iphone 4 or Desire HD ?

Do I think the world would be a better place without Apple? Yes, I do.
I happen to think the same about mosquitoes, racism, needless violence and natural disasters that kill innocent people.
Opinions, just that.

Then you obviously don't understand some of the less consumer marketing side of what they've done over the years. iPhone was very much a turning point in the whole cellphone market, not so much because of the phone itself but of the control that apple was able to get the various wireless providers to give up.

Your opinion is highly uninformed.
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Maybe because commenting, you should know something about the thing for which you are commenting.

Maybe I'm very wrong but afaik you can't mount a iphone as disk drive. Atleast the 3g couldn't.

Well it is a very nice display. Generally considered the best display on the market for cellphones. Probably won't be surpassed until Samsung can figure out the blue/red power/efficiency issues.

I'm not claiming it's not a great screen, it is. But the point is tons of phones had screens much better than that in the iphone before the iphone4 came out but at that moment the majority of apple people acted like it didn't matter. Now suddenly all other screens suck. Obviously that isn't true and it's probably safe to say that atleast resolution wise on a ~3.5'' screen the difference between the high end wm7/android screens and a iphone screen is smaller than when you compare it to the 480x320 resolution of previous iphones vs 640x480 and higher you had for like the past 3 years.

All phones are nominally closed as hell. In fact, the only reason "app stores" etc exist now is because of apple. The iphone when it came out radically opened up the cellphone status quo.

WM6.1/6.5 is very open. Android is pretty open too. You can sideload all the apps you want so you are not confined to the market. Only wm7 is as closed as ios.

Then you obviously don't understand some of the less consumer marketing side of what they've done over the years. iPhone was very much a turning point in the whole cellphone market, not so much because of the phone itself but of the control that apple was able to get the various wireless providers to give up.

Ripping off customers by forcing them to a single carrier and asking a much higher price than comparable products isn't something that is good for us. Only good for apple.
Ripping off customers by forcing them to a single carrier and asking a much higher price than comparable products isn't something that is good for us. Only good for apple.

I'll put this as simply as I can, do you like your android? Do you like all the options for it? Do you like that you can install apps on it? Then you better thank apple. Apple did a lot of heavy lifting as far as making the various wireless providers open up what they allowed.
Then you obviously don't understand some of the less consumer marketing side of what they've done over the years. iPhone was very much a turning point in the whole cellphone market, not so much because of the phone itself but of the control that apple was able to get the various wireless providers to give up.

Your opinion is highly uninformed.

I'll put this as simply as I can, do you like your android? Do you like all the options for it? Do you like that you can install apps on it? Then you better thank apple. Apple did a lot of heavy lifting as far as making the various wireless providers open up what they allowed.

You should be more careful about harassing other people and then showing off your own ignorance on the very same subject.

Symbian, the mobile OS that has some 10x more smartphones out there than all the others combined, has allowed application installation in the operating system ever since the first S60 device, the 7650, in 2002. There's been online purchasing of *.sys installation files ever since the first wap services.

Network association has never kept anyone from installing software in a symbian S60 device. Not in Europe (or Asia AFAIK).

I don't have to thank Apple for squat.
Maybe the americans do, but then there's the rest of the world, where all Apple did was bring overpriced, over-marketed and under-featured products.
I always suspected that anyone who hated on Apple would have more 'issues' than are raised about apple fans. Its like the whole Christian vs Anti-Christ/Satanist thing. Christians can be nutty, but you're almost sure that a Satanist would be nuttier close to 100% of the time in a random sample comparing the two.
Well it is a very nice display. Generally considered the best display on the market for cellphones. Probably won't be surpassed until Samsung can figure out the blue/red power/efficiency issues.
I popped into this thread only to reply to this...

Having used a 3GS for six weeks before my current Galaxy S, there is no way in this green and blue earth that I would say the iPhone's screen is "the best." Samsung's Super AMOLED display utterly kicks the shit out of the iPhone display, no contest whatsoever. You want to see the slam dunk? Take your phone outside at noon on a sunny day and do your absolute best to TRY to read anything on the Apple screen.

There is nothing you can do, short of putting a black shroud over your head and phone together, that will let you read that display legibly in broad daylight. The Samsung screen? Even at half brightness you can read it as clear as day.

Everything the iPhone can do in a 'dark' room, the Samsung can do better. And pretty much everything that the iPhone will catastrophically fail at in bright rooms, the Samsung will utterly destroy it.

That is all.
I always suspected that anyone who hated on Apple would have more 'issues' than are raised about apple fans. Its like the whole Christian vs Anti-Christ/Satanist thing. Christians can be nutty, but you're almost sure that a Satanist would be nuttier close to 100% of the time in a random sample comparing the two.

Yet, History doesn't show a ~800 year period where anti-christs/satanists continuously slaughtered tenths of millions of innocent people for "heresy motives", practically forbid science evolution, supported endless wars, adopted slavery as the default procedure for people in "newfound lands" and lowered the women's social status to the role of man's servant.
There is one for Christians, though.

Nuttier or christian? I'll have a look at History and take the nuttier, please.

Interesting to compare Apple fans to Christians, though. Even sounds like Apple is protected by God and Apple-haters are the bad characters you find in Disney's movies.
I popped into this thread only to reply to this...

Having used a 3GS for six weeks before my current Galaxy S, there is no way in this green and blue earth that I would say the iPhone's screen is "the best."

I'm not saying I don't agree, but surely by now most people here are talking about the iPhone4's so-called 'retina' display, rather than the 3GS's 320480 screen or whatever that is.
Interesting to compare Apple fans to Christians, though. Even sounds like Apple is protected by God and Apple-haters are the bad characters you find in Disney's movies.
Jeez. Talk about going off the deep end here. Calm down please, before you hurt yourself! :LOL:

You pretty much single-handedly validated Squill's hypothesis with that one post, man, what an epic overreaction...
Jeez. Talk about going off the deep end here. Calm down please, before you hurt yourself! :LOL:

You pretty much single-handedly validated Squill's hypothesis with that one post, man, what an epic overreaction...

Don't poke me.

I bite.
Having used a 3GS for six weeks before my current Galaxy S, there is no way in this green and blue earth that I would say the iPhone's screen is "the best." Samsung's Super AMOLED display utterly kicks the shit out of the iPhone display, no contest whatsoever. You want to see the slam dunk? Take your phone outside at noon on a sunny day and do your absolute best to TRY to read anything on the Apple screen.

We are talking about the iphone 4 display but way to read the thread. But thanks for playing.
We are talking about the iphone 4 display but way to read the thread. But thanks for playing.

No amount of wording and spin on Apple's part will solve the epic failure of backlit LCD panels in broad daylight. No amount of your own sarcasm will cover for it either.

Thus, Apple's fancy shmancy word for a backlit LCD display is just as much failure in brightly lit areas as their prior generation was.
No amount of wording and spin on Apple's part will solve the epic failure of backlit LCD panels in broad daylight. No amount of your own sarcasm will cover for it either.

Thus, Apple's fancy shmancy word for a backlit LCD display is just as much failure in brightly lit areas as their prior generation was.

err what? Sharp's ASV screens and SAMOLED both read better under sun light due to the reduced distance between the glass and screen. My Zune HD (regular OLED) is nigh impossible to read under sunlight so I'm sure it has to do with the air gap and the screen coating. Using both phones for a bit of time under bright sunlight (Singapore at that), they're pretty much legible in such scenarios. SAMOLED looks prettier in the dark though.

oops: The Retina panel is from LG (not Sharp), but I think it undergoes a similar integration of the touch panel and screen surface.
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Eh just go with a Desire HD and call it done. I mean you can root it and run Gingerbread on it if you feel like it. If you want to nerd out with your phone you can. Larger screen, aluminum construction, a very very speedy OS and once I have experienced a 4.3 inch screen there is no way I can go back to anything less.
My iphone 4's screen is hard to read while relaxing with my son at Dolores Park in the afternoons. When the sun is at full blast it can be quite a handful. Thankfully I need only walk a few blocks west and bam full readability. It does very well under cloud cover and is even good in the fog when sometimes cannot see 10 feet in front of me. Now when it's sunny at Ocean Beach is when I don't even bother using it, too much of a frustration trying to make shade with my body just to use it. That and I like watching the waves.

TorrentTranz, no need to bring that type of discussion about religion here. We have a forum specifically for that. Squilliam was using modern perceptions of those two, and not all that disagreeable given the average person. Again, let's go to RPSC to have this conversation.
I ended up needing a phone also because the Blackberry went back to my previous employer, so I bought a regular Desire last week. Although there are some issues with it, like less than stellar battery life, on the whole I'm pleased with the unit so far. No idea about bright sunlight because this is Western Europe and there isn't any. I looked at and briefly considered the Galaxy S but didn't care for the feel of it, and the HD is leaning on the oversized side for my current modest purposes. And the iPhone frankly just wasn't worth twice the price of the Desire for me, and I'm already married anyway.

That said, I still want one. Who knows, maybe I'll run into some sweet deal when I'm looking for a place in Singapore in a few weeks.
For a budget option, the Orange San Francisco (ZTE Blade known under other names elsewhere in Europe), is a fantastic choice.

I bought one with an AMOLED screen when it was first released (I paid about £90) and my sister and girlfriend now also have one although theirs have LCD screens (which are reasonable enough).

Although it only has a 600 MHz processor, this does have the same graphics acceleration as found in the Snapdragon and performance is very capable for the price. it has 512MB memory, a 3.5" 800x400 resolution screen, GPS, etc etc. The only downside is that the 3 MPix camera is pretty rubbish and has no flash, but I can live with that for the price. (Some of the Blades in Europe have a 5 MPix camera but this isn't up to much either).

One caveat is that the Blade isn't currently available in the US but ZTE are planning to release a CDMA version of the phone shortly.

Stable Froyo ROMs are now available and one of the main Cyanogenmod developers has just bought a Blade so we should have a CM7/Gingerbread ROM shortly (a beta version is already available).

If you aren't bothered about a getting a budget device, I'd agree with others that a larger screen is the better option. My previous phone had a 3.8" screen and moving down to 3.5" is noticeably more cramped, though still perfectly usable. My brother-in-law has a Galaxy S with a 4" screen and I think that my next phone (in a couple of years, hopefully) will have a similar sized screen.