Is Flipper's geometry engine more powerful than Elan?

I don't really understand that question. But Rogue Leader runs at between 12-15 million pps. Most of the time it runs at 60fps.

Really? Did you count the polygons? Who claimed this?

No I don't need to, I've seen numbers from the developer, which is backed up by the incredible complexity of the game. I also remember Factor 5 mentioning the number of lights. But then just look at the game, the lighting is spectacular.

Yeah we all know that factor5 is a credible source :LOL:. Seriously, show me something that indicates there are that many polygons on screen.

LOL.. yeah right, Rogue Leader pushes only 3.6m - 6m pps? That's outlandish mate. I could have a look for some interviews for poly pushing info, but as I remember it was at least 12 million pps at around 60fps. Also remember back when EA measured T&L performance with one of its engines? GC was around the same performance as a Athlon 1.4ghz and Radeon 8500.. which is a hell of allot faster then a Geforce 2.

Really? Its outlandish? and 12-15 million isn't? Why, because you want to be that it is 15 million/second out there teasy? How do you know there are that many out there? Do you always believe what you are told?

EA's benchmark :LOL:. The one people here keep saying is inaccurate? Teasy you and i don't even know what was happening in that benchmark. Again i can't imagine the two are directly comparable. If you really want to go that way the Xbox was blowing away the athlon 1.4 GHZ/Radeon 8500. It makes me wonder if they had tested the xbox verse that same computer with a geforce 4 if it still wouldn't have beaten it. I have a hard time believing that teasy.

I want to see some real figures.

Teasy how do you know what you are seeing is or is not as complex as you think?

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Teasy said:
Nothing I've seen Geforce 2 do, even in tech demo's, comes close to what Flipper does in Rogue Leader. The lighting in Rogue Leader is fantastic, that certainly doesn't look simple to me. I really don't know what you mean about its lighting being simple compared to Geforce 2. So you'll forgive me if I don't just take your word on this.

I'm not talking about application here, just implementation.
Basically Flipper isn't doing the same Math as GF2 when it's doing a "full featured light". A light on GF2 is not comparable to a light on Flipper. Flipper's lighting model is grossly simplified.

I'm not comparing software on the platforms and I'm not comparing performance I'm just saying that I know of no apples to apples comparisons.
Yeah we all know that factor5 is a credible source . Seriously, show me something that indicates there are that many polygons on screen.

Your asking me to show you how Rogue Leader is pushing that many polys but you refuse to believe Factor 5's numbers.. the people who actually made the game! So then who's numbers are reliable for any game? Every developer has a reason to make their game sound good, so we shouldn't believe any numbers from any developers and instead just make the numbers up ourselves as you just did? It seems that your just setting me a impossible task just so you can still believe that your right here.

BTW you keep asking me if I counted the polys on screen, yet you then come up with numbers that have came from no source at all (60,000-100,000 per frame). So did you count all those polys then? At least I get my number from a real source.

Teasy you and i don't even know what was happening in that benchmark. Again i can't imagine the two are directly comparable.

So now EA are bias towards GameCube are they? They compare their engine in T&L power on different systems and you say the benchmarks aren't comparable?? They may not be exact and optimised as much as possible for each system, but they are some indication, and they're are th best indication we have since you refuse to believe numbers from Factor 5.

I want to see some real figures.

Do you only count real figures as ones you either make up or that prove your point? I've already shown you numbers as real as they get, now you show me some sort of source to disprove them.
There is an interview at gamespot where they say exactly the interval (polygon number fluctuate did you know ?) and they said that the game was most of the times at 60fps.

I think people got the 15Mpol by multiplying both numbers, which I think is not fair.

I'm too lazy to get the link :(

RL has more that 200k pol by frame, be it a 30 or 60fps I do not know.
Oh my that IS rediculous. Your asking me to show you how Rogue Leader is pushing that many polys but you refuse to believe Factor 5's numbers..

If i can remember they have made many BS statements in the past. That effects their credibility Teasy.

the people who actually made the game!

Did you know on sega's first page for VF4 they claimed the game was running 60,000,000+ polygons/second? How do you know that is BS teasy? I mean afterall they are the game's developer.

So then who's numbers are reliable for any game?

Teasy because they make claims about their games you are willing to believe them? You have to first substantiate their claims to be reliable before you can compare them to anyone else. If you want to do then you probably need to find other sources to do that. This forum has a number of developers and people with incite. Perhaps we can ask them what they know about RL. Simply trusting one source doesn't cut it for me when that source has checkered history.

BTW you keep asking me if I counted the polys on screen, yet you then come up with numbers that have came from no source at all (60,000-100,000 per frame). So did you count all those polys then? At least I get my number from a real source.

Teasy don't be ridiculous. 60,000 - 100,000 is probably about average for games. What was stating was nothimg more than that - that i have a hard time believing the polycounts are dramatically higher then the average. I have seen no evidence for this and find your claims hard to swallow without further evidence.

Your really in no position to be talking like that. Do you only believe what you want to believe? Common, at least I got my numbers from the devs themselves, were as you pulled your numbers out of your arse.

Really? I am not? Why is that? A developer makes a claim so it must be true? Come on Teasy. I am not trying to fight with you here. I am asking you to do something simple - back up your claims. How do you know Factor 5's assertions are what you think they are? How do you know they are honest? They have bsed in the past numerous times. In fact you can scout around these forums and find people discussing what they have said.

Again sega's webpage claimed their game was running 60,000,000 polygons/second. This must be true then?

So now EA are bias towards GameCube are they?

WTF? What does this have to do about bias? I mentioned their outlandish figures for the xbox as well. I have a hardtime believing both. Those same benchmarks had the PS2 beating the GC in effective texturing with 8 layer textures as well. Do you believe this?

They compare their engine in T&L power on different systems and you say the benchmarks aren't comparable?? They may not be exact and optimised as much as possible for each system, but they are a good indication.

That sounds damn arbitrary to me. How do you know their engines properly utilize each system? How do you know the behavior of these engines are indicative of the system's performance as a whole?

I mean common, you don't believe Factor 5 on their own game, you don't believe EA, it seems you just don't believe anyone who shows that Flipper's T&L power is above and beyond Geforce 2.

Back to sega. They made some goofy claims on their webpage about VF4. Should we believe them on face value?

Do you only count real figures as ones you either make up or that prove your point? I've already shown you numbers as real as they get, now you show me some sort of source to disprove them.

Its a bit odd that you are accusing me of this when it seems you were the one who was making claims.
Flipper's raw T&L power is pretty evenly matched with a GF2. However, Flipper's internal workings are more than likely much more efficient than the GF2. Couple that with a closed architecture and you can certainly push more polygons in a game scenario (littered with effects).
I love how everyone is ignoring ERP's comments. If the math in the lighting implementation is different between cards, how are you supposed to compare.

Arguing by anecdote is hardly worth much weight, especially when there are proffessionals present who have actually worked with the console.

::Mutters:: Religion!
Fred said:
I love how everyone is ignoring ERP's comments. If the math in the lighting implementation is different between cards, how are you supposed to compare.

Arguing by anecdote is hardly worth much weight, especially when there are proffessionals present who have actually worked with the console.

::Mutters:: Religion!

I agree. This is not the first time he has said something like this either. He is usually ignored.
I don't know if this matters at all, but Factor 5 claimed that the Death Star in RS2 was made up of at least 100,000 polygons.
Not all being drawn at once. The highest polycounts on screen for RL reach around 250,000. Don't know if it still keeps a steady 60fps in those peak situations though.

Legion, there are more than likely a ton of games above the "average" polycount. Azurik on the Xbox *peaks* at 500,000 polys a frame (at 30fps). It's not uncommon to have higher polycounts in this generation of consoles.

Can you show me an interview were Factor 5 lied?, or any links at all where they lied? I'm serious, I'd like to actually see quotes and links so I can find out once and for all what happened there.

Teasy because they make claims about their games you are willing to believe them?

Many times in the past it has been said on this forum that Rogue Leader pushes 250,000+ per frame, nobody else argued with that, not even any of the devs on this forum.

Those same benchmarks had the PS2 beating the GC in effective texturing with 8 layer textures as well. Do you believe this?

Hmm, where did you see this? Could you post it, because I didn't see that.

Back to sega. They made some goofy claims on their webpage about VF4. Should we believe them on face value?

Did Sega ever claim in an interview that they were actually pushing that number? Did you go into specifics on how many polys were onscreen per frame at what framerate ect? Or was this a silly off hand, and probably confused, claim from a PR guy who wouldn't know a polygon if it poked his eye out?

Its a bit odd that you are accusing me of this when it seems you were the one who was making claims.

Well so far you've came up with some numbers that you think sound reasonable, and refused to believe any numbers I've given you. What I'd like to see is you show me some numbers from a few sources to show the opposite. Show me something anyway, so far you seem to be laying all the burden of proof on me.
I guess everyone had beef with the Flipper's T&L; many responses in such a short time. We should listen to ERP on the fact that the Flipper implements a simpler model for vertex lighting, and thus does less math per lighting computation. The Flipper seems to be a little faster at transformation though (I believe it could transform around 30-some million, while the Gefroce 2 achieves 25 million at 200MHz). This generation, with the exception of various PS2 titles, the consoles will used per-pixel lighting of some sort with little use for the L part of T&L. Whether it be procedural per-pixel lighting (lighting math is done in the combiners) or per-pixel lightmaps, vertex lighting will barely be used. Maybe PS2 can afford it because of its ability to pump out high rates of polygons (like the other consoles), which would allow for more vertex normals, and less interpolation artifacts. With more polygons, the benefits of complete per-pixel lighting are a little less, unless there are regular bump-maps. Just my 2 cents.
while the Gefroce 2 achieves 25 million at 200MHz
Use the Ti or Ultra and the poly figures are nearly identical (31 for GF2 and 32.5 for Flipper). The original Radeon also pushes ~30 or so million.
Can you show me an interview were they lied? All I've heard from people on this is complaints that Julian of Factor 5 compared an early XBox to a finished GameCube and said GameCube was faster. Even then Julian admited that this was an early XBox vs a finished GameCube, and was that even an official comment from Factor 5? Was it not just Julian talking in a forum? I'd really love to have links to all these 'lies' from Factor 5 just to know exactly what went on once and for all.

Can you give me a link that substantiate your claims? Again there is doubt in their honesty. I would be enterested in seeing if you can find some information that backs these claims up. They when can discuss whether they lied or not.

I can't remember that, but if it happened then fine, you can question what Sega say in the future about their games not Factor 5. As for how I would know that's BS, well because 60,000,000 is quite obviously impossible on PS2, that's just a technical fact.

If a developer makes certain claims they should back them up. The same should hold true to RL. How can we say these figures are accurate? How do you know these figures they are proposing aren't as ridiculous as factor5's assertions?

Many times in the past it has been said on this forum that Rogue Leader pushes 12,000,000+ polys per second, nobody else argued with that, not even any of the devs on this forum.

OK. SO because no one caught it and denied it must be true? I have heard people say those high polygon models were for cut scenes while lower polygon count models were used in game. I have heard that ingame models were around 2,000 - 4,000 polygons.

What's rediculous about it?

For one they sounds extremely high. Two there is no evidence to back up these claims. The same could be said about VF4. They can claim what they want but without actual figures they're assertions are meaningless.

You kept asking, did I count up the 12-15,000,000 per second number. I was saying that at least my numbers come from a source and if anyone's counting polys its you, your numbers come from just looking at the game and guessing.

come from a source? So if i turned to sega's page for the vf4 polycount i'd be justified in believing the game was rendering 60,000,000 polygons/second because i have a source that says so?

As for Rogue Leader having average polygon counts.. its poly counts and lighting quality is quite obviously way above average.

Did you see what ERP said? The lighting methods the gc uses are "grossly simplified." Above average Teasy? ERP doesn't think so.

If you don't want a fight then we don't have to have one. I don't want to have a slanging match, but I will retaliate if someone tries to insult me.

no one is insulting you teasy.

That back up your claims thing is a nasty one,

Why because i am asking for evidence? Why must you interprit this as i am calling you a liar?

it can come back and bite you. For instance back up your claims that Factor 5 have lied about Rogue Leaders polycounts, because nobody else seems to think so.

A lot of people here seem to think so Teasy. I am not the first person here that disagrees with the RL figures. Check the forum history. Second it doesn't make a difference what people here in this thread believe. If Factor5 misrepresented these figures then they're claims are null and void regardless of what people believe.

Or you could back up your opinion on Flipper not having more powerful T&L then Geforce 2.

Did you read what ERP said?

What i said exactly was that i wasn't so sure about Tangrineth's assertions. I didn't say i believed the Geforce 2 was more powerful then the Flipper. I just wan't sure about her exagerated claims.

Afterall we are talking about a much newer chip here (Flipper) when compared to Geforce 2, and with games like Rogue Leader and Metroid Prime on GameCube I would imagine its sensible to assume that Flipper is faster until its proven otherwise.

Newer doesn't beget better teasy in all cases. This chip is newer then the Geforce 3 - do you think it is more powerful then the geforce 3?

Where did you see this? Could you post it, because I didn't see that.

Sure i can i have the benchmarks right here (PDF file). If you want i can email them to you or upload them to you via messenger service or ftp.

Did Sega ever claim in an interview that they were actually pushing that number?

Would this make their webpage figure more accurate?

Did you go into specifics on how many polys were onscreen per frame at what framerate ect? Or was this a silly off hand, and probably confused, claim from a PR guy who wouldn't know a polygon if it poked his eye out?

would this make their webpage figure more accurate?

Well so far you've came up with some numbers that you think sound reasonable, and refused to believe any numbers I've given you no matter what source they're from.

No Teasy that isn't the case. I stated numbers i have been lead to believe are the norm. I have a hard time believing RL's polycount is dramatically higher then the norm without evidence for this. I don't believe developers should be trust on face value. A polycount figure is meaningless if they don't tell you how they got it, why, and what effects were being used or what conditions the tests were done under.

What I'd like to see is you show me some numbers from a few sources to show the opposite.

Hmmm i have had similiar arguments with christians. Teasy prove to me that the God of the universe isn't a 26th dimensional cream puff. Prove to me that VF4 isn't rendering 60,000,000 polygons/second. Do you see the similarity? You have made an assumption those Factor 5 figures are accurate without looking deeper into them. Teasy lets be reasonable, ok? You made a claim, you should back it up. Numbers from a webpage don't constitute evidence. They are meaningless figures if they have no value applied to them or conditions.

Rather then asking me over and over to prove it, then saying "I don't believe that source prove it another way". Your trying to make me jump through hoops here man :)

Teasy i am asking you to provide evidence for your claims.
Rogue leader mainly uses vertex lighting with some per-pixel lighting here and there. I guess the fact that its models are high poly mask the fact that they are, at least partially, vertex-lit.
DeathKnight said:
Not all being drawn at once. The highest polycounts on screen for RL reach around 250,000. Don't know if it still keeps a steady 60fps in those peak situations though.

Legion, there are more than likely a ton of games above the "average" polycount. Azurik on the Xbox *peaks* at 500,000 polys a frame (at 30fps). It's not uncommon to have higher polycounts in this generation of consoles.

How do you know this?
Legion said:
DeathKnight said:
Not all being drawn at once. The highest polycounts on screen for RL reach around 250,000. Don't know if it still keeps a steady 60fps in those peak situations though.

Legion, there are more than likely a ton of games above the "average" polycount. Azurik on the Xbox *peaks* at 500,000 polys a frame (at 30fps). It's not uncommon to have higher polycounts in this generation of consoles.

How do you know this?

Both are coming from dev mouths, something you are not likely to trust. I do not think Deathknight will bother to give you a link because
- anything older than one month is almost impossible to retrieve on the net
- you would not trust it anyway

FYI, many UPCOMING games on the xbox are clocking higher than 300k, for example Racing Apex is at 500k by frame (I do not know the framerate), so 250k for a GC game is completely realistic (and many recent ps2 games are at 150k+ at 60fps, WRC2 for example).
the consoles will used per-pixel lighting of some sort with little use for the L part of T&L.
That's simply not true.
Per pixel math still uses per vertex setup, which is just as much or even 'more' intensive then doing traditional vertex lighting.
In case of Flipper specifically, the Lighting part of the transform unit is used to perform the setup math for per pixel effects such as bumpmapping.
There are situations where the fixed math available on Flipper will not suffice to perform the operations needed, in which case you would need to fall back to CPU for help.

Did you see what ERP said? The lighting methods the gc uses are "grossly simplified." Above average Teasy? ERP doesn't think so.
Oh dear... -__-