Inq Rant Hardware Sites "Docile Ass-Kissers"


Mostly Harmless
No, no. . .not about the Inq. The Inq fired off an actual rant of their own. A pretty good one, too. One that is not going to make them a lot of friends amongst other websites. Which is curious, as they seem to be the most quoted site in the hardware world.

Any rate:
Damn, guess he's talking about Tom and Anand huh? Maybe he's just pissed he didn't get some duallies to play with :)
One of the nice things about working for The INQ is that you are not only dissuaded from ever signing an NDA, but you are strictly forbidden from doing it. While this may seem like a stupid thing on the surface, it is probably the best thing that can happen to a hardware person. It takes one of the biggest levers away from the unscrupulous PR and industry people.
I can't argue too much with that one, it's one of the big reasons I've avoided those puppies like the plague!

That and it's more fun guessing than knowing I found out, it really is. :)

That was actually a good read, but I find the amounts of the bribes a bit staggeringly unrealistic....I'd sell out for a lot less! ;)
The Inquirer, complaining about other sites hosting articles with factual inaccuracies?

Good grief, the world is without a doubt a strange place...
I dunno, other than the entertainment value (considerable, I admit), I have mixed feelings about this kind of rant. Name names or keep your piehole shut. You don't win any awards for courage from me unless you're willing to name names. You don't have to make a specific allegation about a specific review if you don't have the evidence, but he also said that the pr people have told him many times which sites fall into which catagories, and that is open season.

And by *not* naming names you leave people in just as much doubt about who you think the honorobable exceptions are, which also isn't fair.
Gerry said:
The Inquirer, complaining about other sites hosting articles with factual inaccuracies?
Ah, but intentional factual inaccuracies...the Inquirererer just gets it wrong occassionally because they're guessing blind/chasing rumors.

They almost always add a disclaimer like that too when they post up questionable information, which I give them credit for more than most.
Gerry said:
The Inquirer, complaining about other sites hosting articles with factual inaccuracies?

Good grief, the world is without a doubt a strange place...

Are you inferring that Teh Inq doesn't always have the facts straight?!? :oops: :LOL:

IMO they get an A for effort even if they are off (sometimes by quite a bit) the mark. :devilish:
[H] gets a raking too, in my opinion - 19 open applications, I think it was, is the giveaway, lol.

Frankly, if you can be bothered, you can be pretty sure which webbies they're talking about.

The rant would be meaningful if we were all forced to read one webby, e.g. Anand, cos every other site had died (or been bought out, lol). Or if we were stupid enough to think that webbies don't have a revenue stream.

Meanwhile my mind boggles at B3D's revenue stream. It's so hard finding any adverts on here, I reckon Dave must be selling something behind closed doors.

It's all about the payola that goes on at the big websites in order for them to get their preview products, exclusives, advertising & sponsorship, etc. Only a site like the Inq that refuses to be beholden to the PR people can write something like this denouncing the system of companies using websites as extensions of their PR machines.

We've seen it happen in print magazines, why should websites be on morally higher planes?
Jawed said:
Meanwhile my mind boggles at B3D's revenue stream. It's so hard finding any adverts on here, I reckon Dave must be selling something behind closed doors.


You never know, but based on the style of review, and the fact that B3D is pretty much a reviewer of only things 3D that leaves a rather diminished field from which you could collect from. There would be a pretty big revolt here if something like that was going on, so I'd like to think that there isn't a chance of that happening. :)
If it is I want to know where that cash is going, because it certainly ain't my direction!

The difference here is that B3D doesn't pay for me or anyone else as we all have full time jobs here - this is only done on a volentry basis and as such our revenue only needs to cover server costs and the odd expense which is more or less covered by the ads at the top and bottom of these pages. Other sites are full time and need to generate income for all that work on them.
Personally, swapping my current s939 a64 for a dual core one sounds really cool, wasn't sure that was going to happen without a socket change, conflicting rumours last I paid attention to it, I am the type that likes things working smoothly, I want to be able to convert a divx movie into dvd format while doing other things. I want some of my ye old responsive Amiga experience back when using computers, lol.

I think any review of dual core cpus should have something like video encoding the background and benchmarking a game. That is something that will definitely give you game frame rates in the single digits on a single core cpu, but might actually be playable on a dual core cpu.

As for reviews, any time I see SysMark, Bapso, or even Sandra dragged out for a cpu review and they are comparing products from more than one company I just sigh and close the web browser.
Jawed said:
Meanwhile my mind boggles at B3D's revenue stream. It's so hard finding any adverts on here, I reckon Dave must be selling something behind closed doors.


Are you referring to his body, or various crystaline substances in high demand in some quarters? :LOL:

Oh, I've got it! He holds bake sales every weekend.
DaveBaumann said:
Other sites are full time and need to generate income for all that work on them.

"All that work" or the owners mortgage? The latter has to be paid every month whether any work is done or not. :D Christopher Buckley called it "The Yuppie Nuremburg Defense: 'I vas jes paying ze mortgage!' " in _Thank You for Smoking_.
B3D is still a hobby to Dave and the B3D gang. Hobbyist websites make more honest reporting IMO but it is interesting to see the changes that are involved in the transition to a business website (but don't quote me on that -- you know me, I don't have a lot of experience in the industry!!). It will be interesting to see what happens.

I like Anand personally but I don't like his website. Go figure.
DaveBaumann said:
If it is I want to know where that cash is going, because it certainly ain't my direction!

Reverend said:
B3D is still a hobby to Dave and the B3D gang. Hobbyist websites make more honest reporting IMO
Yup, I totally agree and it's why I tend to trust their opinions more.

but it is interesting to see the changes that are involved in the transition to a business website
No Rev, it's bloody ugly. Trust me on this one. :?
digitalwanderer said:
No Rev, it's bloody ugly. Trust me on this one. :?

Hmm. That sounds insiderish there, digi. When/where did you have that kind of visibility on such a process?

Edit: Spilling and grammer is fun.
geo said:
Hmm. That sounds insiderish there, digi. When/where did you have that kind of visibility on such a process?
On a site I used to work at that got waaay more popular than anyone expected too fast and the offers just started coming in, it took all the fun out of it. :(

I don't really feel at liberty to discuss it more, please don't ask me to. It's just something I've been thru and found I didn't have a taste for. :?