Legion said:
Government earning power has significantly been reduced while spending has grown 26%. It's a double edged sword.
Downsizing government spending and cutting out of useless government subsidies will help to elimate much of this.
In theory. Again, what is useless spending and subsidies? Granted there are some things that are really not useful to us, such as the millions going to teach kids how to play golf, or the millions going to repair a congressman's pool in his home town that he messed up when he was a kid. But what about corn subsidies for ethanol fuel development that will hopefully help move us away from our dependence on foreign oil? Again, what we need is a public audit of congressional spending. Not a broad stroke.
Legion said:
Huh? The government's money doesn't grow on trees. Either we cut the massive spending increases, i.e. Homeland Security, Medicare (dear god that $400 Billion is going to hurt), and the other new expenses created during this administration, or we return the tax code to the Clinton era.
The nature of spending during this presidency is not static. I will more than like decrease over the years. The public shouldn't be exploited to pay for the governments history of over spending. I am surprised this puzzles you.
You don't know that spending will decrease as the years go by. As I said before, Homeland Security is still woefully underfunded, and the new medicare bill has a vast coverage hole that will eventually be plugged in the next 10 years simply because it's politically expedient to do so.
Legion said:
Again, what do you think is going to happen first?
An overall lowering of spending and cutting funds to various superfluous government subsidies.
You talk of subsidies but you haven't really given any. Do you know of any off the top of your head? I do, and I listed a few above, but you don't know all of them. As I said, what would really be helpful would be a public audit of congressional spending so we can really see where the american taxpayer's money is going.
Legion said:
How can you justify in your mind the government exploiting the people with Clinton's savage taxation plans? Can you imagine there were people out there paying as high as 75% of their income in taxes? That was ludicrous.
What the heck are you talking about? Clinton's savage taxation plans?
Clinton raised taxes on the upper income bracket and lowered them on the middle class. What exactly are you referring to??
Legion said:
Not all government subsidies are useless. Don't paint with a broad brush on this one.
I'd imagine if we looked through a list of subsidies we could find some which are useless. Perhaps not all of them are but i'd imagine most.
Well let's see if there's any way to get a line item reporting of congressional spending. You'd find many people in this country interested in that.
Legion said:
And you've obviously never been in a situation where you needed government assisted welfare.
Thats true. I fashion myself as a responsible individual.
And my mom and millions of other people who were on government assistance at one time aren't? Please Legion. Enough.
Legion said:
I feel as long as i put for a consistant effort that won't happen. Honestly i see little need for government assitance. I see it as simply pandering to indolence.
Again, not everyone who "works hard" is able to support themselves. I feel really insulted by the idea that if you simply "work hard" you won't need government assistance. There are many people in this country making minimum wage working 12 hour days who are on government assistance. There are many people who are building businesses who are on government assistance until they can get themselves off the ground.
My friend James was laid off a couple of months ago and went into business for himself. It's starting slowly and he's slowly getting his clientele together for his workout business, but he still needs that government assistance check every month until he gets himself completely off the ground.
You've obviously never been dealt an unexpected card in life. When you experience life for yourself instead of pandering high falutin ideas about "those people", get back to me.
Legion said:
I know quite a few family members who have over the years who eventually were able to get themselves off of welfare and get college degrees. But if that net had not been there, they would have fallen into absolute poverty. My mom used welfare and food stamps for a time when I was a baby out of necessity, not some inherent laziness that you're hinting at.
People make choices in life Natoma, they ought to be called to stand responsible.
My mother made no choice to be poor when I was born. She worked her ass off and pulled herself out of that situation and is completely self sufficient today. To insinuate that she was in the situation she was in simply as some punishment for being irresponsible is extremely insulting and immature.