Interview of David Cage(Quantic Dreams) about Heavy Rain

David Cage said:
These emotions are more complex to generate, but all other art forms managed to do it. I can see no reason why games should limit themselves to the same old basic ones.

I think the issue is not graphics, but rather AI...
Graphics may help, but I think the script, execution and length of the story are a lot more important. Take FF6 or FF7 for example (I haven't played the rest). There are so many characters, and it's more like a soap opera with all their interactions, and the story & game are long enough to develop them.
I think the issue is not graphics, but rather AI...
I believe it's a combination of storytelling and AI. If Disney can engage people on that emotional level with say, Brother Bear, something that's as removed from reality as you can get (c'mon now, talking Bears?), what's holding back the gaming industry from achieving the same results?

In any case, I'm really looking forward to this game. I wish them well.
How many of y'all have played Indigo Prophecy (aka, Fahrenheit)? The graphics in that game, IMO, were a significant detraction from its impact. The low res textures, low tesselation, poor lighting model and out-of-place animations drew my attention more than once.

But then, if they made the plot consistent and improved the game design, it would've made the game much better than perfect graphics would have, so...
I haven't played that, but I did play Syberia I & II. The graphics were pretty bad, but it's not something I focused on because of the story. *shrug*
How many of y'all have played Indigo Prophecy (aka, Fahrenheit)? The graphics in that game, IMO, were a significant detraction from its impact. The low res textures, low tesselation, poor lighting model and out-of-place animations drew my attention more than once.

But then, if they made the plot consistent and improved the game design, it would've made the game much better than perfect graphics would have, so...
I didn't think it was that much of an issue to detract from the experience. What platform did you play it on?

Personally my biggest issue was the sex scene. People may argue film sex scenes are out of place, but they seem like vital plot foundations compared to the sex scene in Fahrenheit! Didn't help that my parents happened to be in the room at the time, while I'm thrusting my virtual Peter up the pantry passage..
I didn't think it was that much of an issue to detract from the experience. What platform did you play it on?

Personally my biggest issue was the sex scene. People may argue film sex scenes are out of place, but they seem like vital plot foundations compared to the sex scene in Fahrenheit! Didn't help that my parents happened to be in the room at the time, while I'm thrusting my virtual Peter up the pantry passage..

I have played it on the PS2. Good game, not exceptional, average grafic, very good motion capture, some controling issues. The story was gripping though, and you have multiple choices on every stage of the game, which is alwas nice in my book. The story and the way it is told through gamplay choice is the main point of the game - something I waited since Shadow of Memory.
I loved the game too, but the ending spoiled it somewhat - it was suddenly a Matrix cliche, and it became apparent that in fact it was only the last interactive scene that actually impacted on the ending of the game. I managed to see all the endings of the game just by reloading the last scene and letting other people win accordingly. The Bladerunner game was a far better example of an open-ended story, on the whole. It had far more endings and there was what appeared to be a significant random element affecting the role of NPC's in the game - were they good guys, or bad?
How many of y'all have played Indigo Prophecy (aka, Fahrenheit)? The graphics in that game, IMO, were a significant detraction from its impact. The low res textures, low tesselation, poor lighting model and out-of-place animations drew my attention more than once.

But then, if they made the plot consistent and improved the game design, it would've made the game much better than perfect graphics would have, so...

I played it on XBOX, and it was quite good. I actually don't remember ever once thinking negatively about the GFX, the novelty of the gameplay and storytelling I think drew my attention far more.

It's too bad the story falls apart at the end, as it was otherwise a very great game. The sense of tension they created at times was extremely impressive.