretty good, though a bit minimalistic.
Oh man, I can't get rid of the funny scrollbars or the menu going over the text. :(

Any ideas guys?
tone down the "about me" page, and the quotes in your about me page are way to the right, couldnt see the whole thing without resizing the browser. Using opera 7
epicstruggle said:
tone down the "about me" page, and the quotes in your about me page are way to the right, couldnt see the whole thing without resizing the browser. Using opera 7

same here, using Konqueror...
Opera 7.22 here and the left side of the page with some text does not line up correctly. That or you see crooked.

And I only see one page? What is the big deal?
The left side Contents="Home Fees Feedback About..." slightly overlap the rest of the page. Oh, and blow me gas boy.
You stare any harder and it's gonna blow my monitor. :D

There's also a clipping problem (IE6) on the left of the scrolling area.