Can you give me a link that substantiate your claims? Again there is doubt in their honesty. I would be enterested in seeing if you can find some information that backs these claims up. They when can discuss whether they lied or not.
Well this is incredible. From the beginning you've done nothing but ask me to to "prove this" or "prove that". Now you say Factor 5 lied and when I ask you to show me where you even ask me to prove they haven't lied. This is simple, if you claim something you back it up, or at least try before asking someone else to prove you wrong.
If a developer makes certain claims they should back them up. The same should hold true to RL.
How exactly would you have them back them up then? Apparently you don't believe that so they can't back up what they said.
How can we say these figures are accurate?
How can we say they aren't? Lets see, we have a quote from Factor 5 to say that Rogue Leader pushes 12-15 million pps at times, and against we have.. err.. nothing. All we have against is your opinion that they can't be trusted, and when I ask you to show why they can't be trusted you can't show why.
OK. SO because no one caught it and denied it must be true?
My point is we as you said, we have developers here, and many other people, these numbers must have been mentioned over 10 times in this forum and no'one has ever said they were false. Even now nobody says they are false but you, and you have nothing to show that they are false.. just guess work.
For one they sounds extremely high. Two there is no evidence to back up these claims. The same could be said about VF4. They can claim what they want but without actual figures they're assertions are meaningless.
Figures?.. what figures are you looking for. Factor 5 have given figures.
come from a source? So if i turned to sega's page for the vf4 polycount i'd be justified in believing the game was rendering 60,000,000 polygons/second because i have a source that says so?
Are you reading my comment at all before responding? I was saying that at least I have some sources, while you have nothing at all but guess work and stuborness. Show me this comment on Sega's site, I want to see who said it, and how it was said. My info comes from a interview from a highly skilled group of programmers, not just Factor 5 but also Lucas Arts themselves. Does that 60,000,000 info come from a real programmer or a PR guy?
Also no of course you couldn't believe it pushes 60,000,000 polys per second, because as everyone knows its totally impossible to do that with the PS2. Its very obviously possible to push 12,000,000+ polys on GameCube.
Did you see what ERP said? The lighting methods the gc uses are "grossly simplified." Above average Teasy? ERP doesn't think so.
Yeah I read what ERP said.. but you didn't obviously. ERP was not talking about software. Your taking something ERP said and changing it for your own use. If you really need to
mis-read ERP's comments to get an opinion on wether or not Rogue Leader's poly counts and lighting is above average then you either haven't played Rogue Leader or your just in denial. I mean really, nobody here is going to agree with you that Rogue Leader's polys counts and lighting is not above an average game. Not even any PS2 or XBox fan-boy, and that's saying something!
Why because i am asking for evidence? Why must you interprit this as i am calling you a liar?
The question is why did you interpret my comment like that? Because I did not say you were calling me a liar. I was explaining that when you constently ask people to back everything up its going to come back and bite you when someone then says to you "why don't you back the opposite up instead?". You base too much of your argument on "I don't believe them" and "back that up then". Apparently you don't see any reason for you to back anything up yourself.
A lot of people here seem to think so Teasy. I am not the first person here that disagrees with the RL figures. Check the forum history. Second it doesn't make a difference what people here in this thread believe. If Factor5 misrepresented these figures then they're claims are null and void regardless of what people believe.
No, AFAICS people do not disagree with these polycount numbers from Factor 5. I'd ask you to post some threads with people disagreeing but I fear you'd just ask me to prove that these threads don't excist, since you don't seem to think you carry the burden of proving anything, everyone else must prove you wrong no matter the situation.
Did you read what ERP said?
Yes, once agiain I did, you didn't. ERP said he was not talking about performance comparisons. So where exactly did ERP say that Flipper is not faster at T&L then Geforce 2?
didn't say i believed the Geforce 2 was more powerful then the Flipper.
I didn't say you did, I said you claimed Flipper wasn't faster.
Also, yeah you didn't say that to Tangrineth, but apparently you think so because you've quite obviously argued with me saying Flipper is faster.
Newer doesn't beget better teasy in all cases. This chip is newer then the Geforce 3 - do you think it is more powerful then the geforce 3?
No newer doesn't always mean better, but usually it does. What I was saying is you have no reason to think it isn't faster. Flipper is ALLOT newer then Geforce 2, we've seen games with much better T&L work on Flipper, Flipper's raw poly numbers are higher then that of Geforce 2.. and to counter you have.. nothing AFAICS, other then "I don't believe that source" and "back that up".
Sure i can i have the benchmarks right here (PDF file). If you want i can email them to you or upload them to you via messenger service or ftp.
I can't get them through email. Could you just post the relivant part.
Would this make their webpage figure more accurate?
No, that wasn't my point. I was trying to distinguis between something said by programmers, technical people who know what they're talking about, in an interview and what a PR guy puts on the website.
No Teasy that isn't the case. I stated numbers i have been lead to believe are the norm. I have a hard time believing RL's polycount is dramatically higher then the norm without evidence for this.
Heh, could you give me a source saying that's the norm
Seriously, if you actually played Rogue Leader you'd change your mind on it being around average polygon counts. Although I don't you'd admit it here.
Hmmm i have had similiar arguments with christians. Teasy prove to me that the God of the universe isn't a 26th dimensional cream puff. Prove to me that VF4 isn't rendering 60,000,000 polygons/second. Do you see the similarity? You have made an assumption those Factor 5 figures are accurate without looking deeper into them. Teasy lets be reasonable, ok? You made a claim, you should back it up. Numbers from a webpage don't constitute evidence. They are meaningless figures if they have no value applied to them or conditions.
You also made a claim, that Factor 5's numbers are false, that they lied. What you don't seem to realise is I made a claim and backed it up, then you made a counter claim and its in your court now, back it up. Just because you don't believe my source that does not automatically disqualify it, not until you back up your claim that my source is lying.
Just to lay it out for you. I said Rogue Leader is pushing upwards of 12,000,000 polys per second. You then asked me to back that up, I did so by telling you that the games developers said exacly that. You then claimed that the developers were not to be trusted because they're liars, so now its your turn to back something up.