Is Elite Bastards pro-nVidia now?

Wow, 9800Pro is down to $127. Last fall, when I was standing in Fry's to finally replace my R8500 (which held the record for being in my system the longest), I had a 9800Pro in my hand at one point, thinking maybe I'd go for a "one year card" since I was still AGP.

But it was $250, and I couldn't quite make myself do it. Now, I'm actually starting to get "that itch" (y'all know the one! :LOL: ) for a full system upgrade anyway this fall, and move to pcie, so probably my 6800GT will end up a "one year card" anyway.

Ah well, that 6800GT made the FarCry/D3/HL2 orgy I went thru pretty enjoyable. :D But if that 9800Pro had been under $200 it might have turned out differently.
Richteralan said:
Ah...and for the topic.
I really didn't notice that EB is pro-nv now.
And I didn't feel it's very pro-ati before. I know that dig is there so they must be more or less the same :LOL: , but when compared with some other fanboyish sites(reads: driverheaven), EB is quite neutral.
Aw, thanks. I guess I should have clarified that I meant the membership/readership trend more than a site bias, EB is too much of an almagation of people to really have any particular bias....any bias one of us may have is generally counter-balanced by the others.

And we got Quinn, Zar, and Hanners to keep me inline so the ATi thing never got out of hand.... ;)

geo said:
But if that 9800Pro had been under $200 it might have turned out differently.
Sounds like we were in the same boat, and I was just thinking that recently seeing the cheap 9800 pros available. I couldn't bring myself to spend $250-300 (at the time) on last gen tech when the next gen was only a couple hundred more.

I still have yet to regret it.
jb said:
No it passes CS:Soruce in on-line players for a breif moment but it did not pass CS :p However CS/CS:Soruce players are down to an all time low..they only had about 60,000 combined this AM...down from their normally 100,000+ numbers....

Perhaps because many BF2 players are former CS:)S) players?

Digi: btw, just to be sure since I forgot the smilie, my post was in jest (I try).
I suppose the funny thing for me is that in reading Digi's original question, it never even occurred to me that he might mean editorially --I knew immediately he meant the membership. I kinda laughed that anyone would even think he meant editorially. . .then I put it down to the fact that I visit there semi-regularly, and maybe some posters here don't.

Then I happened by EB yesterday and saw (not surprised, he often does it) the same basic post there. . .and was quite shocked that many of the muckety regulars there made the same (horrified from their pov) mistake. He even got a boo-boo face out of Hanners over it.
geo said:
Then I happened by EB yesterday and saw (not surprised, he often does it) the same basic post there. . .and was quite shocked that many of the muckety regulars there made the same (horrified from their pov) mistake.
Yeah, that kind of threw me too...but the regular regulars knew what I was talking about, I've gotten lots of PMs. ;)

He even got a boo-boo face out of Hanners over it.
Yeah, but in fairness to Hanners:

1. I'd posted it in the "No Holds Barred" thread, which means anything goes.

2. The mucketies had already thrown out lots of stuff to get his mind churning in that direction.

3. I do tend to do insane things from time to time, as he well knows. ;)

I blame myself for not being more clear in my original post, but I've been just watching that thread and trying not to participate in it too much....that's what it is for.
I doubt many of us didn't really know what you meant. But as you said yourself, being in the No Holds Barred section and since it's you; this could easily have a double meaning. That's why we asked.
ZioniX said:
I doubt many of us didn't really know what you meant. But as you said yourself, being in the No Holds Barred section and since it's you; this could easily have a double meaning. That's why we asked.
Yup, and I do occasionally come out of no where with surprise attitudes/hissy-fits so I do understand it.

Understanding it and liking it though are two different things, and I'll reserve me opinion on the latter. ;)

EDITED BITS: Added the winky. Damn it, I'm not trying to rip EB peeps! I happen to love the place, please quit PMing me about it! :?
I think it's pretty simple, really. nV has shipped something new, ATi hasn't, and as usual people are making all sorts of short and long-term projections which in a couple of months will be all but forgotten when the next set of marketing-driven short/long-term projections replace them...;) Ho-hum, status quo...

I see that, predictably, SM3.0 as featured in the latest crop of nV gpus is still avidly talked about as if it was just as useful for gaming as it is for nV PR promotionals--ditto fp blending and nV's bizarre "HDR" experiments...;) Some people obviously let the PR drive them into almost a frenzy, but what else is new?

Yes, I think that in a year or two when several engines used in shipping games are making use of such features routinely it'll be time for me to look around for another gpu to see what's shipping *then* from either camp that'll get the job done properly. But right now I'm still tickled with my x800 xt which is doing a beautiful job with every game I've got, bar none. Until then I'm content to let the nV crowd happily limp along with their "optimized" benchmarks and the psychological thrill of parroting nV PR slogans for things like SM3.0 which they really can't use at all right now (but for them that's not the point, I suppose, as that's been the case for nV SM3.0 for quite awhile), while I'm content to just play the games I have and the ones I buy that are sans support for these "features" (er. when I get the time for gaming these days, that is...;))

Yes, I think it's true when they say, "the more things change the more they stay the same," if you know what I mean...:D I really wish sometimes that there was *something* out there compelling enough to make me pine for it over my AGP x800 xt--but since there's not anything even remotely tempting at this time I'm content to save my pennies in anticipation of what the rest of this year will bring--which is about the only short or long-term projection I feel confident in making at the moment.
I always have to have the "right-below-the-top-model" card at least right after the release. So I'll also wait till R520 comes and the benchies start showing up. Hopefully there'll be more choice by then (of the GT/XL kind).
the x800xt pe is just running everything like butter . i'm on agp with a socket 754 athlon 64 3000+ I will most likely hit socket 939 when i can get my hands on a good dual core a64 for aroudn 250ish , hopefully early next year and move to pci then or wait around for whatever is after the r520 , perhaps an r600 in the spring ?

Prices of the socket 754 chips are cheap. I see the 3700s around 140$ on ebay . Mabye i will snag one if i can get it for 100ish
Egads, looks like I got meself a genuine tempest in a teacup out of this same thread at EB. :rolleyes:

The thread at EB surprised me, the reaction to it was NOT what I expected. :?

On the brightside; all the admins are cool with me with it and get what I was saying as were most of the regulars, but it sure did give the nVidiot tree a good shaking. :LOL:
Until then I'm content to let the nV crowd happily limp along with their "optimized" benchmarks and the psychological thrill of parroting nV PR slogans for things like SM3.0 which they really can't use at all right now

Don't forget that the vast majority (not saying everyone) don't even have a clue as to what SM3 is or does. They just support it because nv tells them its good.
Its a matter of degree. Who are the equivalents to dig, jvd, hellbinder, waltc, et al? Chalnoth, QRoach? Chalnoth is atleast technically knowledgable, and the level of vitriol spewed at IHVs is certainly not equivalent. Hell, JVD is even a moderator. Dig breaks out in a sweat because someone, somewhere says something nice about an NV product on a previously ATI tilted site.

I just don't get why people are so attached to a $500 card or console. Before I even heard the specs for XB360 and PS3, I knew I'd own both. Currently, NV and ATI cards are very close in price/performance, but people have to make mountains out of molehills.
WaltC said:
ditto fp blending and nV's bizarre "HDR" experiments...;) Some people obviously let the PR drive them into almost a frenzy, but what else is new?

Unlike ATi's HDR experiments (= hyped feature , HL2) with the 9800 then i guess ? This time there's at least playable games using the feature, but we're still waiting for HDR enabled games that works on the 9800.
A lot of kids are buying 6600 and 6800 GT's and it's probably why EB and Rage 3D have a smell of NV these days. :)
Same thing happened to nvnews/guru3d when everyone bought Radeon 9600/9700/9800's. Nothing weird about this at all. 8)