I think the important question here is what is in it for intel to allow nvidia to produce chipsets for the P4 platform. Right now, having the via and sis chipsets around benefits them as they both produce cheap and (atleast compared to intel) somewhat "sketchy" chipsets. On one hand it helps bring the total cost of an intel cpu solution down to compete with AMD packages, and on the other hand it helps show off just how good intel chipsets actually are. An nvidia chipset on intel would only really serve to take away some of the gamer market from intel. I doubt many people would be switching from athlon to P4 simply because of the nvidia chipset (though perhaps with the number of people here that seem to enjoy nvidia's sound system, this is a false assumption). Still, intel would have to see an increase in profit for cpu sales atleast equivelant to the decrease due to loss of chipset sales. I wonder what nvidia will have to offer to get the license.