inFAMOUS Second Son [PS4]

What we saw earlier was just an in-engine trailer. These are actual gameplay screens.

According to a Sucker Punch dev(?) on twitter the earlier trailer was basically gameplay, just captured at cinematic angles. Anyways, I'm sure the final will look just as well.

With AA and texture rez problems mostly solved next gen I don't forsee too much need for bullshottery anymore.
Im glad we got to see ingame shots of Infamous [and other PSMeeting games] before E3. Second Son looks really great.
According to a Sucker Punch dev(?) on twitter the earlier trailer was basically gameplay, just captured at cinematic angles. Anyways, I'm sure the final will look just as well.

With AA and texture rez problems mostly solved next gen I don't forsee too much need for bullshottery anymore.

AA is solved next gen? Sadly, I don't think so...
New short video over at Game Informer. Immediate spoiler for Infamous 2.

If you have not played or finished Infamous 2 do not even START the video.

Talks about establishing canon from Infamous 2, the setup for Deslin at the start of Second Son, design decisions for using Smoke (as the initial power), their new Director (from Bungie), and control changes. No new Second Son footage if you're wondering, it all discussion and already seen clips.

New short video over at Game Informer. Immediate spoiler for Infamous 2.

If you have not played or finished Infamous 2 do not even START the video.

Talks about establishing canon from Infamous 2, the setup for Deslin at the start of Second Son, design decisions for using Smoke (as the initial power), their new Director (from Bungie), and control changes. No new Second Son footage if you're wondering, it all discussion and already seen clips.


New director ? I was wondering that a lot of those feature points sound too much like previous Infamous titles, even with a new hero. Do you mean this game has a new Game Director? From Bungie?
New director ? I was wondering that a lot of those feature points sound too much like previous Infamous titles, even with a new hero. Do you mean this game has a new Game Director? From Bungie?

Sorry, my mistake. He's a Designer, not a Director (I have no idea how I got that mixed up). It's Jaime Griesemer (the "30 seconds of fun" guy) from Bungie. Say's he's aiming to combine simple mechanics to make things very fun in Second Son.
30 seconds of fun boils down to having a solid gameplay core.
It means, if you can design section of a game that is 30 seconds long which is consistently fun and engaging, you can make a 12 hours long game by stretching those 30 seconds and repeating them with different scenarios, ennemies and whatever other variables. Think of mario. What you do in the first 30 seconds of Super Mario bros? You jump gaps and platforms, break bricks and blocks with power-ups, and avoid and stomp ennemies. After those first 30 seconds, you will do all that again and again. Every level is a repetition of the first. With variations of the layout, ennemy/obstacle type and such. But that only work because those that first level, the 30 seconds loop, was strong, well balanced and fun. If you don't nail the core, all the work you put in the game is a wasted effort. Say if you can't manage to make 30seconds that aren't shit, you will be essencially making different permutations of shit, you might get "hist", "thish", "shtist" and "shiiiiiiit", but the whole game will be still be shit.
Cheers for the breakdown milk... (by the way you are my fav drink ;-))

I'm not too concerned by the guys' design ethos or whatever, i just know that i don't want Halo FPS in my InFamous.

That is all :devilish:
Here are directfeed shots, courtesy of Gamersyde.







IQ is awesome, with minimal aliasing present in high contrast zones. I cant wait to see real gameplay in motion.
New screens






Judging by the first two screens, both look to me as if they greatly improved the character shading and textures, more than anything else.

I mean, those two pics look to me like a comparison gallery showing the "before" and "after" images.
Judging by the first two screens, both look to me as if they greatly improved the character shading and textures, more than anything else.

I mean, those two pics look to me like a comparison gallery showing the "before" and "after" images.

Looks like different lightening to me (time of day), perhaps along with an additional filter I can't quite identify. The sky in each of the pics is a good indicator of that.