Is it possible to land on the Sun?

You can land on the sun with today's technology as well. You won't land on it in one piece, but you didn't say we have to get there intact.
Sliught diversion from the topic:

Could you get inside the event horizon of a very large black hole before the increasing forces of gravity tear you limb from limb?

If "yes" then what would you see? Obviously it can't be complete darkness; photons would be flying about everywhere (except outwards).

I suppose it would be an all-encompassing whiteness of immense heat and death but that's just a guess. I'm not an astro-physicist lol.
Sliught diversion from the topic:

Could you get inside the event horizon of a very large black hole before the increasing forces of gravity tear you limb from limb?

If "yes" then what would you see? Obviously it can't be complete darkness; photons would be flying about everywhere (except outwards).

I suppose it would be an all-encompassing whiteness of immense heat and death but that's just a guess. I'm not an astro-physicist lol.

If the black hole in question is large enough (like, say, one of those supermassive-black-hole-at-the-center-of-the-galaxy thingies), then yes, you can reach the event horizon and probably far beyond before you get stretched to death. Once you have passed the EH, there will be no photons for you to see from within the black hole, just solid blackness; any photons you will see will be from light and debris falling in together with you.

You may get to experience "all-encompassing whiteness of immense heat and death" as you travel through the accretion disk surrounding the hole (black holes big enough to allow you to cross the event horizon alive will most likely have a fairly serious accretion disk for you to deal with), but not so much within the hole itself.
It's been a while since i read anything of black holes, but isn't it a hole in both space and time? If that were the case, time would escape no more than space and matter would meaning as you got further into a black hole, your perception of it (before being torn limb from limb of course) would not be the same as an outsider watching you. I seem to recall Hawking saying something like that anyway...someone correct me if i'm wrong...
But would it cool down quick enough? Here in Texas it stays hot at night, too.

If fusion in the sun stopped it would heat up tremendously. The core of the sun would collapse at relativistic speeds. A lot of mass would bounce back and be ejected into space, destroying all life on earth.
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There is a good science fiction story of a spaceship having to go through the outer layers of the sun and the crew almost freeze to death because they do not realise the cooling system is adjustable .. I can't recall who wrote it though, was it Aasimov?

It might have been in David Brin's Sundiver, but I think I've also read a short story from either Clarke or Asimov with that kind of synopsis.