Innovative Technology


Rock Star
Wired has an interesting article about Aerogel which is a solid that is lighter than air. This is a neat product because it has substantially better insulating qualities than anything else. It is currently too expense, but that might change. It could potentially have a big impact on the amount of energy we use.,70268-0.html?tw=wn_index_13

I was wonder what other cool technologies people have come across.
...chemically identical to glass, but weighs only a little more than air.

Damnit, when you said lighter then air I was imagining solid blimps :D

I believe this stuff has been around for a little while now too.
The main problem with it, is that it is not only a little more heavy than air, but it's also only a little more sturdy than air as well.
DiGuru said:
The main problem with it, is that it is not only a little more heavy than air, but it's also only a little more sturdy than air as well.

I don't think that matters for insulation.